Acallam na senórach ll. 718–871. The battle of Finntráig and the story of Cáel and Créde

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Ed. Whitley Stokes, ‘Acallamh na senórach’ in Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch... (1900): lines 718–871 (cf. Myles Dillon, Stories from the Acallam (1970)); tr. Ann Dooley • Harry Roe, Tales of the elders of Ireland (1999): 24–28. First day of the acallam in Munster (first part). Caílte and Patrick converse at Finntulach (‘Fair hill’). After explaining the origin of the name of the hill, Caílte goes on to tell of the battle of Finntráig (Ventry) and recount the tragic story of Cáel mac Crimthainn and Créde ingen Cairbri Cnesbháin.


‘Maith a anum, a Cháilte’, ar Pátraic, ‘crét uma tucadh Findtulach ar an tulaig-so ara tám?’


Caílte and Patrick converse at Finntulach (‘Fair hill’).

On the origin of the name of the hill.

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framing narrative
id. 26551

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Beg. A thuluch ard áibinn-si

Poem attr. to Caílte, ed. Stokes, ll. 726-742.

Caílte goes on to tell of the battle of Finntráig (Ventry) and recount the tragic story of Cáel mac Crimthainn and Créde ingen Cairbri Cnesbháin.

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Géisid cúanGéisid cúan
Beg. Géisid cúan

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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2014, last updated: May 2022

Ed. <p>Ed. Whitley <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Stokes</span>, ‘Acallamh na senórach’ in <i>Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch...</i> (1900): lines 718–871 (cf. Myles <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Dillon</span>, <i>Stories from the Acallam</i> (1970)); tr. Ann <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Dooley</span> • Harry <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Roe</span>, <i>Tales of the elders of Ireland</i> (1999): 24–28. First day of the <em>acallam</em> in Munster (first part). Caílte and Patrick converse at Finntulach (‘Fair hill’). After explaining the origin of the name of the hill, Caílte goes on to tell of the battle of Finntráig (Ventry) and recount the tragic story of Cáel mac Crimthainn and Créde ingen Cairbri Cnesbháin.</p>inn and Créde ingen Cairbri Cnesbháin.


‘Maith a anum, a Cháilte’, ar Pátraic, ‘crét uma tucadh Findtulach ar an tulaig-so ara tám?’

ll. 718–871. The battle of Finntráig and the story of Cáel and Créde +
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