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Page name:
Source:Medieval Irish tale lists/08 Aideda/002
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textual items
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§ 8. Aideda
List of aideda, list A only (LL; TCD 1336), ed. Proinsias Mac Cana, The learned tales of medieval Ireland (1980).
Item serial number
002 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
Aided Con Culaind (‘The death of Cú Chulainn’)

2. Aided Con Culaind

# 002 Medieval Irish tale lists
Aided Con Culaind (‘The death of Cú Chulainn’)
Cú Chulainn <strong>Cú Chulainn</strong> <br>Young Ulster hero and chief character of <em>Táin bó Cuailnge</em> and other tales of the Ulster Cycle; son of Súaltam or Lug and Deichtire (sister to Conchobor); husband of Emer (ingen Forgaill)