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verse beg. Aod mac Ainmerech na n-all

  • Irish
  • verse
Irish poem (10 qq) on different persons called Áed who were present at the convention of Druim Cett.
First words (verse)
  • Aod mac Ainmerech na n-all
p. 49.4–foot
rubric: ‘Roinn deismirechta na hAmhra cecinit ar na ríghaibh do bhí a Mórdhail Droma Cet ar cind Coluim Cille’
beg. ‘Aodh mac Ainmirech na nall’
10 qq.
f. 1ra
beg. ‘Aedh mac Ainmerech na n-eall’
p. 111
Copied from Egerton 1782.
pp. 1–2
beg. ‘Aodh mac Ainmerech na neall’
Poorly legible. The leaf is fragmentary and p. 1 is stained.
  • Irish
verse (primary)
Number of stanzas: 10 qq.
Textual relationships
Related: Druimm Cetta céte na noemDruimm Cetta céte na noemEarly Irish poem (31 qq, unattributed) on the convention of Druim Cett and those who attended the meeting.



Áed mac Ainmirech
Áed mac Ainmirech
No short description available

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Meyer, Kuno, “Mitteilungen aus irischen Handschriften: Colum Cille cecinit; [etc.]”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 13 (1921): 7–9.
Internet Archive: <link>
8–9 First five quatrains only.
Edition wanted
Translation wanted

Secondary sources (select)

Breatnach, Caoimhín, “Aspects of the textual transmission of Sex aetates mundi and Druimm Cetta céte na noem”, Éigse 35 (2005): 9–26.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2022, last updated: June 2023