In cath catharda

Medieval Irish adaptation of the first seven books of the classical Latin poem Pharsalia by Lucan. It rates as one of the longest literary prose texts to survive from medieval Ireland.

Imtheachta Æniasa

Irish vernacular adaptation of Vergil’s Aeneid, produced perhaps in the 12th century.

Irish story of Silvius

A short Irish account of Silvius, son of Ascanius and father of Brutus of Troy. The text is indebted to the Irish adaptation of the Historia Brittonum known as Lebor Bretnach, which it quotes in places, but also adds material to it, such its opening passage on Vulcan the smith.

Riss in mundtuirc
Middle Irish adaptation of episodes from the Theban Cycle, drawing on Statius and Ovid. It relates a number of unfortunate events which transpired after Vulcan forged a necklace for Harmonia.
Romul ocus Remul
Story of the birth of Romulus and Remus.
Scéla Alaxandair maic Pilip

Middle Irish saga on the career and conquests of Alexander the Great, based on an account in Orosius’ Historiae adversus paganos, Alexander’s letter to Aristotle about India and the correspondences known as the Collatio cum Dindimo.

Sgél in Mhínaduir
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Sloiged már rucsat Gréic co Hebríb fechtas n-aile
Short Middle Irish prose text preserved in the Book of Leinster.
Togail na Tebe
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Middle Irish prose translation of the Thebaid, a Latin poem by Statius about the Seven against Thebes.
Togail Troí
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Middle Irish adaptation of the Historia de excidio Troiae (6th century) ascribed to Dares Phrygius.