Currently selected criteria
Armes Dydd Brawd I (Yrymes Detbrawt)
beg. DEws duw delwa
Middle Welsh poem, found in the Book of Taliesin, on the events leading up to Doomsday. William Heist has argued that the poem draws on the fifteen-day legend of the Apocalypse of Thomas.
Buchedd Anna
Welsh apocryphal legend of St Anne, mother of the Virgin Mary.
Ef a wnaeth Panthon
beg. Ef a wnaeth Panthon
Esgyniad Mair i'r Nef

Welsh versions of the Transitus Mariae Beatae.

Gwyrthyeu e Wynvydedic Veir
A Middle Welsh collection of (up to) 28 miracles of the Virgin Mary.
Ystorya Titus Aspassianus

Medieval Welsh version of the Vindicta Salvatoris, a Latin apocryphal text on the Crucifixion in which Titus, then a local ruler, avenges Christ by destroying Jerusalem.