
b. 1911–d. 1963

18 publications between 1940 and 2008 indexed
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Works authored

Dillon, Myles, Canice Mooney, and Pádraig de Brún, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the Franciscan Library, Killiney, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1969.
Ó Maonaigh, Cainneach, Smaointe beatha Chríost .i. innsint Ghaelge a chuir Tomás Gruamdha Ó Bruacháin (fl.c. 1450) ar an ‘Meditationes vitae Christi’, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1944.

Contributions to journals

Ó Maonaigh, Cainneach, “Scríbhneoirí Gaeilge an seachtú haois déag”, Studia Hibernica 2 (1962): 182–208.
Mooney, Canice, “The writings of Father Luke Wadding O.F.M.”, Franciscan Studies 18:3–4 (1958): 225–239.
Mooney, Canice, “The Franciscan friary by the Drowes”, Donegal Annual 3:3 (1957): 1–7.
Mooney, Canice, “Paenitentarium S. Maoil-Ruain abbatis Tamhlachta”, Celtica 2:2 (1954, 1954): 297–304.
Mooney, Canice, “Maynooth Manutianum”, Celtica 1:2 (1950, 1950): 297–298.
Mooney, Canice, “Colgan’s inquiries about Irish placenames”, Celtica 1:2 (1950, 1950): 294–296.
Ó Maonaigh, Cainneach, “Smaointe beatha Chríost: puintí gramadaighe is litrithe”, Éigse 5:3 (1948/1946): 208–220.
Mooney, Canice, “Manutiana: the poems of Manus O'Rourke (c.1658–1743)”, Celtica 1:1 (1946): 1–63.
Mooney, Canice, “Topographical fragments from the Franciscan library”, Celtica 1:1 (1946): 64–85.
Mooney, Canice, “Irish Franciscan libraries of the past”, The Irish Ecclesiastical Record 60 (September, 1942): 215–228.
Mooney, Canice, “Ceist agus freagra 4: Fathr Bon. Callyn ye Prevenciall & Fathr Anthony Cullean Se (Éigse 1, pp. 1, 62)”, Éigse 1:2 (samhradh 1939, 1939–1940): 145–147.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Canice Mooney, “St Anthony’s College, Louvain”, in: Nollaig Ó Muraíle (ed.), Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, his associates and St Anthony’s College Louvain (2008): 200.
Canice Mooney, “Fr John Colgan and the Louvain school”, in: Nollaig Ó Muraíle (ed.), Mícheál Ó Cléirigh, his associates and St Anthony’s College Louvain (2008): 225.
Mooney, Canice, “A short history of the Diocese of Elphin”, in: Francis Beirne (ed.), The diocese of Elphin: people, places and pilgrimage, Blackrock, Co. Dublin: The Columba Press, 2000. 25–57.
Mooney, Canice, “Father John Colgan, O.F.M., his work and times and literary milieu”, in: Terence OʼDonnell [ed.], Father John Colgan, O.F.M., 1592–1658: essays in commemoration of the third centenary of his death, Dublin: Assisi, 1959. 7–40.
Mooney, Canice, “The golden age of the Irish Franciscans, 1615–1650”, in: Sylvester OʼBrien [ed.], Measgra i gcuimhne Mhichíl Uí Chléirigh .i. Miscellany of historical and linguistic studies in honour of Brother Michael Ó Cléirigh, O.F.M., Chief of the Four Masters, 1643-1943, Dublin, 1944. 21–33.