
This table is still incomplete. The foliation followed is that supplied by Daniel Huws in 1990. The column numbers 1–488 are those added by John Gwenogvryn Evans when he worked on his edition of The White Book Mabinogion (1907). This replaced Evans’s earlier numbering system, which ran from col. 1 to col. 348 (see the account of the MS in his Reports), and takes into account leaves missing from the White Book on the basis of what Evans thought could be filled in from the Red Book of Hergest.

Hand D

f. 1r–f. 10r = col. 1–col. 38
f. 10r–f. 16r = col. 38–col. 61
f. 16r–f. 21r = col. 61–col. 81
f. 21r–f. 28r = col. 81–col. 111
f. 29r–f. 29v = col. 112–col. 117
f. 30r–f. 45r = col. 117–col. 178
f. 45r–f. 48v = col. 178–col. 191
f. 48va–f. 48vb = col. 191–col. 192
col. 193–col. 224
Scribe D
f. 49r–f. 51v = col. 225–col. 236
col. 237–col. 244
Scribe D
f. 52r–f. 54v = col. 245–col. 256
Scribe D
Inserted(?) leaf with a note by John Gwenogvryn Evans.
col. 257–col. 320
Scribe D