Vita interpolata sancti Winwaloei

  • Latin
  • prose

A short redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, based on an abridged, homiletic redaction (BHL 8962, called Sermunculus de vita s. Winwaloei by J.-C. Poulin). BHL 8953. A distinct feature of the present version is that it also borrows an episode relating to St Ethbin from the Vita brevior, with a unique conclusion in which both saints travel to Ireland.

ff. 129v–132v
rubric: ‘Incipit vita sancti Wingaloei confessoris’
beg. ‘Ad exponendam uobis dilectisssimi fratres huius diei celebritatem quam nobis uenerabilem sancti Uuingualoei merita attestantur’
For the possible existence of another copy, see Sermunculus de vita sancti Winwaloei.
  • Latin
prose (primary)
Textual relationships
(Possible) sources: Sermunculus de vita sancti WinwaloeiSermunculus de vita sancti Winwaloei

Short, homiletic redaction of the vita of St Winwaloe, in 17 lectiones. BHL 8962.

Vita brevior sancti WinwaloeiVita brevior sancti Winwaloei

Shorter version of the Latin Life of Winwaloeus (Gwenolé), abridged from the longer version written by Wrdisten. BHL suppl. 8956d. In addition to being generally shorter, it also adds to it by borrowing an episode from the vita of St Ethbin, in which Christ appears to Gwenolé and Ethbin as a leper.

Related: Vita (longior) sancti WinwaloeiVita (longior) sancti WinwaloeiLonger version of the Latin Life of Winwaloeus (Guénolé) written by Wrdisten. BHL 8957–8958. The bulk of the work is in prose (BHL 8957), while the final part gives a shorter, metrical account (BHL 8958).



origins of Brittany (narrative world), c. 4th-6th centuuries
origins of Brittany (narrative world), c. 4th-6th centuuries
id. 63849

The time of migration and settlememt in Brittany, c. 4th-6th century, typically associated with the founding rulers (Conan Meriadoc, Gradlon/Grallon, Guiomar/Guigemar, etc.) and early founding saints (e.g. Paul Aurelian, Samson of Dol, Tudwal/Tugdual of Tréguier, Winwaloe of Landevenneg, Brioc, Malo, Corentin of Quimper, Paternus/Padarn, Goueznou).

(supp. fl. 6th c.)
Reputed founder, first abbot and patron saint of Landévennec in Cornouaille (now in Finistère, Brittany).

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(time-frame ass. with origins of Brittany (narrative world))
Saint in Brittany, of obscure origins. His vita associates him with the monastery of Tauracus (possibly in Taulé, Carantec, Finistère) and with Winwaloe/Gwenolé of Landévennec. He is also said to have been educated by Samson of Dol and to have spent the final years of his life in Ireland. Montreuil-sur-Mer possessed relics of the saint and it has been suggested that his vita was composed there.

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Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

Edition wanted
[ed.] Bollandists, Catalogus codicum hagiographicorum latinorum: antiquiorum saeculo XVI qui asservantur in Bibliotheca Nationali Parisiensi, tomus III, Brussels, Paris: Schepens, Picard, 1893.
Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link>
133 Catalogue description of the manuscript, which quotes the additional episode concerning Winwaloe and Ethbin.

Secondary sources (select)

Poulin, Joseph-Claude, “Les réécritures dans l’hagiographie bretonne (VIIe-XIe siècles)”, in: Monique Goullet, and Martin Heinzelmann (eds), La réécriture hagiographique dans l’occident médiéval: transformations formelles et idéologiques, 58, Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke, 2003. 145–194.
 : <link>
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
January 2023, last updated: June 2023