Annála gearra as proibhinse Ard Macha
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A brief set of Irish annals, running from the reign of Laegaire to AD 1134 and thought to be of Armagh provenance.
Annals of Clonenagh

A largely lost set of annals associated with the monastery of Cluain Eidnech (Clonenagh) in present-day Co. Laois.

Annals of Inisfallen
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Annals of Roscrea
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Annals of the Book of Dub Dá Leithe
A set of Irish annals that was once contained in the Book of Dub Dá Leithe, a manuscript which is thought to have been compiled during the abbacy of Dub Dá Leithe (1049-1064). The annals are cited by the Annals of Ulster s.a. 630, 963, 1004 and 1021.
Annals of Tigernach
Annals of Tigernach s.a. 1084.4
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Annals of Ulster
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Dublin fragment of pre-Palladian annals
Set of pre-Palladian Irish annals found in a single manuscript, TCD MS 1282 (H. 1. 8). The first leaves are wanting and the extant fragment runs from AD 81 (death of Iriel Glúnmar) to AD 378. Current scholarship is divided whether to regard the annals as a part of the Annals of Ulster, as argued by Daniel Mc Carthy, or a separate compilation altogether. It was previously held to be part of the Annals of Tigernach and on that account, Whitley Stokes published an edition with the title ‘Dublin fragment of Tigernach's annals’.
Leabhar Oiris
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History of the battles fought by Brian Bóruma since c. 979, with annals for events up to 1027.
Short annals of Fir Manach
Short set of Irish annals for the period 1566-1625, which are focused on the area of Fermanagh.
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