Betha Decclain
Vernacular Irish translation of the Latin Life of St Declán of Ardmore (Vita sancti Declani).
Betha Féchín Fabair
Nicól ÓgNicól Óg
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Irish Life of St Féchín of Fore. According to a note in the manuscript (NLI MS G 5), it is based on a Latin work and was translated into Irish by Nicól Óg, abbot of Cong.

Irish Life of Catherine of Alexandria
form undefined
Ó Gilláin (Enóg)Ó Gilláin (Enóg)
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Irish Life of St Catherine of Alexandria.
Irish Life of Mo Chóemóc of Leigh

Irish translation of the Latin vita of St Mo Chóemóc, abbot of Liath Mo Chóemóc (Leamakevoge or Leigh, Co. Tipperary).

Páis Cristoforus
Medieval Irish passion of Saint Christopher, dog-headed saint, evangelist and martyr.
Vita sancti Fechini ex MSS Hibernicis (Colgan)
Colgan (John)
Colgan (John)
(d. 1658)
Irish Franciscan at St Anthony’s College, Louvain; scholar, theologian, editor and hagiographer.

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The second vita of St Féchín printed by John Colgan in his Acta sanctorum Hiberniae. Colgan made use of three Irish sources, which he conflated and translated into Latin to produce a composite text. The first life he found in a manuscript associated with Féchín's monastery in the island of Omey (vnam fusam ex Codice Immaciensi in Connacia, quam eius compilator aliàs recentior ... indicat ... desumptam esse ex alia latina); the second life is described as aliam habemus stylo plane uetusto et magnae fidei, sed principio et fine carentem. Plummer suggests that these lives must have corresponded to the vernacular life and homily found in NLI MS G 5. The third source is a metrical version now lost (tertiam uero uetusto et eleganti metro lxxiv distichis constante).