Irish ríg-féinnid

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It is work in progress, but we hope to get it published in the foreseeable future.


Page name:
Source:Úath Beinne Étair/sections/character Finn
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textual items
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Harleian version
Harleian version, ed. and tr. Kuno Meyer, ‘Uath Beinne Etair’, Revue Celtique 11 (1890).
Item serial number
character Finn ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
Finn: here named without patronymic; twice referred to as ríg-féinnid

concerning Finn

# Character Finn Úath Beinne Étair
Finn: here named without patronymic; twice referred to as ríg-féinnid
Finn mac Cumaill <strong>Finn mac Cumaill (Find úa Báiscni)</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Finn Cycle,Id) <br>Finn mac Cumaill (earlier <i>mac Umaill</i>?), Find úa Báiscni: central hero in medieval Irish and Scottish literature of the so-called Finn Cycle; warrior-hunter and leader of a <i>fían</i>
Lexical items
Ir. ríg-féinnid