
Bernard, J. H., and Robert Atkinson, The Irish Liber hymnorum, 2 vols, vol. 2: Translation and notes, Henry Bradshaw Society, 14, London: Henry Bradshaw Society, 1898.

  • Book/Monograph
Citation details
The Irish Liber hymnorum : Translation and notes- vol. 2 (2 vols)
Henry Bradshaw Society
Part of
Robert Atkinson • J. H. Bernard, The Irish Liber hymnorum (1898)
Online resources
– originally from Google Books resource: The Internet Archive (
– originally from Google Books (missing: pp. 18-19, 86-87) resource: The Internet Archive (
Volume 1: Text and introduction
Volume 2: Translation
Subjects and topics
§ 1. ‘The metrical systems of the Latin hymns’ (p. ix); § 2. ‘The metrical systems of the Irish hymns’ (p. xxxi)
“Translations of the Irish prefaces and hymns”

1. ‘Preface to the hymn Audite omnes’ (p. 3); 2. ‘Preface to the hymn Christus in nostra insula’ (p. 8); 3. ‘Preface to the hymn Celebra Iuda’ (p. 9); 4. ‘Preface to the hymn Parce Domine’ (p. 11); 5. ‘Preface to the hymn Sen Dé’ (p. 12); 5. ‘The hymn Sen Dé’ (p. 14); 6. ‘Preface to the hymn Cantemus in omni die’ (p. 17); 7. ‘Preface to the hymn Hymnum dicat’ (p. 18); 8. ‘Preface to the hymn In trinitate spes mea’ (p. 19); 9. ‘Preface to the hymn Martine te deprecor’ (p. 20); 10. ‘Preface to the hymn Gloria in excelsis’ (p. 21); 11. ‘Preface to the hymn Magnificat’ (p. 22); 13. ‘Preface to the hymn Te Deum’ (p. 22); 14. ‘Preface to the hymn Altus Prosator’ (p. 23); 15. ‘Preface to the hymn In te Christe’ (p. 27); 16. ‘Preface to the hymn Noli pater’ (p. 28); 17. ‘Preface to the Prayer of St. John’ (p. 29); 18. ‘Preface to the Epistle of Christ to Abgar’ (p. 30); 19. ‘Preface to the hymn Genair Patraic’ (p. 31); 19. ‘The hymn Genair Patraic’ (p. 32); 20. ‘Ninine’s prayer’ (p. 36); 21. ‘Preface to the hymn Brigit be bithmaith’ (p. 37); 21. ‘The hymn Brigit be bithmaith’ (p. 39); 22. ‘The hymn Ni car Brigit and preface’ (p. 40); 23. ‘St. Sanctán’s hymn and preface’ (p. 47); 24. ‘The lorica of St. Patrick and preface’; 29. ‘The hymn of Máel-Ísu’; 30. ‘The names of the apostles’; 33. ‘Preface to the Amra of St. Columba’ (p. 53); 33. ‘The Amra of St. Columba’ (p. 55); 34. ‘St. Adamnan’s prayer’ (p. 81); 35. ‘Pedigree of St. Mobi’ (p. 82); 36. ‘The hymn of St. Philip’ (p. 83); 37. ‘Miscellanea’ (p. 84); 38. ‘The release of Scandlan Mor’ (p. 85); 39. ‘The death of St. Columba’ (p. 87); 40. ‘The five divisions of Munster’ (p. 88); 41. ‘In praise of hymnody’ (p. 89); 42. ‘The three kings’ (p. 90); 43. ‘Preface to Benedicite’ (p. 91); 44. ‘Preface to Christe qui lux es’ (p. 92); 47. ‘Preface to Quicunque vult’ (p. 92).

“Notes and translations of the Irish glosses”

‘The Irish prefaces’ (p. 95); 1. ‘The hymn Audite omnes’ (p. 96); 2. ‘The hymn Christus in nostra’ (p. 106); 3. ‘The hymn Celebra Iuda’ (p. 108); 4. ‘The hymn Parce domine’ (p. 112); 5. ‘The hymn Sén Dé’ (p. 113); 6. ‘The hymn 'Contemnus in omni die’ (p. 123); 7. ‘The hymn Hymnum dicat’ (p. 125); 8. ‘The hymn In trinitate spes mea’ (p. 132); 9. ‘The hymn Martine te deprecor’ (p. 134); 10. ‘The hymn Gloria in excelsis’ (p. 135); 11-12. ‘The hymns Magnificat and Benedictus’ (p. 137); 13. ‘The hymn Te Deum’ (p. 138); 14. ‘The hymn Altus Prosator’ (p. 140); 15. ‘The hymn In te Christe’ (p. 169); 16. ‘The hymn Noli Pater’ (p. 171); 17. ‘The prayer of St. John’ (p. 172); 18. ‘The epistle of Christ to Abgar’ (p. 173); 19. ‘The hymn Genair Patraic’ (p. 175); 20. ‘The prayer of Ninine’ (p. 187); 21. ‘The hymn Brigit be bithmaith’ (p. 187); 22. ‘The hymn Ni car Brigit’ (p. 189); 23. ‘The hymn Ateoch rig’ (p. 206); 24. ‘The lorica of St. Patrick’ (p. 208); 25. ‘The lamentation of St. Ambrose’ (p. 212); 26. ‘An abridgment of the Psalter’ (p. 216); 27. ‘The hymn Alto et ineffabili’ (p. 218); 28. ‘The hymn Abbas probatus omnino’ (p. 220); 29. ‘The hymn Inspirut noeb’ (p. 221); 30. ‘The names of the apostles’ (p. 222); 31. ‘The hymn Ecce fulget’ (p. 222); 32. ‘The hymn Phoebe diem’ (p. 223); 33. ‘The Amra of St. Columba’ (p. 223); 34. ‘The prayer of St. Adamnan’ (p. 235); 35. ‘The pedigree of St. Mobi’ (p. 235); 36. ‘The hymn Pilip apstail’ (p. 236); 37. ‘Miscellanea’ (p. 236); 38. ‘The release of Scandlan Mor’ (p. 236); 39. ‘The death of St. Columba’ (p. 238); 40. ‘The five divisions of Munster’ (p. 238); 41. ‘In praise of hymnody’ (p. 239); 42. ‘Hymn on the Three Kings’ (p. 239); 43. ‘Benedicite’ (p. 239); 44. ‘The hymn Christe qui lux es’ (p. 240); 45. ‘The hymn Christi patris in dextera’ (p. 241); 46. ‘Contemnus domino gloriose’ (p. 241); 47. ‘Quicunque vult’ (p. 242); 48. ‘The lorica of Gildas’ (p. 242).

Personal names; Places and tribes;
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2012, last updated: May 2023