"4(ff.1-4)" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 1.
Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, MS Ott. lat. 1474 Unit: section 1, ff. 1-4John of Cornwall, Prophetia Merlini
- Latin, Brittonic, Cornish
- s. xii3/3/xiiiin
- distinct manuscript
- Continental manuscripts
- parchment
Manuscript booklet (4 ff) containing the only known copy of John of Cornwall’s Prophetia Merlini.
According to Curley (1982), the anonymous scribe writes in a hand which is transitional between Caroline and Gothic, retaining “use of both the ampersand et (sometimes as a verbal inflection) and the uncrossed tironian et (7), his correct use of the e-cedilla (Brentigiq, 108), the presence of open g and separated pp, and the total absence of fused de, do, bo, hoc”. Other features singled out include “the use of the gibbet form of the paragraph mark, the borrowing of the chancery practice of attaching an e to the ascender of the uncial d, the presence of both upright and uncial d and of final straight and round s, and the high frequency of school abbreviations”. The marginal and interlinear commentary is written in the same hand in smaller script. Errors in the spelling of Brittonic items suggest that the scribe “evidently knew no Cornish or Welsh”. Jane Gilbert and Sara Harris (2020) have remarked on the presentation of prophecy and commentary, saying that it “creates a mise-en-page reminiscent of glossed Latin manuscripts for the academic study of the Bible and the Liberal Arts”.
Primary sources This section typically includes references to diplomatic editions, facsimiles and photographic reproductions, notably digital image archives, of at least a major portion of the manuscript. For editions of individual texts, see their separate entries.
Secondary sources (select)
page url: https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/Vatican_City,_Biblioteca_Apostolica_Vaticana,_MS_Ott._lat._1474/ff._1-4
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