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AWR 318
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Act of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd (d. 1282), stating that Einion ap Maredudd of Dyffryn Clwyd and his heirs will hold their land free and exempt from secular service except for service in the royal army. The transaction is said to have taken place in Llannerch on 27 September 1243.

Charters from St Davids (lost)
Evidence from sixteenth-century references, by William Salesbury and John Leland, suggests that St Davids may once have been in possession of early medieval property records or ‘charters’ that are now lost except for some excerpts.

Dunsæte is an anonymous legal document which calls itself an agreement (gerædnes) between English witan and Welsh people (Wealhðeode).

Llyfr Coch Asaph
Episcopal register pertaining to the diocese of St Asaph. The original manuscript is lost, but partial transcripts were made by Wiliam Bullocke, registrar of St Asaph, in the middle of the 16th century.
S 400
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Copy of an Anglo-Saxon charter, dated 928, by which Æthelstan, king of England (924-939) granted 12 hides at Odstock, Wiltshire, to Byrhtferth, his minister.
Statud Gruffudd ap Cynan
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A set of regulations for the bardic orders of Wales, first compiled in association with the Caerwys eisteddfod of 1523 and later revised in association with the eisteddfod of 1567, again held at Caerwys. A list is found in Einir Gwenllian Thomas’s thesis (pp. 9-21).
Surexit memorandum
Memorandum, in Old Welsh and partly in Latin, entered in the St Chad/Llandeilo Gospels, where it is found in the upper margin of a folio containing the end of St Matthew, directly below another note (beg. Ostenditur). It records a dispute between Tutbulc filius Liuit (mod. Tudfwlch ap Lywyd) and the son-in-law of a certain Tutri (Tudri) concerning land at Tir Telych.