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Páis Eoin Bauptaist
Irish text concerning the passion of St John the Baptist
Prifuardd cyffredin
beg. Prifuardd cyffredin / wyf i i Elphin

Welsh prophetic poem found in the second story of Hanes Taliesin and sometimes known itself as Hanes Taliesin.

Reference bible
An extensive Latin compendium of exegetical commentary on every book of the Bible. It has been dated to the eighth century and is commonly thought to be Irish in origin or Irish-influenced at the least.
Reichenau Seven Heavens homily
A Latin version of the Seven Heavens apocryphon.
Ro-chúala crecha is tír thair
beg. Ro-chúala crecha is tír thair
Airbertach mac Cosse Dobráin
Airbertach mac Cosse Dobráin
(d. 1016)
Irish poet; fer légind of Ros Ailithir (Rosscarbery, Co. Cork)

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Poem on the Midianites (Book of Numbers 31).
Saltair na rann
1,947 st.
Middle Irish verse composition giving accounts of biblical history, from the time of Creation to the resurrection of Christ. It is divided into 150 cantos of varying lengths, ranging from just 3 quatrains to as many as 138.
Scél Éuagair

An Irish version of the Abgar legend, translated from the Latin Epistola ad Abgarum and found in the Leabhar Breac as a relatively distinct part of an Irish text on Christ’s household, with a variant version attached to it.

Scél saltrach na rann

A prose redaction of the Middle Irish biblical poem Saltair na rann. Myles Dillon distinguishes between two main recensions of the tract, which are most fully represented by the (incomplete) versions in the Leabhar Breac and the Book of Uí Maine respectively. The first section in the Leabhar Breac, covering the narratives from Creation to Adam and Eve, has no extant counterpart in the the Book of Uí Maine. (There is also a prose summary corresponding to the first section. It is found as a commentary to the note on place (locc) in the Pseudo-historical prologue to the Senchas Már).

Sex aetates mundi
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Solomon and the power of women
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Early Irish reworking of I Esdras, III ch. 3-4, with Solomon, king of the Greeks, and Nemiasserus replacing Darius and Zorobabel (Zerubbabel).

An teanga bithnua (modern recension)

The so-called third or ‘modern’ recension of In tenga bithnua, preserved mainly in copies of the 18th and 19th centuries, though the oldest copy may date from the 15th century.

The two deaths
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Vita Adae et Evae
Latin version of a Jewish apocryphal life of Adam and Eve, often thought to be a translation of a Greek original. It proved to be a popular work in medieval Europe, as it is attested in over a hundred manuscripts and inspired a number of vernacular versions.
Ystorya Titus Aspassianus

Medieval Welsh version of the Vindicta Salvatoris, a Latin apocryphal text on the Crucifixion in which Titus, then a local ruler, avenges Christ by destroying Jerusalem.

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