

  • supp. fl. early 8th century
  • Congresbury, Wells
  • saints of Wales
  • (agents)
Patron saint of Congresbury (Cungres-byrig) in Somerset, to which it supposedly gave its name. His origins are obscure. It has been suggested that he was originally a Welsh/British saint, and/or that he was invented to explain the placename and equip Congresbury with an origin story, based perhaps on a version of the Welsh saint. His vita shows certain affinities with 12th-century Welsh Latin hagiography associated with Caradog and the monastery of Llancarfan.

See also: Congresbury
Cungresbyrig ... Congresbury
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Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–present. URL: <http://www.oxforddnb.com>. 
comments: General editors include Lawrence Goldman, et al.
Costambeys (Marios) [id. 6910. ‘Cyngar [St Cyngar, Cungar, Congar, Cungarus] (supp. fl. early 8th cent.)’] direct link
Welsh biography online, Online: National Library of Wales, 2009–present. URL: <https://biography.wales>.
Emanuel (Hywel David) [id. s-CYNG-AR0-0500. ‘CYNGAR, saint (fl. 6th century)’] direct link
Rees, Elizabeth, “Chapter 2. Roman Christian sites in central Somerset”, in: Elizabeth Rees, Early Christianity in South-West Britain: Wessex, Somerset, Devon, Cornwall and the Channel Islands, Oxford, Havetown, PA: Oxbow Books, Windgather Press, 2020. 35–68.
Bartrum, Peter C., A Welsh classical dictionary: people in history and legend up to about A.D. 1000, Aberystwyth: National Library of Wales, 1993.  

This dictionary is effectively a series of notes arranged alphabetically under personal names and a few place-names. They are the result of many years of working in the field of early Welsh history, legend and fiction, and are to some extent biassed towards subjects which were of personal interest to the author. For example there is perhaps a leaning towards genealogy and to the development of historical ideas (historiography). Thus old ideas which were current in the middle ages, but now super-seded, are referred to in order to explain their occurrence in old manuscripts and books. In particular the fictions of Geoffrey of Monmouth, and those who followed him and added to his stories, are included, but the inventions of Annius of Viterbo (1498) and his imitators, as well as those of Iolo Morganwg (Edward Williams, d.1826), have only occasionally been mentioned, although each of the last two fabricators was taken seriously for a century or so. An attempt has been made to give the essential outlines of legends and fictions, generally telling the stories without comment, interpretation or speculation

(source: Introduction)
National Library of Wales – PDF documents: <link>
Doble, G. H., The saints of Cornwall, vol. 5: Saints of mid-Cornwall, Oxford: Dean and Chapter of Truro, 1970.  
Articles, with original dates between brackets: 1. Saint Congar (1940); 2. St Ewe (1937); 3. St Goron/Goran (1938); 4. St Mewan and St Austol (1939); 5. St Nectan (1930 and 1937); 6. St Samson (1935); 7. St Sulian of Luxulian (1936); 8. St Winnoc (1940); Appendix: note on Barry [of Fowey].
Doble, G. H., “Saint Congar”, Antiquity 19:73 (1945): 32–43, 85–95.
Robinson, J. Armitage, “St Cungar and St Decuman”, The Journal of Theological Studies 29:114 (January, 1928): 137–140.
Grosjean, Paul, “Cyngar Sant”, Analecta Bollandiana 42 (1924): 100–120.
Robinson, J. Armitage, “The lives of St Cungar and St Gildas”, The Journal of Theological Studies 23:89 (October 1921, 1921–1922): 15–22.
Robinson, J. Armitage, “A fragment of the life of St Cungar”, The Journal of Theological Studies 20 (1918–1919): 97–108.
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