

p. 1
Incipit: Hibernia insola in occidenti posita est
Genealogical tract.
col. 33
Note by the scribe Sean mac Torna (Gwynn)
scribal addition x
col. 66.10–col. 69.13
col. 90–col. 93
[De shíl Chonairi Móir] Incipit: DE thuidecht Muscraige de Muig Breg Gnathal dolluid
Prose narrative.
col. 147
Explicit: Hoc usque de Salterium Caisil scriptus est.
Extract from the Psalter of Cashel
col. 156a
col. 156d–col. 163
[De forslointib hÉrend (miscellany from TCD H 2. 7)] Heading/rubric: Do forslointib hErend
p. 178
Pedigrees of Irish saints
p. 187a.27–p. 188b.11
[Frithfolaid ríg Caisil fri túatha Muman] Incipit: Ri Caisil tra dorat fond...
p. 189
“left blank by the first scribe ... filled by pedigrees by a later hand ” (Gwynn)
scribal addition a
Prayer for Tomás mac Conchobair buide ... Ó Ceallaig. Written in a later hand (Gwynn).
scribal addition a

Poems in praise of the Uí Cheallaig (O'Kellys) and the Uí Madadhain (O'Maddens)

pp. 190-238
p. 190
Incipit: Leanam cairdeas chlóind Máini
Metrical genealogies of the Uí Cheallaig in Uí Mhaine
p. 194
Incipit: Imda fremh sear do sil Cuind
Metrical genealogies of the Uí Cheallaig in Uí Mhaine
p. 195
Originally left blank, but written by a late hand.
scribal addition a
p. 196
Incipit: Fidbaid cubra clanna Néill
Poem by Seaán Ó Dubhagáin (John O'Dugan) on the descendants of Níall of the Nine Hostages.
scribal addition s
p. 196b
Upper margin: note by the scribe Lúcás Ó Dalláin (cf. col. 222): Seoan O Dubagain darini in duan so ⁊ Lucas O Dallain do scribh i (‘Seoán Ó Dubagáin made this poem and Lúcás Ó Dalláin wrote it’).(1)n. 1 John Bannerman, Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974): 29–30.
scribal addition x
p. 206
Euology in alliterative prose on the deeds of Eógan mac Murchaid meic Cathail meic Madudan, i.e. Eógan Ó Madadhain (cf. p. 228), and his ancestors.
p. 210
Incipit: Uasal in síl síl Ceallaigh
Poem by Seaán Ó Dubhagáin (John O'Dugan) on the history of the Uí Cheallaig in Uí Mhaine
p. 213
Incipit: Tairngertaid tren toghbaltach ann Éirind
Poem by Seaán Ó Dubhagáin (John O'Dugan) in praise of Tadhg Ó Ceallaigh
p. 215
[Tadhg tríath os chach] Incipit: Tadg triath ós chách
Syllabic poem (15 qq) and alliterative prose.
p. 220
Incipit: As e Tadg tig anair
Syllabic poem (8 qq) and alliterative prose.
p. 221
Incipit: Tadg triath ós na trenfearaib
Poem (without visual division into stanzas)
col. 222
Note by the scribe Lúcás Ó Dalláin (cf. p. 196b): Seoan O Dubagain darini in duan so ⁊ Lucas O Dallain do scribh (‘Seoán Ó Dubagáin made this poem and Lúcás Ó Dalláin wrote it’).(2)n. 2 John Bannerman, Studies in the history of Dalriada (1974): 29–30.
scribal addition x
col. 222
Incipit: Toga ríg ag rígaibh Teamhrach
Poem by Seaán Ó Dubhagáin (John O'Dugan) on the kings of Meath. Transcribed by Lúcás Ó Dalláin (see note).
p. 226
Heading/rubric: Genelogia ceneal Aedha Ó Fiachrach
Followed by a blank.
There is a gap between p. 226 and p. 227.
p. 227
Fragment containing the last 10 stanzas of the metrical version of ?Banshenchas.
p. 227
Original blank filled by a later hand
scribal addition a
p. 228
[A Eoghain ra h-aichneadh t-arm ag sluagh Fotla] Incipit: A Eogain rahaichneadh tairm ag sluag Fhotla
Poem addressed to a certain chief named Eógan, probably Eógan Ó Madadhain (Abbott).
p. 232
Incipit: Paiter coímghi Ciarain fabar cathaibh
“on the virtues of St. Ciaran and on the history of Clonmacnois” (Abbott)
p. 236–p. 238
Incipit: Sealaigheacht so ag síl Mhaini fa seach sa réim righraidi
Poem on the history of the Uí Cheallaig in Uí Mhaine.