Irish story of Albert of Germany

Brief Irish devotional story concerning a certain Albert (Ailibertus, Aliberd), bishop in Germany, who made Christ reveal to him the seven, or eight, things that are best for the soul and most pleasing to God as well as a rule consisting of 15 Our Fathers. Grosjean, with the help of suggestions made to him, has identified the story as a version on the theme of Christ’s nine answers, variants of which circulated widely throughout Europe, both in Latin and in the vernacular, in the 14th and 15th centuries and sometimes appear with an attribution to Albert(us)/Albrecht.

Irish story of Comgall and the foreign monk
Anecdote about Comgall of Bangor facing devotional competition from a foreign monk. 
Irish story of gigantic women cast ashore
Two anecdotal stories about giantesses being cast ashore. 
Irish story of Silvius

A short Irish account of Silvius, son of Ascanius and father of Brutus of Troy. The text is indebted to the Irish adaptation of the Historia Brittonum known as Lebor Bretnach, which it quotes in places, but also adds material to it, such its opening passage on Vulcan the smith.

Irish story of the nine answers of Christ

A short Irish devotional story about a poor man of God who through prayer, made Christ reveal to him the nine things that are most pleasing to God. It provides a version of the so-called ‘nine answers’ or ‘nine virtues of Christ’, which circulated more widely in Europe, in both Latin and the vernacular, during the 14th and 15th centuries. It differs from another Irish version in which it is Albert of Germany who receives the responses. The present text comes with the statement that the miraculous incident took place in 1315 (mile bliadhna ⁊ tri cet ⁊ .u. bliadhna deg).

Irish tract on the origins of alphabets
A Middle Irish tract on the invention or discovery of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin alphabets.
Irish treatise on the twelve apostles (genealogy, appearance, death)
An Irish treatise on the Twelve Apostles, their genealogies, their personal appearances (chiefly hair and beards), their deaths and their burial places.
Irish version of Bede's Historia ecclesiastica (Books I-II)
Middle Irish version of the first two books of Bede’s Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum.
Is aoibhinn Sliabh Cua rod clos
beg. Is aoibhinn Sliabh Cua rod clos
A ballad on the death of Garaid’s son Aod. The story of Aod's quarrel with Muc Smaile for killing his uncle Goll mac Morna, which is known from the Acallam na senórach (ed. Stokes, ending on line 2009), is continued here. E. J. Gwynn(1)n. 1 E. J. Gwynn • J. H. Lloyd, ‘The burning of Finn’s house’, Ériu 1 (1904): 13. summarises the tale as follows:
“Muc Smaile had killed Aod's uncle Goll mac Morna, and had refused to give an eric that Aod considered sufficient. Aod seeks him out at Sliabh Cua, and kills him in single combat: whereupon he is surrounded, with a handful of the Clann Morna, by six hundred of Muc Smaile's men, all of whom are slain in the fight that follows, except their leader Fionn mac Cubhain. But Aod has been twice wounded; 'clouds of weakness' fall on him; the sea comes in, he is unable to stir, and is drowned by the rising tide”.
Duanaire Finn, Tóruigheacht Dhiarmada agus Ghráinne
Is cuimhin liom an imirt
27 st.;21 st.
beg. Is cuimhin liom an imirt
Dinnshenchas of Snám Dá Én
Is de sin atá Áth Lúain
1 st.
beg. Is de sin atá Áth Lúain
Quatrain beginning ‘Is de sin atá Áth Lúain’ cited in the Dinnshenchas of Snám Dá Én.
Duanaire Finn
Is fada anocht a nOilfinn
8 st.
beg. Is fada anocht a nOilfinn
Acallam na senórach
Is úar geimred at-racht gáeth
beg. Is úar geimred, at-racht gáeth
Duanaire Finn
Iss é súd colg in laoich láin
59 st.
beg. Iss é súd colg in laoich láin
Duanaire Finn
La da ndechaidh Fionn na bhfían
24 st.
beg. La da ndechaidh Fionn na bhfían
Duanaire Finn
La da rabhamur a nDún Bó
40 st.
beg. Lá dá rabhamur a nDún Bó
Independent, Duanaire Finn, Agallamh Oisín agus Phádraig
La da raibh Fionn ag ol
19 st.;127 st.
beg. La da raibh Fionn ag ol
Duanaire Finn
La da raibh Padraic a nDún
26 st.
beg. La da raibh Padraic a nDún
Duanaire Finn
Lá do bhí sealg Shléibhe Guillenn
170 st.
beg. Lá do bhí sealg Shléibhe Guillenn / do hinnioll ré mac Cumhaill
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