Irish congréinnIrish saeglonn

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Page name:
Source:O'Davoren's glossary/C 411-430/411. Congreinn
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textual items
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C 411 (congreinn)–430 (confeith)

Letter c, entries 411 (congreinn)–430 (confeith), ed. Whitley Stokes, ‘O’Davoren’s glossary’, Archiv für celtische Lexikographie 2 (1904): 261–265 direct link. It includes many citations from the final third of Senchas Már. For identifications of sources used in the text, see Liam Breatnach, Companion to CIH (2005): 120–121.

Item serial number
411. Congreinn ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
congréinn, i.e. a collection (tinól), as in ‘The chieftain (saeglonn) collects/gathers (congrenn) a multitude/crowd’.

411. Congreinn

# 411. Congreinn O'Davoren's glossary
congréinn, i.e. a collection (tinól), as in ‘The chieftain (saeglonn) collects/gathers (congrenn) a multitude/crowd’.
Lexical items
Ir. congréinn
Ir. saeglonn