Results for B (1911)
  • Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, MS G V 2
  • Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, MS G VII 15
  • Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, MS G VII 16
  • Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, MS L IV 4 5 (lost)

Gospelbook from the Irish monastery at Bobbio, where it may also have been produced

  • s. viii
  • Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 413
  • Valenciennes, Bibliothèque municipale, MS 513
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Arch. Cap. S. Pietro E.14
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Barb. lat. 570

A collection of funerary poems and other pieces in memory of Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc (d. 1637), written by multiple hands and in a large variety of languages. The poems appeared in print in 1638, in the ‘Panglossia’ section of the Monumentum Romanum edited by Jean-Jacques Bouchard and it is supposed that the manuscript was compiled in preparation for that work. The volume includes a copy, in Gaelic script, of the Irish poem associated with Luke Wadding that appeared on p. 112 of the printed publication.

  • 1637/38?
Not yet published.

Irish manuscript miscellany written in 1718 by Seán Mac Gabhráin for Brian Mág Uidhir.

  • 1718
  • Seán Mac Gabhráin
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Borg. irl. 2
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Chig. C VI 173

Medieval book of prayers, possibly of the Irish community of the Sancta Trinitas Scottorum in Rome.

  • s. ximed
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Chig. C VI 173

Fragment of a book of prayers.

  • s. xiiin
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Ott. lat. 120
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Ott. lat. 223

Manuscript compilation of the 14th century containing Norman documents of a legal, diplomatic and historical nature. The first first four folia are extraneous and contain a copy of John of Cornwall’s Prophetia Merlini.

  • s. xiv
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Ott. lat. 1474

Manuscript booklet (4 ff) containing the only known copy of John of Cornwall’s Prophetia Merlini.

  • s. xii3/3/xiiiin
  • Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Pal. lat. 65

The manuscript preserves a Latin commentary (a glossa or catena) on the Psalms, arrranged by lemma, and is accompanied by glosses in both Old Irish (25) and Northumbrian Old English (5). For the entry on the text, see Glossa in Psalmos.

  • s. viii/ix