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Ab Adam usque ad diluuium (Irish tract)
Latin tract on the ages of the world.
Acta sanctorum Hiberniae
Colgan (John)
Colgan (John)
(d. 1658)
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.

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A collection of the acts of the Irish saints, written in Latin. It covers those saints whose feast-days were believed to fall in January, February and March.
Additamenta in the Book of Armagh

A collection of charter-like records in Latin and Old Irish relating the activities of St Patrick in Ireland and the lands that were granted to him and his church. The collection can be divided into three parts: (1) a text about the foundation of Trim (Co. Meath), including an account of the conversion of Feidlimid son of Lóegaire mac Néill, king of Leinster; (2) a group of six records concerning churches in northern Connacht; and (3) a group of four records concerning churches in Leinster.

Additamentum Nivialense de Fuilano

Latin Life of St Foillán of Fosses, a brother of St Fursa. It was written as a supplement to Vita Fursei. BHL 3211. 

Betha Beineoin deiscipuil Pátraic

Life of St Benén, companion of St Patrick, in Irish and Latin.

Táin bó Cúailnge II
Book of Leinster colophon to the Táin bó Cúailnge
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Collectanea (Tírechán)
(c. 690)
Irish bishop and author of the Collectanea about St Patrick

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A collection of hagiographical anecdotes written by Tírechán concerning St Patrick’s travels through the midlands and the northern half of Ireland as well as a southern leg to Cashel.
Liber de virtutibus sancti Columbae (Cumméne)
Cumméne FindCumméne Find
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Vita Darercae
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Vita Mariani Scotti

A Latin biography of Marianus Scottus, written by an anonymous Irish monk at the Benedictine abbey of St James in Regensburg, about a century after his death. It offfers a glimpse of the history of the Schottenklöster in southern Germany and Austria, particularly those in Regensburg and the daughter houses in Vienna, Würzburg and Eichstätt.

Vita metrica sanctae Brigidae
beg. Christe Dei uirtus, splendor, sapienta Patris
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
No short description available

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A metrical Latin Life of St Brigit thought to have been composed by the Irishman Donatus, bishop of Fiesole between 829–877. BHL 1458-1459.

Vita prima sanctae Brigitae
Latin Life of St Brigit. BHL 1455-1456.
Vita quarta sanctae Brigitae
Animosus [al. Anmchad]Animosus ... al. Anmchad
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A recension of a Latin life of St Brigit of Kildare which survives only in two Franciscan editions of the 17th century. The editors are John Colgan, who attributed the work to one Animosus (whose name he thought to be a Latin counterpart to the Irish name Anmchad), and Hugh Ward, who attributed it to Ultán of Ardbraccan. Richard Sharpe has argued that it was part of the so-called Dublin collection of Irish saints’ lives. BHL 1460.
Vita sanctae Brigitae (Cogitosus)
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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Early Latin Life of St Brigit, possibly the earliest of its kind to survive. BHL 1457.
Vita sanctae Brigitae (lost)

It is thought that a lost 7th-century Latin Life of St Brigit underlies both the vernacular Bethu Brigte (9th century) and the Vita prima sanctae Brigitae (of uncertain date).

Vita sanctae Moninnae
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae
Vita sancti Abbani
Latin Life of St Abbán of Mag Arnaide (Moyarney, now Adamstown in Co. Wexford)
Vita sancti Aedi filii Bricc
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Latin Life of Áed mac Bricc, patron saint of Rahugh, in three recensions
Vita sancti Albei
Latin life of St Ailbe of Emly.
Vita sancti Boecii
Latin Life of St Buite (Buithe, Latin Boecius) of Monasterboice. It is a composite work, consisting of two parts: §§ 1-18, ending with the death of the saint, and §§ 19-31, on the saint’s miracles.
Vita sancti Brendani

Latin Life of St Brénainn, abbot of Clonfert, of which there are five main recensions.