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Val a cauas Elen y Grog
Middle Welsh version of the Invention of the True Cross.
Vies des saints de la Bretagne Armorique (Albert Le Grand)
Le Grand (Albert)
Le Grand (Albert)
Breton Dominican friar and hagiographer, author of Les vies des saints de la Bretagne Armorique (Nantes, 1637).

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Printed collection of the lives of Breton saints, written in French by the Dominican Albert Le Grand (1599-1641). The work was first printed in 1636/1637, with new editions appearing after his death in 1659 and 1680.
Virtutes sancti Fursei
form undefined
Anonymous Latin text about St Fursa (d. c.650) and his miracles, composed perhaps around 800, or a little later. It was probably written as a supplement to the saint’s first Life, Vita sancti Fursei (7th c.), a role which it maintained in the manuscripts, where the Virtutes is always found in association with the Vita. BHL 3213.
Visiones sanctae Aldegundis (Subnius)
Subnius [abbot of Nivelles]
Subnius ... abbot of Nivelles
(s. vii)
Abbot of Nivelles, who is said to have recorded the visions of Aldegund of Maubeuge and whose account of them was used by the author of her Vita; possibly an Irishman whose name in Irish was Suibne.

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An account of the visions and revelations of St Aldegund, which is purported to have been written by Subnius or Subinus, abbot of Nivelles, and which is now lost if it existed at all. The anonymous author of the Vita prima of the saint claimed to have used it: Supradicta famula Dei Aldgunda de visionibus atque revelationibus spiritalibus, quas Christus ei sponsus eius revelavit, cuidam viro religioso Subnio abbati de Nivialensi monasterio narravit ordinanter et scribendo tradidit.

Vita abbreviata sancti Winwaloei

An abbreviated version of Wrdisten’s Life of St Winwaloe, in 21 lectiones, produced perhaps in northern France. BHL 8961.

Vita brevior sancti Winwaloei

Shorter version of the Latin Life of Winwaloeus (Gwenolé), abridged from the longer version written by Wrdisten. BHL suppl. 8956d. In addition to being generally shorter, it also adds to it by borrowing an episode from the vita of St Ethbin, in which Christ appears to Gwenolé and Ethbin as a leper.

Vita compendiosa sancti Winwaloei
Bernard (Jacques) [d. 1652]
Bernard (Jacques) ... d. 1652
Jesuit hagiographer.

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A short redaction of Wrdisten’s vita of St Winwaloe from Quimper MS 16, created by the Jesuit Jacques Bernard (d. 1652) for inclusion in the Acta sanctorum (Martius I). BHL 8964.

Vita Darercae
form undefined
Vita et homelia sancti Winwaloei (Wrdisten)
Wrdisten (Gurdisten)
(fl. 9th century)
Abbot of Landévennec and author of a Life of St Winwaloe/Gwenolé.

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A letter written probably by Wrdisten, abbot of Landévennec and author of the vita longior of Winwaloe, to John, bishop of Arezzo. The letter was intended to accompany a gift of relics sent to the bishop and offers a summary of Winwaloe’s life by the same author. BHL 8960.

Vita Gildae (Caradoc of Llancarfan)
Caradog of Llancarfan
Caradog of Llancarfan
(d. after 1138)
Welsh hagiographer

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Second known vita of Gildas, written in the 12th century by the Welsh cleric Caradog of Llancarfan. It is a work of hagiogaphical and historical fiction intended to associate the abbey of Glastonbury with the saint. The text is known for weaving Arthurian legend into its narrative world and offers an early account of the abduction of Gwenhwyfar by Melwas.

Vita I sancti Samsonis

First extant Latin Life of St Samson, bishop of Dol. BHL 7478-7479.

Vita interpolata sancti Winwaloei

A short redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, based on an abridged, homiletic redaction (BHL 8962, called Sermunculus de vita s. Winwaloei by J.-C. Poulin). BHL 8953. A distinct feature of the present version is that it also borrows an episode relating to St Ethbin from the Vita brevior, with a unique conclusion in which both saints travel to Ireland.

Vita longior sancti Machutis (anonymous)

A redaction of the life of the Btreton saint Malo (Machutus) of Alet. BHL 5118 (a-b).

Vita Mariani Scotti

A Latin biography of Marianus Scottus, written by an anonymous Irish monk at the Benedictine abbey of St James in Regensburg, about a century after his death. It offfers a glimpse of the history of the Schottenklöster in southern Germany and Austria, particularly those in Regensburg and the daughter houses in Vienna, Würzburg and Eichstätt.

Vita metrica sanctae Brigidae
beg. Christe Dei uirtus, splendor, sapienta Patris
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
Donatus Scottus of Fiesole
No short description available

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A metrical Latin Life of St Brigit thought to have been composed by the Irishman Donatus, bishop of Fiesole between 829–877. BHL 1458-1459.

Vita metrica sancti Brendani
beg. Vana vanis garriat pagina pagana ... Ortus in Hybernia flos est puerorum ... Vigeat et valeat Alexander meus. Amen
Walter of ChâtillonWalter of Châtillon
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A Latin poem (312 stanzas) on the voyage of St Brendan of Clonfert, translated or adapted from Benedeit's Old French poem on the subject. It is dedicated to Pope Alexander III and on stylistic grounds, its authorship is attributed to Walter of Châtillon. BHL 1445.

Vita prima sanctae Brigitae
Latin Life of St Brigit. BHL 1455-1456.
Vita prima sanctae Wenefredae
Anonymous Latin Life of Winifred or Gwenfrewi.
Vita prima sancti Neoti
First Latin Life of St Neot, thought to have been composed in the middle of the 11th century.
Vita quarta sanctae Brigitae
Animosus [al. Anmchad]Animosus ... al. Anmchad
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A recension of a Latin life of St Brigit of Kildare which survives only in two Franciscan editions of the 17th century. The editors are John Colgan, who attributed the work to one Animosus (whose name he thought to be a Latin counterpart to the Irish name Anmchad), and Hugh Ward, who attributed it to Ultán of Ardbraccan. Richard Sharpe has argued that it was part of the so-called Dublin collection of Irish saints’ lives. BHL 1460.
Vita Richarii (Alcuin)
(d. 804)
English clergyman, scholar and poet.

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Alcuin’s revised version of the vita of Richarius (Riquier), an early 7th-century Frankish nobleman and founder of the monastery of Centula (Saint-Riquier, Picardy).
Vita Richarii primigenia
Earliest vita of Richarius (Riquier), an early 7th-century Frankish nobleman and founder of the monastery of Centula (Saint-Riquier, Picardy). The text has been dated to the late 7th century.
Vita sanctae Aldegundis prima

Anonymous vita of Aldegund, abbess of Maubeuge.

Vita sanctae Brigitae (Cogitosus)
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Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Early Latin Life of St Brigit, possibly the earliest of its kind to survive. BHL 1457.
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