Acallam na senórach ll. 290–328. Spreading the faith

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Ed. Whitley Stokes, ‘Acallamh na senórach’ in Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch... (1900): ll. 290–328; tr. Ann Dooley • Harry Roe, Tales of the elders of Ireland (1999): 11–12. How St Patrick baptised Caílte and spread the faith. On the second day of the acallam (first part), when on the advice of Patrick's guardian angels, Caílte and his fían are convened and baptised by Patrick.

Ocus do bhátur annsin co táinic maden arnamárach, ⁊ gabais Pátraic a eirredh uime...


l. 297 ff = § 29(1).

The following morning Patrick sets out to spread the faith across Ireland. In his company there are 60 priests, 60 psalmodists and 60 holy bishops.
Saint PatrickSaint Patrick
(fl. 5th century)
St Patrick
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l. 292 ff = § 29(2).

On Patrick being visited by his guardian angels Aibelán and Solusbrethach, who teach Patrick on the virtues of listening to and recording Fenian tales, relieving him of some of his religious scruples.
Saint PatrickSaint Patrick
(fl. 5th century)
St Patrick
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(time-frame ass. with Saint Patrick)
‘Little Flame’; in the Acallam na senórach, one of the angels (the other being Solusbrethach ‘Light of Judgment’) who instruct Patrick on the virtues of listening to and recording Fenian tales, relieving him of some of his religious scruples.
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‘Light of Judgment’, one of the angels in the Acallam na senórach (the other being Aibelán ‘Little Flame’) who instruct Patrick on the virtues of listening to and recording Fenian tales, relieving him of some of his religious scruples.
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l. 304 ff = § 30. Is and sin do-cuas ó Pátraic ar cenn Cáilti

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Caílte mac Rónáin or Caílte mac Crundchon meic Rónáin, kinsman of Finn mac Cumaill and a prominent member of his fían; accomplished warrior and hunter; one of the protagonists of Acallam na senórach


Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
June 2014, last updated: June 2022
Ed. Ed. Whitley <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Stokes</span>, ‘Acallamh na senórach’ in <i>Irische Texte mit Wörterbuch...</i> (1900): ll. 290–328; tr. Ann <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Dooley</span> • Harry <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">Roe</span>, <i>Tales of the elders of Ireland</i> (1999): 11–12. How St Patrick baptised Caílte and spread the faith.On the second day of the <em>acallam</em> (first part), when on the advice of Patrick's guardian angels, Caílte and his fían are convened and baptised by are convened and baptised by Patrick. +

Ocus do bhátur annsin co táinic maden arnamárach, ⁊ gabais Pátraic a eirredh uime...

ll. 290–328. Spreading the faith +
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