Leabhar Oiris ‘The book of chronicles’

  • Irish annals, Medieval Irish literature
History of the battles fought by Brian Bóruma since c. 979, with annals for events up to 1027.
pp. 194–207
The base text used by Best for his edition. The text is in the hand of John MacSolly.
pp. 240–275
Closely related to the text in RIA 23 E 26.
ff. 52r–57v
p. 214
Best's MS T
f. 296
Not collated by Best.
p. 93
Fragment, Best's MS P
Fragment (§§ 47-53). Best's MS G
p. 50
part 3
Fragment (§§ 43-53). Best's Y.
p. 153
Similar to K (TCD 1289).
Best suggests that Sylvester O'Halloran may have had other, fuller manuscripts to hand when he wrote [[O'Halloran 1778a |A general history of Ireland]] (1778), as a number of episodes are cited which are not present in any of the manuscript sources available to Best.(1)n. 1 The text is cited in various places, e.g. vol. 2, p. 234 ff, where he gives Chronicle of the O'Maolconneries [Ó Maolconaire] as an alternative title.
Munster (Best)
Textual relationships

Cf. Dublin Annals of Inisfallen (Best)

Related: Dublin Annals of InisfallenDublin Annals of InisfallenA compilation of annals made in Paris by John O’Conor (Seán Ó Conaire) for John O’Brien (Seán Ó Briain), bishop of Cloyne (d. 1769). The annals run from AD 250 to 1320 and focus on events concerning the province of Munster.


Irish annalsannals and chronicles, Irish histories
Irish annals
id. 35113
Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature



The text is cited in various places, e.g. vol. 2, p. 234 ff, where he gives Chronicle of the O'Maolconneries [Ó Maolconaire] as an alternative title.

Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Best, R. I. [ed.], “The Leabhar Oiris”, Ériu 1 (1904): 74–112.
CELT – edition and preamble: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Several episodes known from the Leabhar Oiris were edited by Eoin MacNeill, without the annals which precede and follow the text in Best's edition. His text is sometimes close to that found in TCD MS 1289, but no manuscript source is given.
[ed.] MacNeill, Eoin, “Cath Cluan Tairbh”, Gaelic Journal 7 (1896): 8–11, 41–44, 55–57.
[ed.] MacNeill, Eoin, “Cian mac Maolmhuaidh”, Gaelic Journal 7 (1896): 67–71.

Secondary sources (select)

Ó Lochlainn, Colm [ed.], “Poets on the battle of Clontarf [part 1]”, Éigse 3:3 (1943): 208–218.
Ó Lochlainn, Colm [ed.], “Poets on the battle of Clontarf [part 2]”, Éigse 4:1 (1945): 33–47.
OʼHalloran, Sylvester, A general history of Ireland from the earliest accounts to the close of the twelfth century, 2 vols, London, 1778.
Askaboutireland.ie – Volumes 1 and 2: <link>
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
July 2011, last updated: January 2024