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Independent, Agallamh na seanórach, Acallam bec
Dám thrír táncatar ille
beg. Dám thrír táncatar ille
Danklied einer erlösten Seele
8 st.
beg. Bennacht for in n-irnaigthe

Prose anecdote about a soul released from hell through the mediation of prayer by an anonymous holy man (maybe St Gregory), including by a poem (8 qq) uttered by the soul in gratitude for his release.

Deichdúan na h-eisséirge
beg. Ba cóir do cach crístaide

A group of ten Middle Irish poems on the week before Judgment Day, which is found as an addition at the end of Saltair na rann.

Deichen mac don Daghdha dian
6 st.
beg. Deichen mac don Daghdha dian

A brief Irish poem (6 qq) about Deichen, son of the Dagda. Details of the story suggest a merging of two characters from Irish tradition: (1) Deichen in certain narrative developments of an Irish triad about the three things that constitute a blacksmith (originally from the Bretha nemed), two of which are associated with the Dagda and the Morrígan; and (2) the Meche or Meiche who is featured in the dinnshenchas of the river Barrow (in one version of this text, Meiche is identified as a son of the Morrígan and the Dagda; in another, at least of the Morrígan).

Deichnebar cuibrind in ríg
5 st.
beg. Deichnebar cuibrind in ríg
Early Irish poem concerning the members of a royal household.
Deirbhshiúr glossary
62 st.
beg. Deirbhshiúr don eagna an éigsi
Metrical Irish glossary, which deals with c.193 head-words in the course of over 6o qq.
Dena a Ghuaire maith um ní
beg. Dena, a Ghuaire, maith um ní
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Dinnshenchas Érenn A
Dinnshenchas of Descert
beg. Athair Cailte, comul ngle
Dinnshenchas of Descert, possibly Descert Laigen
Deus meus adiuva me
beg. Deus meus adiuva me
Ua Brolcháin (Máel Ísu)
Ua Brolcháin (Máel Ísu)
(d. (c.) 1086)
No short description available

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Early Irish poem attributed to Máel Ísu Ua Brolcháin
Dia ard airlethar
3 st.
beg. Día ard airlethar
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Early Irish poem attributed to Colum Cille.
Dia do betha a Cormaic cain
beg. Dia do betha, a Chormaic cáin
Irish poem presented as a dialogue between Colum Cille and Cormac úa Liatháin.
Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
4 st.
beg. Día feasaid lim nodas fuil
Mugrón [unidentified]
Mugrón (one or multiple unidentified authors)
The name Mugrón occurs in a number of textual attributions where the identity of the intended author cannot be ascertained. The references may be to Mugrón, abbot of Iona, to Mugrón of Tuam, or someone else entirely.

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Middle Irish poem (4qq) attributed to Mugrón, which offers a verse rendering or verse summary of the preface to De duodecim abusivis saeculi.

Día lim fri cach sním
beg. Día lim fri cach sním
Dia mbad messe bad rí réil
beg. Dia mbad messe bad rí réil
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Dub Dá ThúathDub Dá Thúath
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Día mór dom imdegail
82 st.
beg. Día mór dom imdegail
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Late Middle Irish poem (82 stt. in ochtfhoclach metre) attributed to Colum Cille, which is known for its length and stylistic complexity. 

Día na ndúl dom dhídin
17 st.
beg. Día na ndúl dom dhídin
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Irish poem (17 qq) attributed to Colum Cille.
Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen
14 st.
beg. Dia ngaba apgitir Lagen
Poem. 14 stanzas. Metre: sétnad mór
Dia ngaire dam dum láim chlí
8 st.
beg. Dia ngaire dam dum láim chlí
The dialogue of Cummíne and Comgán
Early Irish poem in the form of a dialogue between Cummíne Fota and Comgán Mac Dá Cherda, with a prose prologue of later date about the two characters.
Dind Ríg, rúad Túaim Tenbath
beg. Dind Ríg rúad túaim tenbath
usually, poet of Cú Roí

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One of the rhymeless Leinster poems.
Dlegaidh rí a ríarugud
24 st.
beg. Dlegaidh rí a ríarugud

Irish wisdom poem (24 qq).

Dlighidh coire cnáimh
18 st.
beg. Dlighidh coire cnáimh
A poem (18 stanzas) added to a flyleaf of Laud Misc. 615, thanking Uaitéar Mac Suibhne for the loan of the manuscript.
Duanaire Finn
Do bádus-sa úair
3 st.
beg. Do bádus-sa úair
Do cluin Ísa guth an chluicc
3 st.
beg. Do cluin Ísa guth an chluicc
Colum Cille
Colum Cille
(fl. 6th century)
founder and abbot of Iona, Kells (Cenandas) and Derry (Daire).

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Minor Irish poem (3 qq) attributed to Colum Cille.
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