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The most common of all superscript marks used in Irish manuscripts is the suspension stroke. This page is intended to complement the corrresponding entry by gathering a variety of examples that illustrate its many usages and organising the collection in a way which readers may find convenient.

To see further details about a particular entry, such as a fuller description, other images, related entries and manuscript sources, click on the title or the accompanying image.

For a general list of superscript marks, go to superscripts and subscripts.

Marks over single characters

c with suspension stroke
Represents: c() (Irish)c() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:
no image available

conn (reversed c with stroke)
Represents: conn, con() (Irish)con() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol, Baseline symbol

d with suspension stroke
Represents: nd, d(), ()d (Irish)d(), ()d (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

f with suspension stroke
Represents: f(), for, féin (Irish)f() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

g with suspension stroke
Represents: gn, gan, g() (Irish)g() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

i with suspension stroke
Represents: in, i(), ingen (Irish)i() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

l with suspension stroke
Represents: l() (Irish)l() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

m with suspension stroke
Represents: mar, m(), ()m (Irish)m() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

n with suspension stroke
Represents: nn, n(), ()n() (Irish)nn, n(), ()n() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

p with suspension stroke
Represents: p() (Irish)p() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:
no image available

r with suspension stroke
Represents: r(), ()r (Irish)r(), ()r (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

a with suspension stroke
Represents: an, ach, a() (Irish)a() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

b with suspension stroke
Represents: ber, bar, b() (Irish)b() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

Acht (insular s).png
s (insular) with suspension stroke
Represents: acht, cht, sed, s(), ()s() (Irish)sed, s() (Latin)
Notational device: Superscript symbol

Marks over digraphs, ligatures or multiple characters

dicitur (dr digraph)
Represents: dicitur (Latin)
Examples in context:

eter (ligature)
Represents: eter (Irish)
Notational device: Superscript symbol, Ligature

Mac-1.png Mc-for-mac.png Mac-3.png
mac (mc with suspension stroke)
Represents: mac, maic, meic (Irish)

ocus for (ligature)
Represents: ocus for, et for (Irish)
Notational device: Superscript symbol, Ligature

Sin1.png Sin2.png
sin (suspension stroke)
Notational device: Superscript symbol, Digraph
Examples in context:


Suspension strokes combined

m stroke with suspension stroke
Represents: □m(), □()m() (Irish)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:

suspension stroke (double)
Represents: □nn (Irish)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:
no image available

suspension stroke and punctum delens
□()h, □()he, □aigh(e), □aidh(e), □aibh(e)
Notational device: Superscript symbol
Examples in context:
no image available

A variation

suspension stroke (wavy)
Represents: □()r, □ir, □er, □ar, ir□ (Irish)
Notational device: Allograph Allograph of:  suspension stroke