
Morris (Lewis) (Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn)

  • 1701–1765
  • Anglesey
  • scribes, authors, scholars, antiquarians
  • (agents)
Welsh scholar and land surveyor. He and his brother Richard founded the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion.
scribes:Morris (Lewis) ... d. 1765
scribes:Morris (Lewis) ... d. 1765
scribes:Morris (Lewis) ... d. 1765
Morris, Lewis, and Hugh Owen, The life and works of Lewis Morris (Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn), 1707–1765, Anglesey: Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1951.
Rowlands, Henry, Mona antiqua restaurata: an archæological discourse on the antiquities, natural and historical, of the Isle of Anglesey, the ancient seat of the Druids, ed. Henry Owen, and Lewis Morris, 2nd ed., London, Dublin, 1766.
Wellcome Collection – PDF: <link> HathiTrust: <link>

See also: Anglesey
Anglesey/Ynys Môn
No short description available

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Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion

(Welsh: Anrhydeddus Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion), a learned society founded in 1751 by a group of Welshmen in London and re-formed in 1820 and 1873.

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Morris (Lewis) [1833-1907]
Morris (Lewis) ... 1833-1907
Welsh poet who wrote in English, great-grandson of his better known namesake.

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Morris (Richard) [d. 1779]
Morris (Richard) ... d. 1779
Welsh antiquary, brother of Lewis, William and John Morris, and founder of the Cymmrodorion Society.

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Morris (William) [1705-1763]
Morris (William) ... 1705-1763
Welsh antiquary and botanist, brother of Lewis, Richard and John Morris.

See more


Secondary sources (select)

Reference works
Oxford dictionary of national biography, Online: Oxford University Press, 2004–present. URL: <http://www.oxforddnb.com>. 
comments: General editors include Lawrence Goldman, et al.
Wiliam (Dafydd Wyn) [id. 19313. ‘Morris, Lewis (1701–1765)’] direct link
Welsh biography online, Online: National Library of Wales, 2009–present. URL: <https://biography.wales>.
Jenkins (Robert Thomas) [id. s-MORR-LEW-1701. ‘MORRIS, LEWIS (Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn; 1701 - 1765), poet and scholar’] direct link
Cannon, Garland, and Caryl Davies, “Sir William Jones (1746–94) and Lewis Morris’ Celtic remains”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 48 (1996): 291–295.
Morris, Lewis, and Hugh Owen, The life and works of Lewis Morris (Llewelyn Ddu o Fôn), 1707–1765, Anglesey: Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1951.
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August 2016, last updated: July 2022