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Anecdota from Irish manuscripts, ed. Meyer (Kuno) • Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.) • O'Keeffe (J. G.), vol. 3 (1910)

Anecdota from Irish manuscripts, ed. Meyer (Kuno) • Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.) • O'Keeffe (J. G.), vol. 4 (1912)

Anecdota from Irish manuscripts, ed. Meyer (Kuno) • Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.) • O'Keeffe (J. G.), vol. 5 (1913)

Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen: Internationale Fachkonferenz des Zentrums für Mittelalterstudien der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, 2. bis 4. August 1999, ed. Bergmann (Rolf) • Glaser (Elvira) • Moulin-Fankhänel (Claudine) (2001)

Berkeley (G. F. H.), The Irish battalion in the papal army of 1860 (1929)

Berlis (Angela) • Korte (Anne-Marie), Alledaags en buitengewoon: spiritualiteit in vrouwendomeinen (2012)

Bernard (Edward), Catalogi librorum manuscriptorum Angliae et Hiberniae: in unum collecti cum indice alphabetico (1697)

Atkinson (Robert) • Bernard (J. H.), The Irish Liber hymnorum (1898)

Atkinson (Robert) • Bernard (J. H.), The Irish Liber hymnorum: Text and introduction, vol. 1 (1898)

Atkinson (Robert) • Bernard (J. H.), The Irish Liber hymnorum: Translation and notes, vol. 2 (1898)

Bernhardt-House (Phillip A.), Werewolves, magical hounds, and dog-headed men in Celtic literature: a typological study of shape-shifting (2010)

Feestbundel aangeboden aan prof. dr. D. P. Blok, ed. Berns (J. B.) • Hendriks (P. A.) • Leupen (P. H. D.) (1990)

Tradition und Wertung: Festschrift für Franz Brunhölzl zum 65. Geburtstag, ed. Rädle (Fidel) • Silagi (Gabriel) • Bernt (Günter) (1989)

Ellis (Peter Berresford), The Cornish language and its literature (1974)

Berschin (Walter), Griechisch-Lateinisches Mittelalter: von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues (1980)

Biographie und Epochenstil im lateinischen Mittelalter: Karolingische Biographie 750-920 n. Chr., ed. Berschin (Walter), vol. 3 (1991)

Palatina-Studien: 13 Arbeiten zu Codices Vaticani Palatini latini und anderen Handschriften der alten Heidelberger Sammlung, ed. Berschin (Walter) (1997)

Mittellateinische Studien II, ed. Berschin (Walter) (2010)

Berthelot (André), Rufus Festus Avienus. Ora maritima (1934)

Best (R. I.), Bibliography of Irish philology and of printed Irish literature (1913)

Best (R. I.), The commentary on the psalms with glosses in Old-Irish preserved in the Ambrosian Library (Ms. C 301 inf.) (1936)

Best (R. I.), Bibliography of Irish philology and manuscript literature: publications 1913-1941 (1942)

Best (R. I.), MS. 23 N 10 (formerly Betham 145) in the library of the Royal Irish Academy (1954)

Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.), Lebor na hUidre: Book of the Dun Cow (1929)

Best (R. I.) • Lawlor (H. J.), The martyrology of Tallaght: from the Book of Leinster and MS. 5100–4 in the Royal Library, Brussels (1931)

Best (R. I.) • MacNeill (Eoin), The annals of Inisfallen: reproduced in facsimile from the original manuscript (Rawlinson B 503) in the Bodleian Library (1933)

Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), Togail Troí, from the Book of Leinster, vol. IV (1966)

Thurneysen (Rudolf) • Best (R. I.), Senchas Már: facsimile of the oldest fragments from Ms.H.2.15 in the library of Trinity College, Dublin (1931)

Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 1 (1954)

Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 2 (1956)

Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 3 (1957)

Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 4 (1965)

Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála, vol. 5 (1967)

O'Sullivan (Anne) • Bergin (Osborn) • Best (R. I.) • O'Brien (M. A.), The Book of Leinster, formerly Lebar na Núachongbála (1954–1983)

Betham (William), Irish antiquarian researches, vol. 1 (1826)

Betham (William), Irish antiquarian researches (1826–1827)

Betham (William), Irish antiquarian researches, vol. 2 (1827)

Betham (William), The Gael and Cymbri, or an inquiry into the origin and history of the Irish Scoti, Britons, and Gauls, and of the Caledonians, Picts, Welsh, Cornish, and Bretons (1834)

Le celtisme et l’interceltisme aujourd’hui. Actes du colloque de Lorient des 11 et 12 octobre 2011, ed. Bévant (Yann) • Denis (Gwendal) (2012)

The kingship and landscape of Tara, ed. Bhreathnach (Edel) (2005)

Bhreathnach (Edel), Tara: a select bibliography (1995)

The Irish Franciscans, 1534–1990, ed. Bhreathnach (Edel) • MacMahon (Joseph) • McCafferty (John) (2009)

Bianchi (Tony), Richard Vaughan (1984)

Bice (Christopher), The Tregear manuscript: Homelyes xiii in Cornysche (1969)

Bice (Christopher), The Tregear manuscript: Homelyes xiii in Cornysche (1994)

Hommages à Joseph Bidez et à Franz Cumont (1949)

Bieler (Ludwig), Codices Patriciani Latini: a descriptive catalogue of Latin manuscripts relating to St. Patrick (1942)

Bieler (Ludwig), The life and legend of St Patrick: problems of modern scholarship (1949)

Bieler (Ludwig), Libri epistolarum Sancti Patricii episcopi (1951–1952)

Bieler (Ludwig), The works of St. Patrick. St. Secundinus: Hymn on St. Patrick (1953)