A chros thall ar an dtulaigh
39 st.
beg. A chros thall ar an dtulaigh
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Medieval Irish elegiac poem attributed to Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh, in which the poet mourns the death of his young son Eoghan. References are made to Irish stories in which fathers, such as Cathbad or the Dagda, survive their son or restore their son to life.
Cath Muige Tuired Cunga
Early Modern Irish tale of the conflict fought between the Túatha Dé Danann and the Fir Bolg over the sovereignty of Ireland.
Cath Muighe Tuireadh
beg. do chath mhuighe tuireadh ann so
Foras feasa ar Éirinn
form undefined
Keating (Geoffrey)
Keating (Geoffrey)
Irish priest, historian and poet; author of Foras feasa ar Éirinn

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The prose history of Ireland completed by Geoffrey Keating (Seathrún Céitinn) in c. 1634. Comprising an introduction, two books and appendices, it narrates the history of the island from the time of Creation to the Norman conquest in the 12th century. As set out by the vindicatory introduction (an díonbhrollach), the work was written in response to the cultural biases of Anglo-centric writers (e.g. William Camden and Edmund Spenser).
Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn (Ó Cléirigh)
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A modern version of Lebor gabála Érenn, revised by Micheál Ó Cléirigh and his associates in 1631.
Lebor gabála Érenn (Míniugud)

An abbreviated recension of Lebor gabála Érenn, known as the Miniugud recension. In the manuscripts, it is usually found as an appendix to Recension II.

Lebor gabála Érenn
Lebor gabála Érenn (Recension B)
form undefined
The so-called second recension of Lebor gabála Érenn.
Lebor gabála Érenn
Mór ar bfearg riot a rí Saxan
60 st.
beg. Mór ar bfearg riot a rí Saxan, a sé a dhamra
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
Ó Dálaigh (Gofraidh Fionn)
(d. 1387)
also Gofraidh Ó Dálaigh Fionn; Irish bardic poet of the Ó Dálaigh family

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Classical Irish poem by Gofraidh Fionn Ó Dálaigh in commemoration of Maurice fitz Maurice (Muiris Óg), second earl of Desmond. It includes an episode about Lug's arrival at Tara, after which Maurice is likened to the Irish deity.
Oidheadh chloinne Lir
Early Modern Irish prose romance.