Irish corra
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Source:Trecheng breth Féne/230-256/237c
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Trecheng breth Féne - §§ 230–256
§ 237c: Trí h-amra Connacht
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§§ 230–256 —
Ed. and tr. Kuno Meyer, The Triads of Ireland (1906).
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Item description
Third of the three wonders (amra) of Connacht: two herons (corra) in Scattery Island (Inis Cathaig): they do not admit any other herons to the island; the female heron flies west across the ocean to hatch and later returns with her young, but (men in) currachs have not discovered the place of hatching.
Third of the three wonders (amra) of Connacht: two herons (corra) in Scattery Island (Inis Cathaig): they do not admit any other herons to the island; the female heron flies west across the ocean to hatch and later returns with her young, but (men in) currachs have not discovered the place of hatching.
heron • miracles
Trácht Éothaili
Inis Cathaig
Trácht Éothaili
Inis Cathaig
Lexical items
Ir. corra