Vita metrica sanctae Brigidae
verse beg. Christe Dei uirtus, splendor, sapienta Patris

Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
  • Latin
  • verse

A metrical Latin Life of St Brigit thought to have been composed by the Irishman Donatus, bishop of Fiesole between 829–877. BHL 1458-1459.

First words (verse)
  • Christe Dei uirtus, splendor, sapienta Patris

The prologue begins Has ego Donatus uirtutes sanguine Scottus.

Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
No short description available

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Monte Cassino, Archivio e Biblioteca dell’Abbazia, MS 232
It would seem that both Hardy and Kenney accidentally wrote ‘MS 283’ for ‘MS 232’.
Rome, Biblioteca Universitaria Alessandrina, MS 91
Transcript from Monte Cassino MS 232, with emendations.
Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, MS Mugellanus de Nemore 13
ff. 78r–81va
Pistoia, Archivio Vescovile, MS 1
ff. 112v–114v
Lines 29-199.
  • Latin
verse (primary)



    Brigit of Kildare
    Brigit of Kildare
    (c. 439/452–c. 524/526)
    patron saint of Kildare, whose cult spread both within and outside of Ireland.

    See more


    Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

    [ed.] Kissane, Noel, “Uita metrica sanctae Brigidae: a critical edition with introduction, commentary and indexes”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 77 C (1977): 57–192.
    [ed.] Bollandus, Ioannes, and Godefridus Henschenius, Acta sanctorum quotquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur, 68 vols, vol. 3: Februarius I, Antwerp: Ioannes Meursius, 1658.
    Google Books: <link>
    [ed.] Colgan, John, Triadis Thaumaturgæ seu divorum Patricii, Columbæ et Brigidæ, trium veteris et maioris Scotiæ, seu Hiberniæ sanctorum insulae communium patronorum acta, Louvain: apud Cornelium Coenestenium, 1647.  
    comments: The title page reads in full (normalised spellng): Triadis Thaumaturgæ, seu divorum Patricii, Columbæ, et Brigidæ, trium veteris et majoris Scotiæ, seu Hiberniæ, Sanctorum insulæ, communium patronorum acta, a variis, iisque pervetustis ac Sanctis, authoribus Scripta, ac studio R.P.F. Joannis Colgani, in conventu F.F. Minor. Hibernor, Stritior, Observ., Lovanii, S. Theologiæ Lectoris Jubilati, ex variis bibliothecis collecta, scholiis et commentariis illustrata, et pluribus appendicibus aucta; complectitur tomus secundus sacrarum ejusdem insulæ antiquitatum, nunc primum in lucem prodiens. <link> Google Books: <link>, <link>
    582–598 [‘Sexta vita S. Brigidae, authore S. Chaeliano seu Coelano Inis Keltraensis caenobii monacho’] Kissane explains that Colgan depended on a transcript of Monte Cassino MS 232 “made for him by Father Bernard Egan who collated it with Vatican, Barberini 586 and a Vatican manuscript now unknown.”
    Stokes, Margaret, Six months in the Apennines: or a pilgrimage in search of vestiges of the Irish saints in Italy, London, New York: G. Bell and sons, 1892.
    HathiTrust: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
    237–238 English translation of the prologue.

    Secondary sources (select)

    Young, Simon, “Donatus, bishop of Fiesole 829–76, and the cult of St Brigit in Italy”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 35 (Summer, 1998): 13–26.
    Kenney, James F., “Chapter IV: The monastic churches, their founders and traditions: I. The primitive foundations”, in: James F. Kenney, The sources for the early history of Ireland: an introduction and guide. Volume 1: ecclesiastical, Revised ed., 11, New York: Octagon, 1966. 288–371.
    361 [id. 151.]
    Hardy, T. D., Descriptive catalogue of materials relating to the history of Great Britain and Ireland to the end of the reign of Henry VII, vol. 1.1: From the Roman period to the Norman invasion, London: Longman, Green and Roberts, 1862.
    Internet Archive: <link>
    108 [id. 309.] Brief notice.
    Dennis Groenewegen
    Page created
    December 2021, last updated: February 2024