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verse beg. Nioclás Claudi, fial an fear

  • Irish
  • verse
Brief Irish poem (2 qq) in memory of French astronomer Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc (d. 1637).
First words (verse)
  • Nioclás Claudi, fial an fear
Wadding (Luke)
Wadding (Luke)
Irish Franciscan friar, priest and scholar.

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Hickey (Antony)
Hickey (Antony)
(d. 1641)
Irish Franciscan friar and theologian.

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Luke Wadding is credited in the headings, but may not have been the author. Canice Mooney suggested that the poem may have been written for him by Antony Hickey (Ó hÍceadha), a Franciscan friar active in Rome.
f. 140r

A copy which may have been intended for the printer (see Mhág Craith’s notes). Cf. the Latin poem on f. 121r.

  • Irish
1637 x 1638.
verse (primary)
Number of stanzas: 2 qq.
Textual relationships
Related: O Trou piuidic L'eun à madalezO Trou piuidic L'eun à madalez

A brief poem (3 six-line stt.) written in a late form of Middle Breton. It is found in print as part of a collection of poems, in nearly 40 languages, in memory of Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, the astronomer, humanist and patron of science who died in 1637. The addressee being commemorated, a native speaker of French (l. 11), is praised for his proficiency in the languages of the world, including Italien, Latin ha Grec / Islanrd [sic, i.e. Islandr ‘Irish’, acc. to Le Menn], Sauxnec ha Brezonec (ll. 8-9), apparently making it appropriate that he is eulogised in every language of the world (Pa deu pep langaich so er bet / Do meleudy bede à steret, ll. 13-14).



Peiresc (Nicolas-Claude Fabri de)
Peiresc (Nicolas-Claude Fabri de)
French astronomer, antiquary, humanist and patron of science.

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Vatican, Barb. lat. 1996, f. 140r.


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Le Menn, Gwennolé, and Pierre-Yves Lambert, “Éloge funèbre de Peiresc en moyen-breton tardif (1638)”, Études Celtiques 16 (1979): 211–221.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 16, 1979: <link>
[‘Appendix’] Lambert gives both the 1638 version and that given by Mhág Craith (1967), with a French translation, discussion and notes.
[ed.] Mhág Craith, Cuthbert, Dán na mBráthar Mionúr, 2 vols, vol. 1: Téacs, Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr, 8, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1967.  
comments: 118 poems concerning or composed by Irish Franciscans.

The text given is based on a transcript of the text found in BAV Barb. lat. 1996; the transcript was made available to the editor by Cainnech Ó Maonaigh.

[ed.] Wadding, Luke, “Carmen Hibernicum”, in: Jean Jacques Bouchard (ed.), Monumentum Romanum Nicolao Claudio Fabricio Perescio, senatori Aquensi, doctrinae virtutisque causa factum, Rome: Typis vaticanis, 1638. 112.
Internet Archive: <link>

First printed version, beg. Nicolas Clavdi fial an fear.

Secondary sources (select)

Mac Mathúna, Liam, “Review: Études Celtiques. Volume XVI: 1979 [Review of: Études Celtiques 16 (1979).]”, Studia Hibernica 20 (1980): 191–197.
Mhág Craith, Cuthbert, Dán na mBráthar Mionúr, 2 vols, vol. 2: Aistriúcháin, nótaí, etc., Scríbhinní Gaeilge na mBráthar Mionúr, 8, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1980.  
comments: English translation of poems 1-39 (edited in volume 1); Irish commentary on the poems in volume 1
198 Notes to the text printed in vol. 1.
Mooney, Canice, “The writings of Father Luke Wadding O.F.M.”, Franciscan Studies 18:3–4 (1958): 225–239.
238 Reiterates the suggestion that Luke Wadding was not the author and that it may have been written for him by Antony Hickey.
Ó Maonaigh, Cainnech, “Uaidín Gaelach”, Feasta 10:6 (Meán Fómhair, 1957): 2–4.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2022, last updated: June 2023