Agallamh Leborchaim
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beg. A ingen a lúath, a láeb, a Leborcham, cía Ultu ána acca?

A prose introduction, including a list of Ulster women, and passage of rosc that are found as part of the early Irish tale Talland Étair. According to the tale, Leborcham is sent north to warn the wives of Ulster heroes and notables of the impending misfortunes of their husbands in battle. Her warning is uttered in the form of a rosc in which she presents a vision of the bloody outcome of the fight. Scholars like Dobbs have regarded the text as an interpolation, although this view may be open to debate.

Brinna Ferchertne
36 st.
beg. Atchīu dā choin ac congail
A rhymed poem about the death of Cú Roí, preserved as part of a version of Aided Chon Roí. In a dream-vision, the poet Ferchertne utters a prophecy of Cú Roí’s death.
Fochonn loingse Fergusa meic Roich
A fragment relating part of a tale about Fergus mac Roích.
Scéla Conchobuir meic Nessa
Medieval Irish saga concerning the career of Conchobar mac Nessa, king of the Ulaid
Táin bó Dartada
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