Nomina episcoporum Hibernensium
List of 292 Irish saints classified as bishops. It is associated in the manuscripts with two similar lists of saints who have been priests or deacons.
Nomina sacerdotum Hibernensium
List of 277 Irish saints classified as priests (sacerdotes). It is closely associated in the manuscripts with two similar lists of saints who have been bishops or deacons.
Páis Cristoforus
Medieval Irish passion of Saint Christopher, dog-headed saint, evangelist and martyr.
Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
13 st.
beg. Pátraicc Macha mártai Gaídil
Middle Irish poem (13 st.) in praise of St Patrick.
Scél ar mnái tsagairt ar fagail báis dí
Irish anecdote about the burial of a priest's wife. 
Scél for mírbuil Póil

Short medieval Irish legend on the passion of St Paul, with an account of his decapitation and miraculous recapitation (recovery of his head). It is similar to the version told in the Irish homily Páis Petair ocus Póil

Scél in dá lenab
A short medieval Irish story, being an adaptation of the legend known the ‘Jew of Bourges’, which is itself a localised version of the ‘legend of the two infants’. Two children, one Christian and the other Jewish, are visiting a Christian temple together, in the course of which the Jewish boy learns about Jesus, the Crucifixion and the Virgin Mary, and partakes of consecrated bread. When the latter comes home, he is castigated for this by his father, who throws his son into a burning furnace. A miracle is witnessed the following day, when the child proves to be alive and well again, having received Mary’s protection, and declares himself to be a fosterson of hers. The boy’s parents convert to Christianity. Like many of the French versions of this narrative, the Irish story is set in France.
Senchas muici fhéili Martain

Short Irish anecdote which gives an origin story for the monastic custom of slaughtering pigs on the eve of St Martin‘s feast-day (Martinmas, celebrated on 11 November). St Patrick is said have received the monastic tonsure from St Martin and to have instituted the custom in his honour.

Story of Mo Chóe and the angel
A short story in which Mo Chóe (Caelán), while building his church at Nendrum, is approached by an angel in the form of a magnificent bird. Two versions of it are known, one of which is found in the entry for the saint's feast-day in the Martyrology of Donegal.