Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca (Nic Dhonnchadha, CELT)
<TEI id="G302026" xmlns=""> <teiHeader creator="Ruth Murphy" status="update" date.created="2002-09-29" date.updated="2014-09-30"> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title type="uniform">Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca</title> <title type="original">Aidead Muirchertaig Meic Erca</title> <title type="gmd">An electronic edition</title> <author>Unknown</author> <editor id="LD">Lil Nic Dhonnchadha</editor> <respStmt> <resp>Electronic edition compiled by</resp> <name>the CELT Team</name> </respStmt> <funder>University College, Cork</funder> <funder>Professor Marianne McDonald via the CELT Project</funder> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition n="2">Second draft.</edition> </editionStmt> <extent><measure type="words">12020</measure></extent> <publicationStmt> <publisher>CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts: a project of University College, Cork </publisher> <address> <addrLine>College Road, Cork, Ireland—</addrLine> </address> <date>2004</date> <date>2011</date> <distributor>CELT online at University College, Cork, Ireland.</distributor> <idno type="celt">G302026</idno> <availability status="restricted"> <p>Available with prior consent of the CELT programme for purposes of academic research and teaching only.</p> </availability> <availability status="restricted"> <p>Hardcopy copyright lies with the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.</p> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <listBibl> <head>Manuscript sources</head> <bibl id="Y" n="1">Trinity College Dublin, MS 1318 (H.2.16), The Yellow Book of Lecan, a vellum of the end of the fourteenth century, cols. 310–220 (Facs. pp. 313b–318b). A gap of fourteen lines is at the foot of col. 317 and a gap of twenty–one lines at the top of col. 318.</bibl> <bibl id="H" n="2">Trinity College Dublin, MS 1298 (H.2.7), pp. 248–254.</bibl> </listBibl> <listBibl> <head>Editions</head> <bibl n="1">Whitley Stokes, Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca, Revue Celtique 23 (1902) 395–437.</bibl> </listBibl> <listBibl> <head>Translations</head> <bibl n="1">A. A. Smirnov, 'Smert korolya Muirkhertakha, syna Erc', Irlandskie sagi. (Moscow-Leningrad 1929).</bibl> <bibl n="2">Christian J. Guyonvarc'h, 'La Mort de Muirchertach, fils d'Erc' [French], Annales Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations, 38.5 (1983) 985–1015, esp. 992–1015.</bibl> </listBibl> <listBibl> <head>Secondary literature</head> <bibl n="1">Whitley Stokes, 'The Death of Muirchertach mac Erca', Revue Celtique 24 (1903) 349.</bibl> <bibl n="2">Whitley Stokes, 'On the Deaths of some Irish Heroes', Revue Celtique 23 (1902) 303–348: 339.</bibl> <bibl n="3">A. A. Smirnov, 'Irlandskaya saga o smerti korolya Muirkhertakha, syna Erc', Zapiski neophilologicheskogo obschestva. (Peterburg 1914).</bibl> <bibl n="4">Alwyn and Brinley Rees, Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales. London 1961, 338–40.</bibl> <bibl n="5">Brian Ó Cuív, [Review of Lil Nic Dhonnchadha] Éigse 11 (1964/66) pt. 2 (1965) 146–150.</bibl> <bibl n="6">Francis John Byrne, Irish Kings and High-Kings. London 1973, 103–104.</bibl> <bibl n="7">Máire Bhreatnach, 'The Sovereignty Goddess as Goddess of Death', Zeitschrift für Celtische Philologie 39 (1982) 243–260.</bibl> <bibl n="8">Joan Newlon Radner, 'The Significance of the Threefold Death in Celtic Tradition', in Cyril Byrne et al.(eds.), Celtic Languages and Celtic Peoples: Proceedings of the Second North American Congress of Celtic Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1992, 65–82.</bibl> <bibl n="9">Máire Herbert, 'The Death of Muirchertach Mac Erca: a Twelfth-Century tale', in Meijerbergs Arkiv for Svensk ordforskning. Celts and Vikings. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica. Göteborg 1997, no. 20, 27–40.</bibl> <bibl n="10">Tatyana Mikhailova, 'Znameniya smerti v kel'tskoi epicheskoi i fol'klornoi tradicii', in Predstavleniya o smerti i lokalizaciya Inogo mira y drevnih kel'tov i germancev. Moscow 2002, 253–325.</bibl> </listBibl> <listBibl> <head>The edition used in the digital edition</head> <biblFull> <titleStmt> <title level="m">Aided Muirchertaig Meic Erca</title> <editor>Lil Nic Dhonnchadha</editor> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>First edition</edition> </editionStmt> <extent>xxi + 73 pp. vii Abbreviations, ix–xxi Introduction, 1–35 Text, 36–40 Variant Readings from H, 41–68 Vocabulary, 69–73 Indexes of Persons/Places.</extent> <publicationStmt> <publisher>Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies</publisher> <pubPlace>Dublin</pubPlace> <date>1964</date> </publicationStmt> <seriesStmt> <title level="m">Mediaeval and Modern Irish Series</title> <idno type="volume">19</idno> </seriesStmt> </biblFull> </listBibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <encodingDesc> <projectDesc> <p>CELT: Corpus of Electronic Texts</p> </projectDesc> <samplingDecl> <p>The present text represents pages 1–73 of the edited text. In this edition the text is from Y except where H is used from end of Section 37 to section 44. This part of the text is omitted in Y, with a space of fourteen lines at the foot of col. 317 and of twenty-one lines at the top of col. 318.</p> </samplingDecl> <editorialDecl> <correction status="medium"> <p>Text has been checked and proofread twice. All corrections and supplied text are tagged.</p> </correction> <quotation> <p>Direct speech is tagged <emph>q</emph>, except where it cannot be nested within/outside the apparatus, in which case it is rendered <emph>'</emph>.</p> </quotation> <normalization> <p>The electronic text represents the editted text. The letter h prefixed to nouns and nasalising consonants in anlaut is not hyphenated off. Nor are emphazising particles. Italicised letters indicating expansions are tagged <emph>ex</emph>. Letters supplied in square brackets by the editor to normalize the spelling are tagged <emph>sup resp="LD"</emph>.</p> </normalization> <hyphenation> <p>When a hyphenated word (hard or soft) crosses a page-break or line-break, the break is marked after completion of the hyphenated word.</p> </hyphenation> <interpretation> <p>Names of persons (given names), places and groups are not tagged. Poems and passages of rhetoric speech are treated as embedded texts, with speakers marked. Foliation is marked <emph>mls unit="MS folio" n="nn"</emph>. Notes by the editor are tagged <emph>note type="auth" n=""</emph>; Latin phrases are tagged <emph>frn lang="la"</emph>.</p> </interpretation> </editorialDecl> <refsDecl> <state gi="DIV1" freq="10" label="Section" unit="number"/> </refsDecl> </encodingDesc> <profileDesc> <creation>By unknown author(s). The story belongs to the late Middle Irish period. <dateRange from="1399" to="1499" exact="none">A scribal note in Y makes the date of writing A.D. 1399. H is probably a 15th century MS.</dateRange></creation> <langUsage> <language id="ga">The text is in late Middle Irish.</language> <language id="la">Some words and phrases in Latin.</language> <language id="en">The witness list is in English.</language> </langUsage> <particDesc> <person id="M"> <ps>Muirchertach Mac Erca</ps> </person> <person id="S"> <ps>Sín</ps> </person> <person id="C"> <ps>Cairnech</ps> </person> <person id="D"> <ps>Duaibsech</ps> </person> <personGrp id="CL"> <ps>Clerics</ps> </personGrp> </particDesc> <textClass> <keywords> <term>saga</term> <term>prose</term> <term>medieval</term> <term>Kings Cycle</term> </keywords> </textClass> </profileDesc> <revisionDesc> <change> <date>2014-09-30</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Encoding improved.</item> </change> <change> <date>2014-08-11</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Item added to bibliographic details.</item> </change> <change> <date>2011-10-27</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Conversion script run.</item> </change> <change> <date>2011-01-27</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Header updated; new wordcount made.</item> </change> <change> <date>2008-10-05</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Header modified; keywords added; file validated.</item> </change> <change> <date>2005-08-25</date> <respStmt> <name>Julianne Nyhan</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Normalised language codes and edited langUsage for XML conversion</item> </change> <change> <date>2005-08-04T15:57:35+0100</date> <respStmt> <name>Peter Flynn</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Converted to XML</item> </change> <change> <date>2004-04-17</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Minor changes to header.</item> </change> <change> <date>2002-11-15</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>File re-parsed; HTML file created.</item> </change> <change> <date>2002-11-02</date> <respStmt> <name>Maxim Fomin</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>Second proofing and insertion of expansions; completion of bibliography.</item> </change> <change> <date>2002-10-09</date> <respStmt> <name>Beatrix Färber</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>File parsed.</item> </change> <change> <date>2002-09-23</date> <respStmt> <name>Ruth Murphy</name> <resp>ed.</resp> </respStmt> <item>First proofing; structural markup added; apparatus criticus integrated; header created.</item> </change> <change> <date>2002-09-10</date> <respStmt> <name>Pádraig Bambury</name> <resp>text capture</resp> </respStmt> <item>Text scanned in using Omnipage.</item> </change> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text n="G302026"> <body> <witList lang="en"> <witness sigil="Y">Yellow Book of Lecan, cols. 310–220 (Facs. pp. 313b–318b) Trinity College Dublin.</witness> <witness sigil="H">H 2. 7, pp. 248–254 Trinity College Dublin.</witness> </witList> <div0 type="saga" lang="ga"> <pb n="1"/><mls n="310/313b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/> <head>Aidead Muirchertaig Meic Erca</head> <div1 xml:id="s1" n="1" type="section"> <p><lb n="1"/>Dia mbuī Muirchertach mac Muiredaig meic Eōgain, rīg Ērenn, i tig Cletig ós ur Bōinne in Broga, &ersir; ba hí ba ban-chēli dōsum Duaibsech, ingen Duach Tenga umai, rīg Connacht. Tānic in rīg sin amach ōen da laī do mīlrad <lb n="5"/> fa imell in Broga, &ersir; ro fhágsat a lucht sealga a aenar hé ina duma shelga.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s2" n="2" type="section"> <p>Nī cian dia raibe ann co facaid ōen-ingen chruth-ālaind, chenn-fhind, chnes-<sup resp="LD">s</sup>olus, &ersir; brat uaine impe i suide 'na fhochraib isin fert fódmuigi, &ersir; dar leis <app> <lem>nocon <lb n="10"/> fhaca don droing banda a com-ālaind nā a com-chuanna</lem> <rdg wit="H">nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ac<ex resp="LD">ca</ex> riam do droing banda a hindsam<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> ar aille</rdg> </app>, gura līnustar a cholann uile dá <app> <lem>grād</lem> <rdg wit="H">hinmuine</rdg> </app>, &ersir; a aicned. Uair dar leis re fégad do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>ad <app> <lem>Ériu</lem> <rdg wit="H">Ēre</rdg> </app> uile ara híasacht ōenaidche, mar do char co hadbal hī re faicsin. &ersir; <app> <lem>ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ersum fáilti fria mar bud aichnid dó hí.</lem> <rdg wit="H">f<ex resp="LD">er</ex>is fāilti fria gen co fit<ex resp="LD">er</ex> cia hī</rdg> </app> &ersir; ro fhiarfaigh scēla di.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s3" n="3" type="section"> <p> <lb n="15"/><q>Adērsa frit,</q> ol sī. <q>Isam leannānsa do Muirchertach mac Erca, do rīg Ērenn, &ersir; is dā shaigid tánagus in so.</q> <app> <lem>Ba maith la Muirchertach sin,</lem> <rdg wit="H">fāiltigis in rī ris sin</rdg> </app> &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t fria, <q>In tabrai aichne ormsa, a ingen?</q> ol sē. <q>Do-b<ex resp="LD">er</ex>im,</q> ol sī, <q>uair isam eólach in inadaib is diamru inā so, &ersir; <lb n="20"/> is aichnid dam tusa &ersir; <app> <lem>firu</lem> <rdg wit="H">fir</rdg> </app>Ērenn ar chena.</q> <q>In tice limsa, a ingen?</q> ol Muirchertach. <q>Do <app> <lem>ragaind</lem> <rdg wit="H">racaind</rdg> </app>,</q> ol sī, <q>acht comad maith mo <app> <lem>choma</lem> <rdg wit="H">luach</rdg> </app>.</q> <q>Do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>sa mo chumang duit, a ingen,</q> ar Mac Erca. <q>Do brēthir ris,</q> ol in ingen. &ersir; tucsum fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir, &ersir; adubairt sī in rand:<note n="1" type="auth" place="bottom">H gives the following reading of the poem: Nī hē in cumong nac uadh urusa dūind d'f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>agb<ex resp="LD">āil</ex>,' ar sī, 'acht nach gaba t<ex resp="LD">eg</ex>usa na clērach, &ersir; m<ex resp="LD">in</ex>a b<ex resp="LD">ed</ex>is nocha ticfuindsi sunna, &ersir; nā triallsa r<ex resp="LD">ēi</ex>r na mban nā na clērich do dēnum, uair is dōib fēin cuindigit na clēir nī, &ersir; nā dēna dīb acht n<ex resp="LD">eim</ex>thnī, a rīg Ērenn,' ar sī. Do rāid rī Ērenn, 'nā cronaig na clērich, a ingen,' ar sē, 'uair is f<ex resp="LD">er</ex>di gach duine do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">re</ex>dfed dóib.'</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse1"> <body> <sp who="S"> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l n="1"> <lb n="25"/>Ní hē in cumang nach ēimech,</l> <l n="2">acht tecusca na clēireach,</l> <l n="3">acht mine betís re lā,</l> <l n="4">nocho ticfaindsi sunna.</l> </lg> <pb n="2"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Nā triallsa rēir na clēirech</l> <lb n="30"/> <l>&ersir; na mban co hēimech;</l> <l>dó fēin shires clēirech nī,</l> <l>nā dēna dīb acht neifnī.</l> </lg> </sp> <sp who="M"> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Nā cronaig clēirchiu co grind,</l> <l>a ingen glēgeal, guth-bind,</l> <lb n="35"/> <l>uair is ferrdi biad <mls n="311/314a" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>cach neach</l> <l>dá raib do réir na clēirech.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>A ingen, nā habair sin,</l> <l>lucht in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rābaid nā cronaig;</l> <l>na clérig chreidius in rí</l> <lb n="40"/> <l>dīb nocha dénta neifnī.</l> </lg> </sp> <trailer>Ní hē</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s4" n="4" type="section"> <p><q>Do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>sa <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex> di cech crud duit, &ersir; <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex> <app> <lem>cornd</lem> <rdg wit="H">cuach</rdg> </app>, &ersir; cēt <app> <lem>copān</lem> <rdg wit="H">corn</rdg> </app>, &ersir; cēt falach ōir, &ersir; feis cech dara haidche a tig Cletig,</q> <q>Acc it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>,</q> ar in ingen, <q>nocha n-aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> sin bias, acht cen m'ainmsea do ráda duitsiu co brāth, &ersir; cen Duaibsig, <lb n="45"/> m<ex resp="LD">āthai</ex>r do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laindi, do <app> <lem>beith</lem> <rdg wit="H">congbāil</rdg> </app> im agaid, &ersir; cen na clērig do thoidecht in ōen-teach rium co brāth.</q> <q>Ragaid duitsiu,</q> ol in rīg, <q>uair tucusa brēthir riut, &ersir; ropad usa limsa leath Ērenn duitsiu inā sin, &ersir; abair rium co fīr,</q> ol in rīg, <q>cā hainm fil f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>tsu it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>, dā fédmais a s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>eachna <lb n="50"/> gan a rāda.</q> &ersir; <note n="2" type="auth" place="bottom">From here until the end of the poem H reads: 'Maith an c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>om<ex resp="LD">air</ex>le,' ar in ingen, 'uair nī bia nīs <sup resp="LD">s</sup>ia do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aeghal agudsa nā trī haidchi d'ēis a rāda, &ersir; innēsatsa m'ainm duit,' ar in ingen, 'Gaeth Garb, Gemaīdhchi, Osnadh, Esnad, Iachtad, Taetan.'</note>asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t sī, <q>Osnad, Easnadh, Sín, Gaeth Garb, Gem-adaig, Ochsad, Iachtad, Taetean.</q> Conad and sin atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in laīdsea sīs: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse2"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Abair rim h'ainm, a ingen,</l> <l>a bean ro-chaemda, rind-geal;</l> <lb n="55"/> <l>anī scaras mé rém c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>loind</l> <l>nā ceil ormsa dā seachnaind.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Osnad, Esnad, Sán cen ail,</l> <l>Gaeth Garb, &ersir; Gem-adaig,</l> <l>Ochsad, Iachtad, Taetean taí,</l> <lb n="60"/> <l>is iat m'anmanna ar aen-chaī.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="3"/> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>aind <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex> da cech crud</l> <l>duit, a ingen, cen imrul,</l> <l>dā lēictheā dam h'ainm do rād,</l> <l>&ersir; do gairm cech ōen-trāth.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l> <lb n="65"/>Crēd do-gēnsa da cech maith,</l> <l>a rīg Ērenn, a ard-fhl<ex resp="LD">aith</ex>?</l> <l>Bid marb thū dá ráidi, a rī,</l> <l>rachaid do n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t ar nefní.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Ropad aībind lim cach than,</l> <lb n="70"/> <l>a ingen na rosc ro-glan,</l> <l>mā dá n-apraind riut co fīr</l> <l>Osnad, Esnad, &ersir; Sīn.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Nā hapairsiu sin cen tlás</l> <l>mine b'áil duit do moch-bás,</l> <lb n="75"/> <l>&ersir; nā ticead isteach</l> <l>m<ex resp="LD">āthai</ex>r do c<sup resp="LD">h<sup>loindi, Duaibseach.</sup></sup></l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Do-gēnsa do riar co fīr.</l> <l>Nā tabrad h'aicned i sním.</l> <l>Cach ní bus olc nā tagair,</l> <lb n="80"/> <l>nī ebérsa, &ersir; abair.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>a.r.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s5" n="5" type="section"> <p>Ro gellad disi, trā, cech nī dīb sin, &ersir; ro naisc aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex>. Do-chuadar maróen iar sin co teach Cletig. Ba maith suidiugud in tige sin, trā, &ersir; ba maith a muindt<ex resp="LD">er</ex> &ersir; a theglach, &ersir; maithi cloindi Nēill <app> <lem>uile co m<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>neach, mōr-m<ex resp="LD">en</ex>mnach, <lb n="85"/> co subach, sobrōnach, ic caithem chīsa &ersir; conāich cacha cūicid i tig comramach Cletig ós ur na Bóinne bradánaigi, bith-āilli, &ersir; ós ur in Broga barr-uaine.</lem> <rdg wit="H">uli ann a caithem cīsa &ersir; conāich Ērenn a tigh Cleitigh</rdg> </app></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s6" n="6" type="section"> <p>Ō ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ég Sín immorro in <app> <lem>teach co n-a m<ex resp="LD">uind</ex>t<ex resp="LD">ir</ex></lem> <rdg wit="H">teg ina timchill</rdg> </app>, asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <q>Is maith in teach a tāncamar,</q> ol sī. <q>Is maith,</q> <lb n="90"/> ol in rīg, <q>&ersir; nī d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>nad do <note n="3" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until teach in l.92, H reads: C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>leitech a nĒrind</note>Themair ná do Nás nā do C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>raebruaid <pb n="4"/> nā do Emain Mache nā do Aileach Nēit ná do C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>leitech teach a leithéid, &ersir; tabair t<ex resp="LD">eist</ex> in tigesea,</q> ol in rīg, &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <note n="4" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits poem.</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse3"> <body> <sp who="S"> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Nī dernad ic rīg, dar lind,</l> <lb n="95"/> <l>teach mar do theach ōs Bōind,</l> <l>'s ní dingēntar ō so amach</l> <l>gus in laithi ndēidenach.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Cleiteach clēthi theach Fōdla,</l> <l>is fairsing a f<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ógra,</l> <lb n="100"/> <l>ó Thoraid co Carnd h<ex resp="LD">Uī</ex> Néit</l> <l>'na chomair tall gan lān-brēig.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Cland Eōgain isin tig tall,</l> <l>ard-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lanna Nēill nach im-gann,</l> <l>nocha n-uil m<ex resp="LD">uind</ex>t<ex resp="LD">er</ex> is fearr</l> <lb n="105"/> <l>i n-iath Alban nā Ērenn.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Tusa, a Muirchertaig, cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ell</l> <l>nī thānic riam laech it cheand,</l> <l>co bráth nī t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>icfa re lá,</l> <l>a ua Eōgain do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>amla.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <lb n="110"/> <l>Is dingbāla duit cen acht</l> <l>Duaibsech, ingen rīg Connacht,</l> <l>ālaind a delb, caem a llī,</l> <l>nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>il ben is ferr im ní.</l> </lg> </sp> <trailer>Ni .d.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s7" n="7" type="section"> <p><q>Cid do-gēntar ann fod<ex resp="LD">est</ex>a?</q> ol in ingen. <q>Aní <lb n="115"/> is maith latsu,</q> ol Muirchertach. <q>Māseadh,</q> ar Sín, <q>téigead Duaibsech co n-a cloind asin tig amach, &ersir; ticed fer cecha cerdi &ersir; cecha eladan a nĒrinn <app> <lem>co n-a mnaí</lem> <rdg wit="H">(om.)</rdg> </app> isin teach n-óil.</q> Do-rōnad aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> sin, &ersir; rogab cāch ic<pb n="5"/> <app> <lem>molad a cherdi &ersir; a ealadan fēin ann, &ersir; do-rōnad rand da <lb n="120"/> cech duine cherdi &ersir; eladan do bī and sin uile</lem> <rdg wit="H">dēnum a c<ex resp="LD">er</ex>de &ersir; a n-eladhna fēin ann re hath<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ada</rdg> </app>: <note n="5" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits poem</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse4"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind rīgi rān</l> <l>tīre Ērenn, mōr a grād,</l> <l>a cís 'gā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lechtad re lind,</l> <l>co teach Cletig is aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <lb n="125"/> <l>Aībind, aībind a rígnacht,</l> <l>aībind a míne, a mállacht,</l> <l>fuaras a maith, monar ngrinn,</l> <l>damsa i<sup resp="LD">s</sup> saich, is aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind taīsigecht</l> <lb n="130"/> <l>ag rīg Ērenn co rīg-n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t,</l> <l>cid cumang Ériu re lind,</l> <l>cá duine dō nach aībind?</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind trebthachus</l> <l>do duine bís 'na dūthchus;</l> <lb n="135"/> <l>imad ceathra, saeth<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> ngrinn,</l> <l>cen terca ann is aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind ceōl cen acht</l> <l>do lucht in chiūil co rīgdacht;</l> <l>da cach aen ros can co bind</l> <lb n="140"/> <l>dōib cacha tan is aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l><mls n="312/314b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>Aībind, aībind in goibnecht</l> <l>don lucht do-nī gan toirmesc;</l> <l>is maith a tuaith is a cill,</l> <l>nocha n-é a buaid nach aībind.</l> </lg> <pb n="6"/> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <lb n="145"/> <l>Aībind, aībind cerdacht chaem</l> <l>do cech ōen do-gnī ma-róen;</l> <l>is imda mogaid re lind,</l> <l>dúind is tulaigsi is aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="8" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind óglachus</l> <lb n="150"/> <l>ag Mac Erca na mór-gus;</l> <l>i tig Cletig, monar ngrind,</l> <l>cia duine dō nách aībind?</l> </lg> <lg n="9" type="quatrain"> <l>Aībind, aībind cech dán teann</l> <l>anosa i n-iathaib Ērenn;</l> <lb n="155"/> <l>cách ica caithim co grind</l> <l>it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> maithib is aībind.</l> </lg> <trailer>Aibind a.r.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s8" n="8" type="section"> <p>Ō thairnic in t-ōl asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t Sīn fri Muirchertach, <q>Is mithig fod<ex resp="LD">es</ex>ta in teach do légud damsa am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> ro gellad dam.</q> Is ann sin do chuir sī clanna Nēill &ersir; Duaibsech <lb n="160"/> co n-a claind a Cleitech amach. &ersir; is ē lín ro bāt<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> firu &ersir; mnā dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>om-mōra, <ex resp="LD">chon</ex>aclacha.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s9" n="9" type="section"> <p>Do-chuaid Duaibsech co n-a cloind ō Chleitech co Tuilén do shaigid a <app> <lem>hanmcharad .i. Cairnech naem-espoc</lem> <rdg wit="H">hanmchair .i. Cairnech naom</rdg> </app>. Ó ro-siacht sí co Cairnech <note n="6" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem, H reads: &ersir; do fuair sī in naomc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērich ic dēnum esparta &ersir; a glūine fri lār, benaighis in ingen dō. Fiarf<ex resp="LD">aigh</ex>is in clērich sc<ex resp="LD">ēl</ex>a di. 'Atāt, immorro,' ar an ben, 'ben anaithne ēn-uaire do t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ab<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t e&rmacr; leis &ersir; misi do théicci<ex resp="LD">n</ex> uirri, &ersir; bendaigsiu mo c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>p,' ar in ingen, 'uair is eagail lium bāss d'f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>agb<ex resp="LD">āil</ex>.' 'A banscāl,' ar Cairnech, 'bid maith do dīl don t<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>us tāngais, &ersir; nī racair tar hais co brāch.' 'Ēirigsiu fēin ann uairsi &ersir; Conall &ersir; Eogan &ersir; do-gēb<ex resp="LD">uir</ex> iat na cungaib catha do leth tes don Temraig.' 'Rachud uareisen, &ersir; do-gēb<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>siu nem, &ersir; bid uait ainmneōchar an t-aonachsa co brāch .i. Aenach Duaibsigi.</note> atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t na briathra sa: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse5"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="D"> <lb n="165"/> <l>A c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērig, b<ex resp="LD">en</ex>naig mo c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>orp,</l> <l>is eagail lim bás anocht;</l> <l>tānic chugam ben a síd,</l> <l>suaill nach derna dím dimbríg.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>A banscál, bid maith do díl,</l> <lb n="170"/> <l>fo-gēba nem cen anfír;</l> <l>don turus tángais i-lle</l> <l>nī racha doridise.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="7"/> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="D"> <l>Ērig fēin, a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērig ann</l> <l>co hEōgan is co Conall,</l> <l> <lb n="175"/>atāt 'na congaib ma-lle</l> <l>sin tulaig co turnaide.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>Bīsiu i fos i nŌenach Réil,</l> <l>a Duaibsech gus in deg-mēin,</l> <l>is uait sloindfither co brāth</l> <l> <lb n="180"/>in bile buadach sin ráth.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="D"> <l>Atlochar do Mac M<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>e,</l> <l>don rīg connic na huile;</l> <l>tánac fa c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>reidem ōm thig.</l> <l>Atlochar duit, a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērig.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>A <ex resp="LD">ch</ex>l<ex resp="LD">érig</ex> b.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s10" n="10" type="section"> <p> <lb n="185"/>Tánic Cairnech iar sin co hEōgan &ersir; co Conall, &ersir; do-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uadar ma-rōen doridisi co Cleitech, &ersir; nīr lēic Sín a légud i farrad in dúine uile. Bātar dubaig, toirsig clanna Nēill don gnīm sin. Fergaigt<ex resp="LD">hir</ex> co mōr Cairnech ann side &ersir; ro eascain in baile &ersir; do-rigne leacht don rīg &ersir; <lb n="190"/>asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t, <q>Tairnic intí isa leacht so. &ersir; is d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>ead dā rīgi &ersir; dā f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laithemnus co fīr,</q> &ersir; do-chuaid f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> mullach in lec<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ta <note n="7" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from here until the end of the poem.</note>&ersir; <frn lang="la">dixit</frn>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse6"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Duma na clog so co brāth</l> <l>fodesta ro-fhinnfa cāch;</l> <l> <lb n="195"/>leacht in trēn-fhir Meic Erca</l> <l>nírba tlāith a imthechta.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Mallacht f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>sin tulaigsi,</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Cletiuch cétaib cuana,</l> <l>narap maith a ith nā a blicht,</l> <l> <lb n="200"/>g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>op lān df<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uath is d'anricht.</l> </lg> <pb n="8"/> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Narab ann rīg nā r<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>ech,</l> <l>nī dig neach ass co buidech;</l> <l>bid cumain limsa rem lā</l> <l>lecht rīg Ērenn sin duma.</l> </lg> <trailer>D. n.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s11" n="11" type="section"> <p> <lb n="205"/>Ro escain Cairnech trā in dūn ann sin, &ersir; ro benn a chlocc ann, &ersir; tānic ass iar sin fo brón &ersir; fa thoirsi. Ro rāidset immorro clanna Nēill fris, <q>B<ex resp="LD">en</ex>naig sinne,</q> ol siat, <q>anosa, a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērig, co ndigsium dár tír fesin, uair nī cintach sinne riut.</q></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s12" n="12" type="section"> <p> <lb n="210"/>Ro b<ex resp="LD">en</ex>naig Cairnech iat, &ersir; ro fhágaib fāgbāla dōib .i. do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>landaib Conaill &ersir; Eōgain. In uair nach biad airechus Ērenn <app> <lem>nō a rīge acu a spraicc f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> cach c<ex resp="LD">ōic</ex>ed 'na timchell &ersir; comarbus Oilig &ersir; Temrach &ersir; Ulad acu, &ersir; cen tuarastal do gabāil ō neach, ar is ē a ruidles fesin rīgi <lb n="215"/> nĒrenn, &ersir; cen glas f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> giall, &ersir; meath f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> na giallu dia n-elád, &ersir; buaid catha acu acht co tucad fa adbar c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ōir</lem> <rdg wit="H">a<ex resp="LD">cu</ex> a spraicc ar gach cūicedh a nĒrin &ersir; buaid catha dóib acht co tucdais co cóir é.</rdg> </app>, &ersir; co rabat trī mergi acu .i. in Chathach &ersir; in Clog .i. in udachta Pādraic, &ersir; in Mísach C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>airnig, &ersir; no biad a rath sin uile ar óen-mind dīb re hucht c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>atha <note n="8" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from here until the end of the poem.</note>amail ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ágaib <lb n="220"/> Cairnech dōib <frn lang="la">ut di<ex resp="LD">x</ex>it</frn>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse7"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Mo bennacht f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>aib co brāth,</l> <l>a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lanna Nēill co ro-gnāth;</l> <l>gurob lib tīr Meic Erca,</l> <l>bid ordraic bar n-imthechta.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="225"/>Nā marbaid brāigdi rīg réil,</l> <l>i focus i n-et<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>chéin,</l> <l>bid lib cach maithes cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ell,</l> <l>biaid bar flaithi<ex resp="LD">us</ex> cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>ceand.</l> </lg> <pb n="9"/> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Trascraid uaib ar chách i cēin</l> <l> <lb n="230"/>dā nd<ex resp="LD">er</ex>na neach bar n-aimréir;</l> <l>nā hobaid comlann ná cath,</l> <l>nī bethi chaidchi cen rath.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Taislid adaig cech tīre,</l> <l>uair is lib an airdrīgi;</l> <l> <lb n="235"/>nā millid nách duine ar lār</l> <l>acht in rīg a ōenarān.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Teachtaid giallu cāich bar lāim,</l> <l>nī ba haithrech lib in dāil;</l> <l>techfid cech neach rē bar cath</l> <l> <lb n="240"/>dā tugthaí hé co dligthech.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>Teachtaid bar mbrāthair fodéin,</l> <l>i focus i n-et<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>chéin;</l> <l>nī cloífithir oirb bar cath</l> <l>gus in laithe ndēidenach.</l> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="245"/>In tan maídfes sib ní min,</l> <l>bid eagail sib in cech thír;</l> <l>biaid a cluasaib bar fogur,</l> <l>ar cach tír bar ngarb-olur.</l> </lg> <lg n="8" type="quatrain"> <l>Aderimse rib co fīr</l> <l> <lb n="250"/>in tan atbéla bar ríg</l> <l>biaid mo lebarsa mar tú</l> <l>&ersir; a scrībeand 'na chrú.</l> </lg> <lg n="9" type="quatrain"> <l><mls n="313/315a" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>Fil lium comartha aile</l> <l>re haidid bar rīgraide.</l> <l> <lb n="255"/>bid cosmail re crú is re fuil</l> <l>Loch Febail &ersir; a muir.</l> </lg> <pb n="10"/> <lg n="10" type="quatrain"> <l>B<ex resp="LD">ennacht</ex> uaimsi f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> bar tír,</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> bar ndaīnib co nglan-brīg;</l> <l>gēbthaī Ériu co bráth mbecht,</l> <l> <lb n="260"/>&ersir; berid mo bendacht.</l> </lg> <trailer>Mo b.</trailer> </body> </text> Do-chuaid cāch <app> <lem>dīb ina dūnad &ersir; ina deg-baile fesin</lem> <rdg wit="H">ina dunad budhein</rdg> </app>.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s13" n="13" type="section"> <p>Imthūsa Cairnig, tānic side reme d'innsaigid a <app> <lem>mainistreach</lem> <rdg wit="H">ecluisi</rdg> </app> &ersir; tarladar dó slōig mōra 'na agaid .i. Sīl Taidg meic Cēin meic Aillela Ōluim, &ersir; tucsat sein leō <lb n="265"/> Cairnech do dēnam a <app> <lem>coraidechta &ersir; a codaig</lem> <rdg wit="H">cadaig &ersir; a comtanais</rdg> </app> fri Muirchertach mac Erca, &ersir; ó ro hinnisead eiséin don rīg tānic asin baile amach &ersir; ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>er fāilti friu.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s14" n="14" type="section"> <p>Ōt-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>onnairc immorro Muirchertach in clēirech acu tānic loisi mōr de &ersir; asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t, <q>Cid fa tánagais chugaind, <lb n="270"/> a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lēirig,</q> ol sē, <q>ar n-ar n-eascaine duit?</q> <q>Do dēnam shída it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> S<sup resp="LD">h</sup>íl Taidg meic Cēin &ersir; Sīl Eōgain meic Nēill tānac,</q> ol sē. Do-gnīthir iarum codach ann sin et<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ru, &ersir; cumaiscid Cairnech a fuil i n-ōen-leastar dib līnib, &ersir; scrībais am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> do-rōnsat in codach <note n="9" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from here until the end of the poem.</note>ann sin, &ersir; asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t <lb n="275"/> Muirchertach: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse8"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Ērig, a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērig do chēin,</l> <l>nā bí i focus 'gár n-aimrēir;</l> <l>ro escainis ind co becht</l> <l>ō do-rignis ar tiug-lecht.</l> </sp> </lg> <sp who="C"> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="280"/>Nī haire tánac i-lle</l> <l>do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uilliud na hescaine,</l> <l>acht do dēnam chodaig gairg</l> <l>it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> S<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īl Eōgain is Taidg.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Dā Gailenga, dā Luigne,</l> <l> <lb n="285"/>Saitne Ciandacht co cuibde,</l> <l>Fir Arda Dealbna caemna,</l> <l>h<ex resp="LD">Uī</ex> Aeda Odba shaera.</l> </lg> <pb n="11"/> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Cumaiscther a fuil co becht,</l> <l>a Meic Erca co mōr-n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t,</l> <l> <lb n="290"/>co scrībthar i lebar lem</l> <l>codach Eōgain is Gaileng.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Cipé milles in cach aird</l> <l>codach Sīl nEōgain is Taidg,</l> <l>do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>thar dó, is fogail tend,</l> <l> <lb n="295"/>gairdi s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aegail iss ifearnd.</l> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>Dā marba neach a chēli</l> <l>dīb nī ba maith in séri,</l> <l>nodus sāraigēbsa a clī,</l> <l>rachaid co fīr ar nefní.</l> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="300"/>Bid hí seo bar n-óenta i bus,</l> <l>is bid é ar nim bar cād<ex resp="LD">us</ex>,</l> <l>lim bus cumain co hēmig.</l> <l>Geib umut &ersir; ērig.</l> </lg> </lg> </sp> <trailer>E.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s15" n="15" type="section"> <p>Ō do-rōnad iar sin in ōentu &ersir; ō ro b<ex resp="LD">en</ex>naig Cairnech <lb n="305"/> iat uile &ersir; ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ácaib gairdi s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aegail &ersir; ifernn don tí ro millfed in codach co fis dó, ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ácaib iat iar sin &ersir; luid reme dā mainistir. Tēit immorro in rīg dá dūn &ersir; na sluaig sin leis dia choimēd dar ēis cloindi Nēll.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s16" n="16" type="section"> <p>Suidig in rīg ina rīg-shuidi &ersir; suidig Sín f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> a <app> <lem>deis <lb n="310"/> &ersir; nī thánic i talmain mnaí</lem> <rdg wit="H">gualuind &ersir; nī facus f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> talm<ex resp="LD">ain</ex> ben</rdg> </app> bud ferr delb nā tuaruscbāil inā sí. Ō ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ég in rīg f<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ri ro buí ic iarraid eōlais &ersir; ic fiarfaigid cheast di, uair dar leis ropa ban-déa co mōrc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umachta hí, &ersir; ro iarfaig di créd in cumachta ro bī aice. Conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>tsum &ersir; ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>regair sī: <note n="10" type="auth" place="bottom">[H has the following variant reading f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> the poem:] &ersir; adubairt, 'creidimsi in fīrdia' ar sisi, '&ersir; nī d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>na sé mībuile nac dingnainn a c<ex resp="LD">os</ex>m<ex resp="LD">ailius</ex>, &ersir; ingen fhir &ersir; mnā daenna mē, is do shīl Adaim damh, &ersir; nā gabh<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> aithreachus tusa, a Muirchertaigh, uair isam dingbālasa duitt, &ersir; do-gēnuind grian &ersir; ēscca &ersir; renda nimhe, &ersir; do-gēnuind daīne a catug<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> a comhlunn dona gasānaib sanaisi, &ersir; do-ghēnuind fīn don uisci, &ersir; caīrigh dona clochuibh &ersir; mucca don raithnigh, &ersir; do-gēnuid ór &ersir; airged do gac nī bud hāil lium.'</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse9"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l> <lb n="315"/>Abair, a ingen ēimech,</l> <l>in creidi Dia na clēirech,</l> <l>nō cia ór genis i bus,</l> <l>innís dún do bunadus.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="12"/> <sp who="S"> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Credimsi in fīr-dia cēdna</l> <l> <lb n="320"/>dom churp ar amus ēca,</l> <l>nī dernaid mīrbail a bus</l> <l>nach dingnindsi a cosmailius.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Misi am ingen mnā &ersir; fir</l> <l>do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īl Ēva &ersir; Ādhaim,</l> <l> <lb n="325"/>am dingbāla duit i bus,</l> <l>nā rot gaba aithrechus.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Do-gēnaind grēin is ēsca</l> <l>&ersir; renna ro-glēsta,</l> <l>do-gēnaind daíne co lond</l> <l> <lb n="330"/>ica tachur i comlond.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Do-gēnaind fín nocha brég</l> <l>don Bóinn mar atā fa mēd,</l> <l>&ersir; caírig do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lachaib</l> <l>is muca do raithneachaib.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="335"/>Do-gēnaind airged is ór</l> <l>i fiadnaisi na mór-shlōg,</l> <l>do-gēnaind firu co mblaid</l> <l>anosa duitsiu, is abair.</l> </lg> </sp> <trailer>A.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s17" n="17" type="section"> <p><q>Dēna dún,</q> ol in rīg, <q>ní dona mīrbuilib mōra sin.</q> <lb n="340"/> And sin ro ērig <app> <lem>Sīn amach &ersir; do chóraig dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>om-mōra, c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>om-n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>ta, <ex resp="LD">chon</ex>aclacha</lem> <rdg wit="H">Muirchertach amach &ersir; Sīn mailli ris &ersir; do chōirigh Sīn dā <ex resp="LD">c</ex><sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">ath</ex> c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>omhōra 'na fiadhn<ex resp="LD">uis</ex>e</rdg> </app>, &ersir; indar leō nī thánic i talmain dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath bud c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rōda &ersir; bud c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ata <app> <lem>inā</lem> <rdg wit="H">ināit &ersir;</rdg> </app> siat ic airlech &ersir; icc athchuma &ersir; ic dian-marbad a chēli i fiadnaisi chāich.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s18" n="18" type="section"> <p> <lb n="345"/><q>In faici siúd?</q> ol in ingen, <q>&ersir; indar lim nī brég mo c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umachta it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>.</q> <q>Atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ím,</q> ol sē, Muirchertach, <note n="11" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from here until the end of the poem.</note>co n-ebairt:<pb n="13"/> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse10"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>íu dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rōda c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ain</l> <l>ar in leirg ag imargail;</l> <l>nī c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>redfi neach nach fil <mls n="314/315b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>sunn</l> <l> <lb n="350"/>a cathugad nā a comlund.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Cuirit a cath calma a nglonn,</l> <l>brisit farcha fri f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>lonn,</l> <l>ledrait a cuirp cen fhuarad,</l> <l> <lb n="355"/>nī anait ag imbualad.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Nī thānic riam f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> talmain</l> <l>neach nach tāithfidís aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex>,</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> feraib bodba nach fiu</l> <l>tiagait na dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath atchīu.</l> </lg> <trailer>At.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s19" n="19" type="section"> <p> <lb n="360"/>Tēit in rīg co n-a muindt<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> isin dún iar sin. Ō ro bādar seal ag fégad in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>athaigthi, tucad nī de uisci na Bōinde chuca iar sin, &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in rīg frisin ingin fīn do dēnam de. Līnais in ingen trī dabcha don uisqui iar sin, &ersir; c<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>id <app> <lem>bricht</lem> <rdg wit="H">bricht druagh</rdg> </app> indtib, &ersir; nocho táinic f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> talmain fín rob <lb n="365"/> fearr blas nā brīg dar leō inās. Do-rigne didiu mucca doilbthi draīdechta don raithnig &ersir; do-rad in fín &ersir; na muca don tslōg iar sin, &ersir; ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aithedar co rabadar sāitheach dar leō. Ro gell sī immorro co tibred <note n="12" type="auth" place="bottom">From here until the end of the poem, the variant reading from H is: an oired sin dōib tria bithu sīr. Do molad<ex resp="LD">a</ex>rson uli in fīn &ersir; an biadh.</note>a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>om-méit c<ex resp="LD">ēt</ex>na dōib cech laī tria bithu sīr, conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t Muirchertach: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse11"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l n="1"><lb n="370"/>Nī thāinic sunna co-se</l> <l n="2">biad mar in mbiad atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>íthe,</l> <l n="3">nī thānic fín mar in fín,</l> <l n="4">is fleadh dingbāla deg-rīg.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l n="5">Dāithin fer nĒrenn co brāth</l> <l n="6"> <lb n="375"/>agumsa dūib asin áth</l> <l n="7">do lind is d'f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>in re laige,</l> <l n="8">nī cumachta sídchaire.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="14"/> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l n="9">Bennacht uainne f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> do n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t,</l> <l n="10">a ingen c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aem co ndraīdhecht,</l> <l n="11"> <lb n="380"/>mo-chen dontī gusand ric,</l> <l n="12">ingen mar thū nī thānic.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Nī t.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s20" n="20" type="section"> <p>Do-gniat di<ex resp="LD">diu</ex> Sīl Taidg meic Céin <app> <lem>faire</lem> <rdg wit="H">f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>ore</rdg> </app> in rīg in aidche sin ō thairnic <app> <lem>tóchaithem</lem> <rdg wit="H">dōib caithem</rdg> </app> na fledi draīdechta sin. Ō ro ērig in rīg iarnabárach is aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> ro boí mar do beith <lb n="385"/> <app> <lem>i searg galair</lem> <rdg wit="H">a serg &ersir; a ngal<ex resp="LD">ar</ex></rdg> </app>, &ersir; is aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> ro buī cech ōen ar chena ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aith in fín &ersir; in fheōil dolbthī draīdechta ro ordaig Sīn doc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um na fledi sin. &ersir; <note n="13" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem H reads: ro rāidh in rīgh, 'a ingen,' ar sé, 'ros claidh mo n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t &ersir; mo lāth<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> ar cūla &ersir; is <sup resp="LD">s</sup>uaill nac airdena éga damh.' 'An fīn ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aithis, a rīgh,' ar sē(sic), rot mesc.'</note>atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in rīg: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse12"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>A ingen, ro scaith mo n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t,</l> <l>súail nach táinic mo t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>iug-lecht,</l> <l> <lb n="390"/>i ndiaid na haidchi cen on,</l> <l>mar do beind a sír-galor.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>In fín ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aithis, a rīg,</l> <l>nī tháinic fīn bud ferr bríg,</l> <l>is ē ro mesc do chorp cain,</l> <l> <lb n="395"/>nī thicfa olc frit anmain.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Dias chomadais ind marōen,</l> <l>misi &ersir; tusa, a ben chaem,</l> <l>sásta sochaidi dot fhleid,</l> <l>at togaidi mar ingin.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>A</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s21" n="21" type="section"> <p> <lb n="400"/>Asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in rīg riasi ann sin, <q>Dēna ní dot ealadain dún, a ingen,</q> ol sē. <q>Do-gēn immorro,</q> ol in ingen. Do-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uatar amach .i. Muirchertach<note n="14" type="auth" place="bottom">H (add.) &ersir; Sīn</note> &ersir; na slōig uile, na fhiadnaisi. Do-rigne Sín immorro ann sin firu gorma dona clochaib &ersir; fir eli co cennaib gabur. Co rabatar cet<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ri <lb n="405"/> catha mōra fo<sup resp="LD">a</sup> n-arm-gaisc<ex resp="LD">uid</ex> 'na fiadnaisi <note n="15" type="auth" place="bottom">From here until ba in l.411, H reads: ar lár na faichthi. Gab<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> Muirchertach a airm &ersir; a il-fhaeb<ex resp="LD">air</ex> &ersir; a trealam catha iar sin &ersir; luidh f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> a n-oirlech &ersir; f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> a n-athc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uma, &ersir; gac no marb<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> a<ex resp="LD">ca</ex> no erged fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir dia ēis &ersir; g<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex></note>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> faichthi in Broga. Gebid Muirchertach a arm-gaisc<ex resp="LD">ed</ex> &ersir; a t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>realam catha iar sin &ersir; luid fūithib mar tharb ndian ndīscir ndās-<pb n="15"/> achtach &ersir; nos geib fo <ex resp="LD">chet</ex>ōir f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>a n-airlech &ersir; f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>a n-athchuma, &ersir; cech fer no marbadsum dīb no ēirged fo <ex resp="LD">chet</ex>ōir <lb n="410"/> dia ēis. &ersir; ro buīsium 'gā marbad mar sin char in chaemlā chaidchi. Gēr ba mōr luindi &ersir; ferg in rīg ro scīthaiged hé mar sin &ersir; <note n="16" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem, H reads: Adub<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t 'is ingnadh lium anī atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īm .i. an līn do loitis &ersir; do marb<ex resp="LD">us</ex> atā;t ann so.' 'Tairnicc do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lait<ex resp="LD">ius</ex> nī c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>eilim ort, a rī,' ar sī, 'uair is treisi sl<ex resp="LD">uag</ex> na f<ex resp="LD">er</ex> ngorm nā da muindt<ex resp="LD">er</ex>.' 'Muirfedsa iat fós,' ar an rīg. Ro gab aga n-oirlech g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex> ba scītach ē.</note>atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t and: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse13"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īusa ingnad anall</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> doslinntib na habann,</l> <l> <lb n="415"/>in līn ro marbus don tsluag</l> <l>itāt beō co colann-ruad.</l> </sp> </lg> <sp who="S"> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Tairnic do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>l<ex resp="LD">aithius</ex> uile,</l> <l>nī chēl ort, a rīg-r<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>e,</l> <l>cech ōen ro mudaig do lām</l> <l> <lb n="420"/>atāt beō cubaid com-lān.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Atberimsi frit co fīr,</l> <l>nī cheilfet sochaidi in gním,</l> <l>is tresi cath na fer ngorm</l> <l>inā cath na mac mōr-oll.</l> </lg> </sp> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l> <lb n="425"/>Atb<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex> nī t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>escub in fraech,</l> <l>nī comrac trēn-fhir fri baeth,</l> <l>ro marbus mōr <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex> don tsluag </l> <l>i cath c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rōda c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laidem-ruad.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Ar in clēirech rot c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>abair,</l> <l> <lb n="430"/>in cath crōdasa tabair,</l> <l>g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex> t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uitset co ndogra lind</l> <l>fir gorma &ersir; gobar-chind.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>sa in cath co hēimech,</l> <l>nár écnaigesu in clēirech,</l> <l> <lb n="435"/>is cian bus chumain ōndíu</l> <l>na cathasa mar atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>íu.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>At.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <pb n="16"/> <div1 xml:id="s22" n="22" type="section"> <p><app> <lem>Ō ropa scīth immorro in rīg ag in cathugad ic slaidi</lem> <rdg wit="H">An tan immorro ba tuirs<ex resp="LD">ec</ex> in rīgh ic slaigi</rdg> </app> na slōg, tēit co toirsech isin dūn &ersir; tuc Sín fín draīdechta &ersir; muca draīdechta dō. Caithidsium sin co n-a <lb n="440"/> m<ex resp="LD">uin</ex>t<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> &ersir; codlaid co trom 'na diaid co matain &ersir; nī raibi n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t <app> <lem>nā trācht</lem> <rdg wit="H">mnā seola</rdg> </app> ann arnabárach ic ērgi, <note n="17" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem, H reads: Atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t 'atúsa gan n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t, a ingen,' ar sé, 'oir dia m<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>thai in rāit am c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>enn ni f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ēdfuind cor do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ois nā do lāimh dam.</note><frn lang="la">ut di<ex resp="LD">x</ex>it</frn>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse14"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Atū gan n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t, a ben blāith,</l> <l>cid im chenn do mūirthea in rāith,</l> <l>nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>édaim cor dom láim deis,</l> <l> <lb n="445"/>nisam tabartha in éisleis.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Tabair ar in clēirech cáid,</l> <l>bec nach táinic do thiug-dāil,</l> <l>is ē rot c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>abair i bus.</l> <l>nā hēirig ar aneōlus.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l> <lb n="450"/>Maith in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>omairli do ráith</l> <l>do-b<ex resp="LD">eir</ex> anosa in ben blāith,</l> <l>acht is anf<ex resp="LD">or</ex>lann indiú</l> <l>nī t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rēicēbsa neach mar tú.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Atú.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s23" n="23" type="section"> <p>Mar do bāt<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> iarum f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>sna <app> <lem>briathraib sin, co cualatar</lem> <rdg wit="H">himrāitibh sin, nīr cian dōib co cualad<ex resp="LD">ar</ex></rdg> </app> <lb n="455"/> trom-gāir na slōg &ersir; na sochaidi ic tog <mls n="315/316a" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/> airm Muirchertaig amach &ersir; 'gā greannugad dochum in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>atha. Is ann ro bādar dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ommōra isin Brug 'na fhiadnaisi .i. fir gorma isin dara cath &ersir; fir cen chind isin cath ele. Ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ergaiged immorro Muirchertach <app> <lem>fa</lem> <rdg wit="H">ma</rdg> </app> greannugad na <lb n="460"/> slōg &ersir; ro ērig co hopunn &ersir; <note n="18" type="auth" place="bottom">[From here until the end of the poem, H reads:] do thoit f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>a ais ina imdaigh co ndub<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t, 'is trom in gāir si ac cathaibh na f<ex resp="LD">er</ex> ngorm rind atuaigh &ersir; in gāir si anes ac na f<ex resp="LD">er</ex>uib gan c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>inn, &ersir; is fand mu n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>tsa na n-ag<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> cidh garbh in gāir.</note> ro t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uit co héneirt ar lār, co n-ebairt in laīd: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse15"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Gāir trom, tairm do-níat sluaig,</l> <l>cath fer ngorm rind atuaid, </l> <l>fir cen c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ind fobr<ex resp="LD">es</ex> treass</l> <l> <lb n="465"/>isin glind rind a-neas.</l> </lg> <pb n="17"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Fand mo n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t dochum s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>luaig,</l> <l>ba mōr fecht rugus buaid,</l> <l>mōr in sluag, tenn an dáil,</l> <l>borb a n-ainm, garb a ngāir.</l> </lg> <trailer>G.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s24" n="24" type="section"> <p> <lb n="470"/>Luidsium iar sin isin mBrug &ersir; tēit fana slōgaib &ersir; gabais f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>a n-airlech &ersir; f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>a n-athchuma co foda do lō. <app> <lem>Tánic Sín iar sin chucu &ersir; do-b<ex resp="LD">eir</ex> rīgi f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>ro do Muirchertach, &ersir; anaid dia c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>athugad</lem> <rdg wit="H">Tānicc d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>ed don lō cuigi iar sin &ersir; anait dia cathug<ex resp="LD">ad</ex>.</rdg> </app>. &ersir; tic in rīg reme iar sin co Cleiteach &ersir; delbais Sīn dā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ath mōra et<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ru &ersir; in <lb n="475"/> dún. Ō ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ēgsum iatsein tēit fūithib &ersir; ro gab f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> cathugad<note n="19" type="auth" place="bottom">H (add.) &ersir; f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> comlunn</note> friu.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s25" n="25" type="section"> <p>In tan iarum ro bīsium ac cur in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>atha sin, is ann ro chuir Cairnech Masán &ersir; Casán &ersir; <app> <lem>Crídan</lem> <rdg wit="H">C<ex resp="LD">ri</ex>dan</rdg> </app> dia s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aigidsium ar dáig f<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>tachta dé. Uair do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>itir in naem uasal <lb n="480"/> in t-anf<ex resp="LD">or</ex>lann ro bí fair in uair sin. Comraicit na clērig frís isin Brug iar sin &ersir; <app> <lem>sé</lem> <rdg wit="H">do-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īt in rig</rdg> </app> ag leadrad na cloch &ersir; na fód &ersir; na nguisén ar chena, conid ann <note n="20" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until scēla in l.498, H reads: Atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>tatar 'Cid ima ledraid na clocha?' ar siat. 'Nī clocha iat,' ar Muirchertach. 'Is truag linn tū,' ar na clērigh, 'gan n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t a creitem don īdhal.' 'Nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ed<ex resp="LD">ar</ex>sa āmh nar catha na clocha,' ar an rīgh. 'Tab<ex resp="LD">air</ex> cros Cr<ex resp="LD">īst</ex> tar do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ūilib,' ar iatsan. Coisrecaid in rī é(sic) &ersir; (par. 26) tairisi a f<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">er</ex>g &ersir; tic a ciall dō, &ersir; nī facaidh nī ann acht fōithe &ersir; clocha et fiarf<ex resp="LD">aig</ex>e sc<ex resp="LD">ē</ex>la....</note>atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse16"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="CL"> <l>Cid fá leagai na clocha,</l> <l>a Muirchertaig, gan f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>otha,</l> <l> <lb n="485"/>is truag lind do beith gan n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t</l> <l>do réir ídail ic draīdecht.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>An clēirech ro ataig rim,</l> <l>tānag i comlann dā chind,</l> <l>nocha n-fheadar armo-thā</l> <l> <lb n="490"/>nachat crōda na clocha.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="CL"> <l>Tabair cros C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>r<ex resp="LD">íst</ex> co rúinib</l> <l>anosa dar do shúilib,</l> <l>toirind fri head do brotha,</l> <l>cid fā lecai na clocha.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>C.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <pb n="18"/> <div1 xml:id="s26" n="26" type="section"> <p> <lb n="495"/>Airisid ferg in rīg-mīled iar sin &ersir; tic a chiall dó, &ersir; do-b<ex resp="LD">eir</ex> sigean na croiche dara agaid &ersir; ní fhacca ní ann iar sin acht clocha &ersir; fóid in talman ar chena. &ersir; iarfaigis scēla dona clērchib iar sin. &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t, <q>Cid mā tāncabar,</q> ol sē. <q>Tāncamar ar cenn do chuirpsiu,</q> ol siat, <q>uair is <lb n="500"/> focus bás duit,</q> <frn lang="la">ut dixit</frn>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse17"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Cid 'mā tāncabar ōn chill,</l> <l>a macu légind lān-bind,</l> <l>nā celid ar Dia nime,</l> <l>innisid dam fīrinne.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="CL"> <l> <lb n="505"/>Tāncam<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> ar cenn do chuirp,</l> <l>a fhaisnēis do-gēnum duit,</l> <l>b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>mait lind hē co tuile (.i. Tuilén)</l> <l>cen anmain, a deg-duine.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l><note n="21" type="auth" place="bottom">In H, the prose takes up the story from the third quatrain until the end of the poem as follows: 'Lesaig<ex resp="LD">id</ex> mo c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>p, a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērciu,' bar Muirchertach, '&ersir; b<ex resp="LD">er</ex>idh lib ē co Tuilen m<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> a fuil Cairnec,' 'ōir nī licfi Cairnec &ersir; Tig<ex resp="LD">er</ex>nach a n-ifrenn tū,' ar iatsan.</note>Lesaigid mo chorp co hán,</l> <l> <lb n="510"/>a Masán is a Chasán,</l> <l>b<ex resp="LD">er</ex>id lib mo chorp, m'ainmech,</l> <l>isin maidin co Cairnech.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <sp who="CL"> <l>B<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>maíd do chorp, is gnīm truag,</l> <l>co ria Tuilén im an úar,</l> <l> <lb n="515"/>is adbar toirsi co tenn</l> <l>i n-iathaib ána Ērenn.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>A c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērchiu, is trom lim in dál</l> <l>scarad m'anma rem chorpān,</l> <l>isam eacail beith cen treōir</l> <l> <lb n="520"/>a crīchaib uara aneóil.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <sp who="CL"> <l>Cairnech is Tigernach<note n="22" type="auth" place="bottom">tiggernach, with dot over the first g, MS.</note> tenn,</l> <l>ard-naeim uaisli na hĒrenn,</l> <l>nī lēicfet tū a n-ifernn úar,</l> <l>a thuir c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rōda c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laidem-ruad.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="19"/> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l> <lb n="525"/>Arcu<note n="23" type="auth" place="bottom">MS. Erca.</note> fuin</l> <l>do rīg nime, leis mo dluig;</l> <l>ar bar n-inchaib mo chorp glan,</l> <l>a-nocht cid 'mā tāncabar.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>C.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s27" n="27" type="section"> <p>Do-rónsat na clērig tóraind chilli and sin isin Brug, <lb n="530"/> &ersir; asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>tadar frisium a clad do thachailt i n-anóir in Choimded mōir na ndúl. <q>Do-gēntar,</q> ol sē. Ro gabsum ic tachailt in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>luid ann sin conid ann sin do <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex>-milled faichthi in Broga ar tús riam. &ersir; ro boīsium oc innisin a scēl fesin dona clērchib, &ersir; oc aithrigi ndīc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ra fri Dia <lb n="535"/> <app> <lem><frn lang="la">ut dixit</frn></lem> <rdg wit="H">itb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in laīd and</rdg> </app>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse18"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Atlochur do Mac M<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>e,</l> <l>Tairnic sunna mo luinne,</l> <l>ic dēnum relgi rúaidi</l> <l>ar brū Broga barr-uaine.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="540"/>Rob annum lim gus indiu</l> <l>reilec do chur mar <app> <lem>atú</lem> <rdg wit="H">atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īu</rdg> </app>,</l> <l>ba menci lim cen cor <app> <lem>leas</lem> <rdg wit="H">leis</rdg> </app>,</l> <l>loingeas a cill cen chairdes.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Ō thānac <app> <lem>Ērind</lem> <rdg wit="H">sunna</rdg> </app> dar ler,</l> <l> <lb n="545"/>cumain lim in lín bl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex>,</l> <l>nī raba lá, buan in blad,</l> <l><app> <lem>cen cheann c<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ad sa choscar</lem> <rdg wit="H">gan cath <ex resp="LD">cēt</ex>ach rem chosnam</rdg> </app>.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Ōen bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> dēc dam i bus</l> <l>nō co fuaras ferannus,</l> <l> <lb n="550"/>nī raba aidche <app> <lem>ris sin</lem> <rdg wit="H">com thoigh</rdg> </app></l> <l>cen chend Laignig nō Muimnig.</l> </lg> <pb n="20"/> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Fiche bl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex> damsa fēin</l> <l><app> <lem>i rīgi Eōgain meic Nēill</lem> <rdg wit="H">a n-ardrīghe cloinne Nēill</rdg> </app>,</l> <l>cenn cech n-aidchi lim cen acht</l> <l> <lb n="555"/>a hUlltaib nō a crīch Connacht.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>Cōic bl<ex resp="LD">iadna</ex> <ex resp="LD">fiched</ex> cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ell</l> <l>dam i n-aird-rīgi nĒrenn,</l> <l>nī raba aidchi ri sin</l> <l>gan neach a nĒrind dargain.</l> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="560"/>Dā bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> mē i nAlbain tair,</l> <l>ro marbus mo shen-athair,</l> <l>tucus slōg a snīmaib ann,</l> <l>dom gnīmaib do thuit <app> <lem>Loarnd</lem> <rdg wit="H">f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>ann</rdg> </app>.</l> </lg> <lg n="8" type="quatrain"> <l><mls n="316/316b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>Dā bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> damsa iar sin</l> <l> <lb n="565"/>i rīgi f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Danaraib,</l> <l>nī raba aidche ri sin</l> <l>gan chind <app> <lem>desi</lem> <rdg wit="H">deis</rdg> </app> f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> cuaillib.</l> </lg> <lg n="9" type="quatrain"> <l>Is ī seo mf<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aíside fhír</l> <l>i fiadnaisi rīg na rīg</l> <l> <lb n="570"/><app> <lem>nach lía dom' laithib</lem> <rdg wit="H">nac lia beo d'Ulta<ex resp="LD">ib</ex></rdg> </app> gan tlás</l> <l>inā thucus a tiug-bás.</l> </lg> <lg n="10" type="quatrain"> <l>Cēd &ersir; bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> fo <ex resp="LD">deich</ex></l> <l>ō ra geniusa cen c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>leith</l> <l>gus in laithisea cen locht</l> <l> <lb n="575"/>nī derna riam acht lān-olc.</l> </lg> <lg n="11" type="quatrain"> <l>Nī dernus relic ri sin</l> <l>nā eclas cháid don Choimdid,</l> <l>acht mad tuile cath do chur,</l> <l>don Choimdi mōr atlochur.</l> </lg> <trailer>At.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <pb n="21"/> <div1 xml:id="s28" n="28" type="section"> <p> <lb n="580"/>A haithli na <app> <lem>faísite</lem> <rdg wit="H">laīdi</rdg> </app> immorro ro bennachsat na clērig uisqui dó iar sin, &ersir; ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aith corp Cr<ex resp="LD">íst</ex> &ersir; do-rigne aithrigi ndīc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ra co Dia, &ersir; asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t friu a innisin do Chairnech am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> do-rigne a fhaísite &ersir; a aithrigi, <note n="24" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from here until the end of the poem.</note> conid and asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse19"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Hidan, idan corpān criad,</l> <l> <lb n="585"/>cuman, cuman cruth na ndael,</l> <l>ecal, ecal in bēist búan,</l> <l>fuar, fuar in c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>loch imon taeb.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Ecal, ecal ifernn uar,</l> <l>baile bith-s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>eng tria bith sīr,</l> <l> <lb n="590"/>mo mian i bus dāmad chian</l> <l>beith sair siar i relcibh rīg.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Dom chorp, dom chorp tria bith sīr</l> <l>rob f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ir, fīr, rob ecail aed;</l> <l>fín, fín don uisqui cen brēig</l> <l> <lb n="595"/>mar théit, téit ro fheadar Áeb. <gloss>.i. idi<ex resp="LD">n</ex> ele don mnaī c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ētna</gloss></l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Co brāth, bráth nī bia fo decht</l> <l>dál, dál ic duine im airecht;</l> <l>mo brīg, brīg ro scaich a cacht,</l> <l> <lb n="600"/>bid fír, fír gan a taidecht.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>A relic, relic rīg ruaid</l> <l>co fír, fír do-chóid mo buaid;</l> <l>nī holc mar do-rala dam,</l> <l>mo chorp co hidan, idan.</l> </lg> <trailer>Idan</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s29" n="29" type="section"> <p> <lb n="605"/>Anait na clērig in aidche sin a cill in Broga, &ersir; tēit in rīg co Cleitech &ersir; suidis f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> deis a mhná ann. Fiarfaigis Sín de créd ro t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>oirmisc a chomlann uime<pb n="22"/> isin lō sin. <q>Na clērig tāncadar chucum,</q> ol sē. <q>&ersir; do-radsat sigen na croiche <app> <lem>Cr<ex resp="LD">īst</ex></lem> <rdg wit="H">naeim</rdg> </app> dar m'agaid &ersir; nī fhaca <lb n="610"/> ann ar sin acht mad raithnech &ersir; clocha &ersir; <app> <lem>bolca bēlcheō</lem> <rdg wit="H">bolgāna beca</rdg> </app> &ersir; gasāna sanais, &ersir; ō nach raba ann neach in-chomlaind damsa, tánacus ass.</q></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s30" n="30" type="section"> <p><note n="25" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem H reads: Atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t Sīn nā creit na clērich uair ni rāidhit fīrinde, &ersir; adhuir daimsa uair is f<ex resp="LD">err</ex> do charuit mē &ersir; b<ex resp="LD">et</ex> sa mailli rit, uair is annsa lem tú ināit na clērich.</note>&ersir; <frn lang="la">dixit</frn> Sín: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse20"> <body> <sp who="S"> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Na clērig nā creid co brāth</l> <l> <lb n="615"/>uair nī chanait acht anfáth;</l> <l>nā len a rann cen bindi,</l> <l>uair ní adrait fīrindi.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Nā hadair do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lērchib cell,</l> <l>mad áil leat beathu cen fheall;</l> <l> <lb n="620"/>ferr do charait misi i bus,</l> <l>nā ticed duit aithrechus.</l> </lg> </sp> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Biatsa caidche ma-lle rit,</l> <l>a ingen fhind cen anricht,</l> <l>is do¯chu limsa do drech</l> <l> <lb n="625"/>inā cella na clēirech.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Na</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s31" n="31" type="section"> <p>Ro s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aeb trā Sín <app> <lem>a m<ex resp="LD">en</ex>masum</lem> <rdg wit="H">eisein</rdg> </app> ann sin &ersir; tānic <app> <lem>et<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ru</lem> <rdg wit="H">it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> é</rdg> </app> &ersir; tecosca na clēirech, &ersir; do-rigne fín draīdechta dōib in aidche sin, &ersir; rob í sin in <ex resp="LD">secht</ex>mad aidche dōib f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>sin draīdecht &ersir; adaig Máirti iar Samain do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>unnrud sin. <lb n="630"/> Ō robdar mescda na slōig, tic osnad gaíthi mōire ann. <q>Is osnad gem-aidche so,</q> ol in rīg. &ersir; Atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t Sín in so: <note n="26" type="auth" place="bottom">H has this reading f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> the poem: Is misi adubraiss uair is Osnad Gaeithi gemaidchi m'ainm &ersir; is d<ex resp="LD">eredh</ex> dod rē &ersir; dod lānsaegul</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse21"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Is misi Gaeth garb,</l> <l>ingen airech ael,</l> <l>is Gem-adaig m'ainm</l> <l> <lb n="635"/>ar cach airm ma-rōen.</l> </lg> <pb n="23"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Osnad &ersir; Gaeth,</l> <l>Gem-adaig im-ne,</l> <l>ro rāidis co fīr,</l> <l>tāinic do dīl de.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="640"/>Mā ndeachadais dó</l> <l>co dorus in lis,</l> <l>rachaid éc at bēl,</l> <l>nocha scēl cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>is.</l> </lg> <trailer>Is m.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s32" n="32" type="section"> <p>Asa haithle sin trā ro delb sī snechta mōr ann &ersir; <lb n="645"/> nī tháinic <app> <lem>riam tairm c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>atha</lem> <rdg wit="H">tairm catha reimhe riam</rdg> </app> bud mó inās in cith dlūiths<sup resp="LD">h</sup>nechta ro f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ear ann in uair sin, &ersir; iniartuaid do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>unnrad tānic. Is annsin tānic in rīg amach isin teach <app> <lem>n-inc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lethi</lem> <rdg wit="H">n-imtheilgthe</rdg> </app> &ersir; do-chuaid isteach doridisi, &ersir; ro gab f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> tathaír na síne, <note n="27" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from this point until the end of the poem.</note>conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse22"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l> <lb n="650"/>Is olc in adaig a-nocht,</l> <l>nī thānic riam a com-olc,</l> <l>&ersir; nī thicfa chaidche</l> <l>indshamail na hōen-aidche.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Cleitech is fuar a faebar,</l> <l> <lb n="655"/>ro gairdighed do shaegal,</l> <l>nā r<sup resp="LD">áid</sup><note n="28" type="auth" place="bottom">Mostly illegible.</note> m'ainm tria bithu sīr,</l> <l>nī cunntabairt duit droch-díl.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Nī ebérsa h'ainm co brāth,</l> <l>&ersir; sechénat seach cāch,</l> <l> <lb n="660"/>in līn atāmaid a-nocht</l> <l>nī tháir pud<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> nā ard-olc.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Is o.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s33" n="33" type="section"> <p>Ō t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>airnic in fledugad immorro ro <app> <lem>laigset</lem> <rdg wit="H">luids<ex resp="LD">a</ex>t</rdg> </app> na slōig iar sin &ersir; nī raibi n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t mná seōla a nduine dīb.<pb n="24"/> <app> <lem>Laigid</lem> <rdg wit="H">luidig</rdg> </app> in rīg ina imdaid iar sin &ersir; tuitid suan trom fair. <lb n="665"/> Do-gnī di<ex resp="LD">diu</ex> iachtad mór trēn asa chodlud &ersir; músclais asa shúan. <q>Créd sin it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>?</q> ol in ingen. <q>Siabra mór rom t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ārfás<note n="29" type="auth" place="bottom">H (add.) damh</note></q> ol sē, conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse23"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Domárfás recht ruad-theined,</l> <l>imad saer-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lann siabairthi,</l> <l> <lb n="670"/>traethad <app> <lem>truag</lem> <rdg wit="H">sin</rdg> </app> <mls n="317/317a" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/> dār sluagaibne.</l> <l>seōl sīthe dār saeb-leagad,</l> <l>teach Cletig <app> <lem>'na t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rom-thenid</lem> <rdg wit="H">ga commaidhem</rdg> </app>,</l> <l><app> <lem>im chenn chaidche</lem> <rdg wit="H">fa cann cāich</rdg> </app> ar com-lasad,</l> <l>clanna Nēill a n-étualang</l> <l> <lb n="675"/>trē upthaib <app> <lem>ban</lem> <rdg wit="H">ndream</rdg> </app> ndraīdechta,</l> <l>a scēith arna scīth-leagad,</l> <l>ar cōrugad <ex resp="LD">con</ex>ntrachta,</l> <l>airm chāich ina <app> <lem>crosradaig</lem> <rdg wit="H">crosradhaig</rdg> </app>,</l> <l>dar treagdad re tinnenus,</l> <l> <lb n="680"/>gāir mōr-s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>luaig fa d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>g-thenid.</l> <l>Is <ex resp="LD">ed</ex> tārfás dam.</l> </lg> <trailer>D.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s34" n="34" type="section"> <p>Ērgid in rīg suas &ersir; nīr lēic in taidbsi atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>onnairc <app> <lem>tindabrad</lem> <rdg wit="H">tadhb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>ud</rdg> </app> dó. &ersir; tānic asin tig amach &ersir; atchī tenid mbic i cill isin Brug oc na clērchib. <app> <lem>Tānicsium chucu iar sin <lb n="685"/> &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t friu, 'Nī uil n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t nā trācht innumsa a-nocht,' &ersir; ro innis a thaidbsi &ersir; a aislingthi, &ersir; 'Is decair damsa,' ol sē, 'deg-engnum a-nocht cid slōig eachtrand tīsad dom indsaigid trēna anfaindi atám, &ersir; trē olcas na haidche,' ol sē, &ersir; ro gabsat na clērig 'gā t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ecosc iarum ann sin.</lem> <rdg wit="H">'Is olc an aig<ex resp="LD">ed</ex>' ar sé, '&ersir; nī fuil n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t nā trācht indumsa anos,' ar sē, 're henghum do dēnum gidh sl<ex resp="LD">óig</ex> eachtrann nom thīsadh</rdg> </app> <lb n="690"/> Tānicsium isteach fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir <note n="30" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from this point until the end of the poem</note>conad ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse24"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Is lān-olc int sínsa a-nocht</l> <l>dona clērchib 'na longp<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>t,</l> <l>nī lāmait codlud chaidche</l> <l>d'aggairbe shín na haidche.</l> </sp> </lg> <pb n="25"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l> <lb n="695"/>Cid fā n-abrai m'ainm, a fhir,</l> <l>a Meic Erca is Muiredaig,</l> <l>fo-gēba bás, līth cen ail,</l> <l>a tig Cletig nā codail.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Abair rium, a ben cen brōn,</l> <l> <lb n="700"/>cia līn tuites lim don tslōg,</l> <l>nā ceil orm, innis cen chāin</l> <l>cā lín do-f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aeth dom deslāim.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Nī thuitfi nech leat ar lār,</l> <l>a Meic Erca na n-ard-grād,</l> <l> <lb n="705"/>tairnic tú co becht, a rí,</l> <l>do-chuaid do n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t ar nefní.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="M"> <l>Esbaid mōr mo beith gan n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t,</l> <l>a Shín uasal na n-il-reacht,</l> <l>m<ex resp="LD">en</ex>ic ro marb<ex resp="LD">us</ex> laech lonn</l> <l> <lb n="710"/>gē tú a-nocht i n-ēcomlonn.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Sochaidi ro t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uit dot spairrn,</l> <l>a Meic Ingine Loairnd,</l> <l>tucais ilar sluag i socht,</l> <l>mo núar gē taí co lān-olc.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Is lān.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s35" n="35" type="section"> <p> <lb n="715"/><q>Is fír trā, a ingen,</q> ol sē, <q>is focus bās damsa, uair do bī a tairrng<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>i dam comad chosmail m'aidid &ersir; aidid Loairnd mo s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ean-athar, uair nī <app> <lem>a comlann it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> do-rochair</lem> <rdg wit="H">d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>na comhlund ga marb<ex resp="LD">adh</ex></rdg> </app> acht a loscad c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ena do-rōnad. Codail trā a-nocht,</q> ar in ingen, '&ersir; <app> <lem>lēic damsa h'fhoraire &ersir; h'fhorcoimēt <lb n="720"/> f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> na slōgaib, &ersir; mā tā a ndán duit nī loiscfit<ex resp="LD">er</ex> a-nocht toramsa in teach.' 'Do-fil f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> ar tí et<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>,' ol sē, 'Tuathal Mael Garb mac Cormaic Caīch meic Cairpri meic Nēill <ex resp="LD">Noī</ex>giall<ex resp="LD">aig</ex>.' 'Cē raib Tuathal co n-a s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lōgaib uile ar do thī, nī heacail duitsiu a-nocht tarumsa hē,' ol <lb n="725"/> in ingen, '&ersir; codailsiu festa.'</lem> <rdg wit="H">'do-ghēnsa t'f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>oraire &ersir; t'f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>orcoimhēd f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> na sl<ex resp="LD">uag</ex>aibh mon dūn &ersir; nī loiscfit a-nocht taram in techsa. Cia fuil f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> do thī it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>?' ar issi. 'Tuathal Mael Garb mac Cormaic Caīch meic Cairp<ex resp="LD">re</ex> meic Nēill co n-a sl<ex resp="LD">uag</ex>aibh atá ar do thī &ersir; nī heguil duitsi é.'</rdg> </app></p> </div1> <pb n="26"/> <div1 xml:id="s36" n="36" type="section"> <p>Do-chóidsium 'na lebaid <app> <lem>iar sin</lem> <rdg wit="H">leis na briatraibh sin</rdg> </app> &ersir; do chuindig dig f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>sin ingin, &ersir; do chuir sī bricht suain f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>sin fín mbréci úd <app> <lem>go <ex resp="LD">r</ex>a ibsium dig de</lem> <rdg wit="H">adib sein digh as</rdg> </app> co nderna mesc aimn<ex resp="LD">er</ex>tach é <app> <lem>cen shúg cen n<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t</lem> <rdg wit="H">gan tsegh gan tsūgh</rdg> </app> ann. Codlais co trēn iar sin &ersir; atchī <lb n="730"/> <app> <lem>aislingthi</lem> <rdg wit="H">aislinge</rdg> </app> ann .i. <app> <lem>techt</lem> <rdg wit="H">a b<ex resp="LD">eit</ex>h fein</rdg> </app> i lunga f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> fairgi &ersir; a long do bádud &ersir; in grīb ingnech do thoidecht chuigi &ersir; a breithsium lé ina nead &ersir; in nead do loscad imesium iar sin &ersir; in grīb do t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uitim leisium.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s37" n="37" type="section"> <p>Músclais in righ &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t a fhís do breith doc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um <lb n="735"/> a chomalta co <app> <lem>Mac Saignen druad .i. Dub dá rind, &ersir; rucsein a breith</lem> <rdg wit="H">mac Signén draī .i. Duibrenn a ainm &ersir; do ruc sein breath &ersir; is <ex resp="LD">edh</ex> itb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t</rdg> </app>, <q>Is í in long i rabadais,</q> ol sē, <q>.i. long in f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laithiusa f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> muir<note n="31" type="auth" place="bottom">MS. muig. H has muir</note> in tsaegail &ersir; tusa ic sdiúrad in f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laithiusa, &ersir; is ī in long do bádud <app> <lem>tusa do t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aircsin</lem> <rdg wit="H">do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laitisa do thaircsin.</rdg> </app> &ersir; do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aegal do thoidecht. Is ī in grīb ingnech rot <lb n="740"/> f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uc lée ina nead .i. in bean fil it fharrad dot chur f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> mesci <app> <lem>&ersir; dot br<ex resp="LD">eith</ex> lē ina lebaid</lem> <rdg wit="H">aineis &ersir; f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> nemfnī</rdg> </app> dot fhastód a tig Cletig coma hē loiscfiter f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>t. <note n="32" type="auth" place="bottom">The text is taken from H until 252b Y resumes with the poem in par. 44.</note><mls n="H 252b" unit="MS folio"/> An grībh immorro do thoitim letsa .i. in ben do éc trēt f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ochaindsi. Is <lb n="745"/> ī sin trā breath na haislingi sin,</q> ar sē.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s38" n="38" type="section"> <p>Coll<ex resp="LD">aid</ex> in rī iarum co <sup resp="LD">trom</sup><note n="33" type="auth" place="bottom">Almost illegible</note> iar cur in brechta s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uain do Shīn fair. An fat trā ro bī sin isin coll<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> sin ēirgid Sīn &ersir; cōirgis gae &ersir; slegha na sl<ex resp="LD">ō</ex>g ar indill āigh i ndoirsib in tighi &ersir; a renna uili c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um an tighi. Iar sin <lb n="750"/> delbaidh sī trā il-imud <mls n="H 253a" unit="MS folio"/> &ersir; soch<ex resp="LD">aid</ex>i a timc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ill an dúnaidh. Téit fēin istech &ersir; scaīl<ex resp="LD">id</ex> in teine ar gach aird fon tech &ersir; fona fraightibh &ersir; tēit isin leb<ex resp="LD">aid</ex>.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s39" n="39" type="section"> <p>Ba hand sin d<ex resp="LD">an</ex>o do mūscail in rī asa c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>oll<ex resp="LD">adh</ex>. <q>Créd sin?</q> ar an ingen. <q>Tārfas dam,</q> ar sē, <q>sl<ex resp="LD">uag</ex> <lb n="755"/> siabra ic losgudh in tigi f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>m &ersir; ic orleach mo muindt<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>i fon dorus,</q> <q>Nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uil olc duidsi de sin,</q> ar an ingen, <q>acht ch<ex resp="LD">en</ex>a ro tārfas.</q></p> </div1> <pb n="27"/> <div1 xml:id="s40" n="40" type="section"> <p>An tan immorro ro bād<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> ar an comrādh sin, do chualad<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> breasm<sup resp="LD">h</sup>aidhm ica loscudh &ersir; gāir na sl<ex resp="LD">ō</ex>g <lb n="760"/> siabra &ersir; ndraīgechta imon tech. <q>Cia fil 'mon tech?</q> ar an rī. <q>Tuathal Mael Garb mac Cormaic Caīch meic Cairbre meic Nēill co n-a s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>l<ex resp="LD">uag</ex>aibh,</q> ar Sīn, <q>atā ann ic dīgailt <ex resp="LD">cath</ex>a Granaird ortsa,</q> &ersir; nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> sin nachar fhīr sin &ersir; nachar shl<ex resp="LD">uag</ex> corp<ex resp="LD">or</ex>dha do bī 'mon tech.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s41" n="41" type="section"> <p> <lb n="765"/>Ēirgidhsein co dian iar sin &ersir; tic d'iar<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> a airm &ersir; nī f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uair nech dā f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>reagra. Tēit in ingen amach asin tigh &ersir; tēit sin ina degaidh fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir &ersir; tacr<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> sl<ex resp="LD">uagh</ex> ina ucht co ndech<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> trīt co comt<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rom. Impōidh ōn dorus arīs doc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um a leptha. Do-c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uad<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> na sl<ex resp="LD">ōi</ex>g amach <lb n="770"/> faī sin &ersir; nī t<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>nō nech dīb gan guin nō gan losc<ex resp="LD">adh</ex>.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s42" n="42" type="section"> <p>Tānic in rī iarum doc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um in dor<ex resp="LD">uis</ex> dorīsi &ersir; bātar na smōla &ersir; na casracha teinedh etair é &ersir; an dorus. Ō ro līn an teine in dorus &ersir; an tegh uili 'ma c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uairt, &ersir; nach fuair dīn uirre, tēit isin dab<ex resp="LD">aigh</ex> f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>īna ocus bāit<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> innti <lb n="775"/> é ac dul fūithi gac<sup resp="LD">h</sup> re n-uair ar omun na teined. Tuitig in tech ina c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>enn iar sin &ersir; loisct<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">er</ex> <ex resp="LD">cōic</ex> troight<sup resp="LD">h</sup>i de &ersir; aincidh in fīn a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>p gan losc<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> ō s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>in amach.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s43" n="43" type="section"> <p>Ō thānicc in maiden arnamārach, tiaguid na clērich 'na ag<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> .i. Masān &ersir; Casān &ersir; Crīdan, &ersir; berid in rīg leō <lb n="780"/> gusin mBōin &ersir; do-gniat<note n="34" type="auth" place="bottom">MS. do-gnat</note> a thonach indti.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s44" n="44" type="section"> <p>Do-roich d<ex resp="LD">an</ex>o Cairnech co n-a manchaib cuca faī sin &ersir; do-righnesein toirrsi mór ica ēcaīne &ersir; buī ac tab<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t a thesta. Atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t: <q>Esb<ex resp="LD">aidh</ex> mōr do <mls n="H 253b" unit="MS folio"/>Ērinn aniú Mac Erca .i. in cethramadh nec<sup resp="LD">h</sup> is ferr ro t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>echtaidh Ēre <lb n="785"/> gan c<sup resp="LD">h<sup>lesaigecht &ersir; gan c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umachta .i. Muirchertach mac Erca &ersir; Niall N<ex resp="LD">oī</ex>g<ex resp="LD">hiallach</ex> &ersir; Conn <ex resp="LD">Cē</ex>t<ex resp="LD">chathach</ex> &ersir; Úgaine Mōr.</sup></sup></q> <note n="35" type="auth" place="bottom">Poem is omitted in H.</note> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse25"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l><mls n="318/317b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/>Saegal Meic Erca is eōl dam,</l> <l>nī bec mbl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex> ria fēgad</l> <l> <lb n="790"/>ōn aidche ro chin a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lí</l> <l>nō co ndechaid ar nefní.</l> </lg> <pb n="28"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l><ex resp="LD">Deich</ex> mbl<ex resp="LD">iadna</ex> dó i tig in druad</l> <l>Saignen co n-ilar a buar,</l> <l>anfad m<sup resp="LD">a</sup>ra<note n="36" type="auth" place="bottom">First a illegible</note> ros fulaing</l> <l> <lb n="795"/>Muirchertach in trēn-chumaing.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Dā bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> dó i tig in rīg</l> <l>Muiredaig mōir, maith a dīl,</l> <l>co ndechaid fri brōn cen brath</l> <l>darb imnedach Muiredach.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="800"/>Dā c<ex resp="LD">her</ex>t bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> dó f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> beirt</l> <l>i tig Loairnd dó ag Eirc,</l> <l>do Muirchertach cen gainne,</l> <l>nō co nderna fingaile.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Fiche bl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex> 's a <ex resp="LD">deich</ex> dó</l> <l> <lb n="805"/> i mBretnaib, nī himargó,</l> <l>frisin rē sin ro theachtaig</l> <l>Saxain &ersir; slóg-Bretnaig.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>A cind <ex resp="LD">deich</ex> mbl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex> iar sin</l> <l>tinōlaid, tenn in togail,</l> <l> <lb n="810"/>Saxain is Bretain cen brón</l> <l>doc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>um nĒrenn a tinól.</l> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <l><ex resp="LD">Fiche</ex> bl<ex resp="LD">iadan</ex> dó co tenn</l> <l>i rīgi thuaisc<ex resp="LD">ir</ex>t Ērenn</l> <l>i foirb in athar ōr gein</l> <l> <lb n="815"/>Muiredaig mōir meic Eōgain.</l> </lg> <lg n="8" type="quatrain"> <l>Ba rīg f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Ērinn uile</l> <l>Ua hEōgain in t-ard-r<ex resp="LD">ui</ex>re</l> <l><ex resp="LD">cōic</ex> bl<ex resp="LD">iadna</ex> <ex resp="LD">fiched</ex> cen chel</l> <l>nō g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex> gerrad a shaegol.</l> </lg> <trailer>S. m<ex resp="LD">ei</ex>c E.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <pb n="29"/> <div1 xml:id="s45" n="45" type="section"> <p> <lb n="820"/>Tōgbaithir in corp le Cairnech iar sin dā breith co Tuilén dia adnacul ann.</p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s46" n="46" type="section"> <p>Do-rala Duaibsech .i. b<ex resp="LD">en</ex> Muirchertaig dona clērchib iar sin &ersir; in corp et<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ru &ersir; do-rigneséin nuall guba móir toirsig &ersir; ro buail a basa &ersir; <app> <lem>do-b<ex resp="LD">eir</ex> a druim iarum <lb n="825"/> frisin mbile i nŌenach Rēil</lem> <rdg wit="H">ro c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">uir</ex> a druim risin mbaile a nAenach Rēab(sic).</rdg> </app> &ersir; ro mebaid cró-maidm dia c<ex resp="LD">ra</ex>ide 'na cliab &ersir; fuair bās fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir ann sin do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umaid <app> <lem>a fir</lem> <rdg wit="H">in rīgh</rdg> </app>. Tucsat na clērig corp na rīgna iar sin ma-róen &ersir; corp in rīg <note n="37" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from this point until rīg in section 47, l.842.</note> conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t Cairnech: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse26"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Duaibsech ben maith Meic Erca,</l> <l> <lb n="830"/>clait<ex resp="LD">er</ex> lib sunn a lechta,</l> <l>ingen rīg Connacht na clann</l> <l>ōr gein F<ex resp="LD">er</ex>gus is Domnall.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Cuirt<ex resp="LD">er</ex> Duaibsech fán ulaid,</l> <l>d<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>san a héc do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umaid,</l> <l> <lb n="835"/>ingen Duach, clait<ex resp="LD">er</ex> a fert</l> <l>co raib sunna chaidche a lecht.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Cōic bl<ex resp="LD">iadna</ex> <ex resp="LD">fiched</ex> dōib trell</l> <l>i n-ard-f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>laithius na hĒrenn</l> <l>nō g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex> c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uir in rīg dār leth</l> <l> <lb n="840"/>m<ex resp="LD">āthair</ex> a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>loindi Duaibsech.</l> </lg> <trailer>D.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s47" n="47" type="section"> <p>Adnaicthir in rīgan iar sin &ersir; clait<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> a fert. Adnaicthir di<ex resp="LD">diu</ex> in rīg i fail in tempaill allatuaid &ersir; ro bī Cairnech ic tab<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t <app> <lem>teasmolta</lem> <rdg wit="H">t<ex resp="LD">es</ex>ta</rdg> </app> in rīg co n-ebairt in laīdsi: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse27"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="845"/><app> <lem>Feart rīg Ailig biaid co brāth</lem> <rdg wit="H">Fert rīg Temrac a Tuilén</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>a Tuilén atc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>luinfe cāch,</lem> <rdg wit="H">atá sunn, is mōr in scél</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Sligid Asail co buan</lem> <rdg wit="H">fri Sligi Assail anair</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>sunn fa chasaib na mōr-shluag.</lem> <rdg wit="H">fo c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>asaibh cl<ex resp="LD">aind</ex>i Cobth<ex resp="LD">aig</ex></rdg> </app></l> </lg> <pb n="30"/> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l><note n="38" type="auth" place="bottom">This verse is omitted in H.</note>Ba maith cech sligi re lind,</l> <l> <lb n="850"/>Muirchertach h<ex resp="LD">ua</ex> Eōgain f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ind,</l> <l>nī thānic Ērind cen f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ell</l> <l>airdrīg bud c<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">ur</ex>the 'na cheann.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Trīcha traiged airdi in f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ir</l> <l>Muirchertaig <note n="39" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the verse H reads: ... co m<ex resp="LD">e</ex>nmain mir.</note>aird-rīg Oilig,</l> <l> <lb n="855"/><app> <lem>nī thicfa dá éis co becht.</lem> <rdg wit="H">nochar gab Banba na mbratt</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>neach ro-shoisead a rīg-neart.</lem> <rdg wit="H">gairm <corr sic="inci">inti</corr> cosc<ex resp="LD">air</ex> namat.</rdg> </app></l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Cōic traigthi <ex resp="LD">fich</ex>et co fīr</l> <l>tānic sunn do chorp in rīg,</l> <l><ex resp="LD">cōic</ex> traigthi ro loisced de</l> <l> <lb n="860"/>nach ráinic <app> <lem>fín</lem> <rdg wit="H">dīn</rdg> </app> na daibche.</l> </lg> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l><note n="40" type="auth" place="bottom">This verse is omitted in H.</note>Giall ar éicin nī bia ag neach</l> <l>do s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>íl in rīg a hAilech,</l> <l>bid eagail in cech treib teind</l> <l>cen cob é bes f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Ērind.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="865"/>Ēire mōr don c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lēirech <app> <lem>crín</lem> <rdg wit="H">cáidh</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>pecad Meic Erca do dīl,</lem> <rdg wit="H">pecthaigh Muirchertaig co mbāidh</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>is cian bus cumain rem lá</lem> <rdg wit="H">cian bus cumain lium rem lā</rdg> </app></l> <l><app> <lem>beith ag fēgad in f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>erta</lem> <rdg wit="H">sunna ag fēghain a f<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">er</ex>ta</rdg> </app>.</l> </lg> <trailer>F.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s48" n="48" type="section"> <p>Ō t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>airnic dona clērchib in t-adnacol <mls n="319/318a" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/> do dēnum <lb n="870"/> co facadar chucu in ōen-mnaí n-ālaind n-ēdroicht, brat uaine co n-a chimais ōr-shnáith impe. <note n="41" type="auth" place="bottom">The following sentence is omitted in H.</note>Léine do shīda shoinemail impe. Do-riacht iarum ma<sup resp="LD">ra</sup> rabadar<note n="42" type="auth" place="bottom">MS. Marabadar. H has mar a rabadar.</note> na clērig &ersir; b<ex resp="LD">en</ex>nachais dōib &ersir; <app> <lem>b<ex resp="LD">en</ex>nachsat</lem> <rdg wit="H">bennachaid</rdg> </app> di<ex resp="LD">diu</ex> na clērig disi &ersir; ro airigset gné mbrōin &ersir; toirsi f<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>ri &ersir; do-ratsad <lb n="875"/> aichne f<ex resp="LD">uir</ex>ri <app> <lem>conad hī</lem> <rdg wit="H">g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>ub ī</rdg> </app> ro mill in rīg ro bī Cairnech ic iarfaigid scēl di<note n="43" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until hē in section 49, l.903, H reads: créd hī fein nō gā fochainn fār marbh sī in rī</note> &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t:<pb n="31"/> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse28"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>Innis dūn do bunad,</l> <l>a ingen gan dubad,</l> <l>do-rignis ar pudar</l> <l> <lb n="880"/>cid ālaind do chorp;</l> <l>ro marbais rīg Temr<ex resp="LD">ach</ex></l> <l>co n-ilar a th<sup resp="LD">e</sup>aglach</l> <l>tria gnīm n-uathmar n-olc.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <sp who="S"> <l>Innésat mo scēla</l> <l> <lb n="885"/>nī dingēn a séna,</l> <l>a c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>lēirchiu co n-ērgna,</l> <l>d'imlat ar mo chorp</l> <l>tabair nem dom anmain</l> <l>co n-érbur duib aml<ex resp="LD">aid</ex></l> <l> <lb n="890"/>a nd<ex resp="LD">er</ex>nus co hangbaid</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> talmain na tor.</l> </sp> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>Dā nd<ex resp="LD">er</ex>n<ex resp="LD">as</ex>a, a ingen,</l> <l>faísidi na n-imned</l> <l>is aithrigi rind-geal</l> <l> <lb n="895"/>mar atb<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>a sinn,</l> <l>logad do cach duine</l> <l>do-b<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>am-ne uile</l> <l>ō aird-rīg na n-uile</l> <l>dia tuca fēin ind.</l> </sp> </lg> <trailer>Innis</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s49" n="49" type="section"> <p> <lb n="900"/>Ro bāt<ex resp="LD">ar</ex> na clērig iar sin ica iarfaigid di cúich hī fēin nō cia a hathair nō a m<ex resp="LD">āthair</ex> &ersir; cia cúis do bī aice don rīg in uair ro mill sī mar siúd hē. <q>Sín m'ainmsi,</q> ol sī, <q>&ersir; Sighi mac Déin meic Triuin m'athair, &ersir; Muirchertach mac Erca</q>, ol sī <q>ro marb <app> <lem>m'athair</lem> <rdg wit="H">é</rdg> </app> &ersir; mo m<ex resp="LD">āthair</ex> <add> &ersir; mo d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>brāthair</add> <lb n="905"/> &ersir; mo d<ex resp="LD">er</ex>bshiur i ccath Chirb f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> Bōinn &ersir; ro <note n="44" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem, H reads: dīthaig tuatha m'atharda uili isin cath sin.' 'Nīrb annsa duit th'ath<ex resp="LD">air</ex> nā Muirchertach,' bar Cairnech. 'Abēlsa fēin chumhaidh,' ar in ingen.</note>dic<sup resp="LD">h</sup>eann Sentuatha Temrach &ersir; m'atharda uile isin cath sin fōs,</q> conad ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t:<pb n="32"/> <text type="poem" xml:id="verse29"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>Abair, a Shin, rád gan chair,</l> <l>tacair co fīr cia h'athair,</l> <l> <lb n="910"/>nō cīa rot <sup resp="LD">t</sup>ógaib, a ben,</l> <l>nō cia 'gā fuil do muinntear.</l> </sp> </lg> <sp who="S"> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Ingen misi Shige sheing,</l> <l>do thuaith Temrach ōs Bōind,</l> <l>nī chēl f<ex resp="LD">or</ex>aib, rád co fīr,</l> <l> <lb n="915"/>tucusa sib i n-imshnīm.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Muirchertach ro marb m'athair,</l> <l>ro roind mōr fadb i cathaib,</l> <l>i cind Ātha Cirb co-se</l> <l>frisi ráit<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> Áth Sige.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="920"/>Sigi ba suí i certaib cles</l> <l>do-rad sochaide i n-ainceas,</l> <l>a dingbāil i comland chruaid</l> <l>nī raibe i mBanba brat-ruaid.</l> </lg> </sp> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <sp who="C"> <l>Nirb annsa duit t'athair fēin</l> <l> <lb n="925"/>inā Muirchertach h<ex resp="LD">ua</ex> Nēill</l> <l>nocha trēicfed tū re lind,</l> <l>a ingen builig blāth bind.</l> </sp> </lg> <sp who="S"> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>Atbēlsa fēin dia chumaid,</l> <l>rīg uasal iarthair domain,</l> <l> <lb n="930"/>i cinta na n-imned tenn</l> <l>tucus f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> aird-rig Ērenn.</l> </lg> <lg n="7" type="quatrain"> <l>Do-rignius neim dó mo nuar</l> <l>do f<sup resp="LD">h</sup><ex resp="LD">or</ex>raig rīg na saer-s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>luag,</l> <l>resíu do-neind beith a bus</l> <l> <lb n="935"/>d<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>san ná'n ēc do-chuadus.</l> </lg> <pb n="33"/> <lg n="8" type="quatrain"> <l>Rāithi damsa ma-lle fris</l> <l>nō co torchair i n-ēislis,</l> <l>dia ēis nī bíu co fada,</l> <l>atā dam, a mōr-abba.</l> </lg> </sp> <trailer>Abair.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s50" n="50" type="section"> <p> <lb n="940"/>Do-rigne a faíside iar sin do C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>airnech &ersir; do-rigne aithrigi ndíchra co Dia, am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> ro tecaiscead di, &ersir; do-chuaid do rēir Chairnig &ersir; fuair bās fo <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>ōir and sin do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>umaid in rīg &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t iarum Cairnech fert do dēnum di, &ersir; a cur fo t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uind tal<ex resp="LD">man</ex>. Do-rigne<sup resp="LD">d</sup> iarum am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t in <lb n="945"/> <app> <lem>clēirech</lem> <rdg wit="H">Cairnech</rdg> </app> <note n="45" type="auth" place="bottom">H omits from this point until the end of the poem.</note>&ersir; <frn lang="la">dixit</frn>: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse30"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Sín nīrb inmain a dála</l> <l>g<ex resp="LD">us</ex> in laithisea a táma,</l> <l>fuaramar a holc co fīr</l> <l>do-rad sinn chaidche i n-imshním.</l> </lg> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="950"/>Cuirt<ex resp="LD">er</ex> fa thalmain a cré,</l> <l>folaigt<ex resp="LD">er</ex> a corp<note n="46" type="auth" place="bottom">MS. chorp</note> cen ré,</l> <l>nī thānic a corp nā a clī</l> <l>nach traethfad ingen Shigi.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l>Sige nīr f<sup resp="LD">h</sup>er cen engnam</l> <l> <lb n="955"/>i cind átha rob earlam,</l> <l>i Temraig nir maith a dīl</l> <l>'gā c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>liamain g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex> dīgail Sín.</l> </lg> <trailer>S.</trailer> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s51" n="51" type="section"> <p>Imthūsa Cairnig immorro do-rignesein frichnam mōr f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> anmain Muirchertaig &ersir; nī t<sup resp="LD">h</sup>uc a hifernn hē. Do-rigne <lb n="960"/> immorro in irnaigthe dianad ainm da tosach <frn lang="la">Parce mihi Domine, Deus Pater omnepoténs, Deus anime egrotanti</frn> &ersir; ro gab co grésach <note n="47" type="auth" place="bottom">From this point until the end of the poem, H reads: do raith anma in rīg conidh ann sin tāinicc in t-aingel docum Cairnigh &ersir; adub<ex resp="LD">air</ex>t, 'Cebé do raith anma gabht<ex resp="LD">er</ex> an irn<ex resp="LD">aig</ex>thi sin do thicfadh a hif<ex resp="LD">er</ex>nn cedh mad é Iūdas é, &ersir; tucad nem do Muirchertach, &ersir; cē rac<sup resp="LD">h</sup>adh nec co rōim nī ferr do inā b<ex resp="LD">ei</ex>th it relcib, &ersir; gibē cimidh caithfes nī i tegais do c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>illi t<ex resp="LD">er</ex>nōb<ex resp="LD">adh</ex> slān gē b<ex resp="LD">eit</ex>h ga marb<ex resp="LD">ad</ex>.' 'Adlochar do C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>r<ex resp="LD">īst</ex>,' ar Cairnec, 'b<ex resp="LD">ei</ex>th ac acall<ex resp="LD">am</ex> aingel &ersir; <ex resp="LD">gur</ex>ub é m'airfidid freacnarcus gnúis angel.'</note>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> anmain in rīg hī, co tucad a hifernn dó ainim in rīg. Conad ann sin tāinic in t-aingel dochum Cairnig &ersir; atb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t fris cip é no gabad co grēsach in irnaigthe<pb n="34"/> <lb n="965"/> sin c<ex resp="LD">o</ex>mad nimedach cen chunntabairt hē. Conid ann asb<ex resp="LD">er</ex>t int aingel na briat<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ra sa: <text type="poem" xml:id="verse31"> <body> <lg n="1" type="quatrain"> <l>Cip é not gaba co dúr</l> <l>irnaigthi C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>airnig na rūn</l> <l>Iúd<ex resp="LD">as</ex> is measa ro gein</l> <lb n="970"/> <l>ropad lór dá f<ex resp="LD">hōir</ex>ithin.</l> <lg n="2" type="quatrain"> <l>Tucad nem do Mac Erca</l> <l>f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> h'irnaigthesiu festa,</l> <l>nī thēit co brāth buidnech beann</l> <l>nech it relcib i n-ifernd.</l> </lg> <lg n="3" type="quatrain"> <l> <lb n="975"/>Cé dig neach uaithib do rōim,</l> <l>mine thora in conair chōir,</l> <l>nī mesa a bus fēin a dīl</l> <l>agutsa ic átaid in rīg.</l> </lg> <lg n="4" type="quatrain"> <l>Sec<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ip cimid chaithes ní</l> <l> <lb n="980"/>a <mls n="320/318b" unit="MS Y folio/facs page"/> tegdais cháid do chilli</l> <l>t<ex resp="LD">ēr</ex>nóbaid slān, buan in blad,</l> <l>gémad dorb sluag 'gá marbad.</l> </lg> </lg> <sp who="C"> <lg n="5" type="quatrain"> <l>Atlochar do C<sup resp="LD">h</sup>rīst rom c<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ar</l> <l>aingel cāid icum fhégad,</l> <l> <lb n="985"/>is ē mh'airfided rém lind</l> <l>frecnarcus aing<sup resp="LD">il</sup> aībind.</l> </lg> <lg n="6" type="quatrain"> <l>Cōic bl<ex resp="LD">iadna</ex> <ex resp="LD">fichet</ex> iar cōir</l> <l>ō thānacas sunna ón Rōim</l> <l>gus in aidchise im-ne</l> <l> <lb n="990"/>nī raba cen chaí cip ē.</l> <trailer>Cip é</trailer> </lg> </sp> </body> </text></p> </div1> <div1 xml:id="s52" n="52" type="section"> <p>Conid aided Muirchertaig meic Erca conice sin am<ex resp="LD">ail</ex> ro indis Cairnech &ersir; Tigernach &ersir; Ciarān &ersir; Mochta &ersir;<pb n="35"/> Tuathal Mael Garb g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>a scribait &ersir; g<ex resp="LD">ur</ex>a lesaigit oc na clērc<sup resp="LD">h</sup>ib naema sin ica chuimniugad do chāch ō s<sup resp="LD">h</sup>in <lb n="995"/> i-lle. <frn lang="la">Finit</frn>.</p> <p>Murchad Ō Cuindlis do scrīb in leb<ex resp="LD">ar</ex>sa dō fēn in bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> tānaisti thāinic rīg Saxan a nĒrind &ersir; dul<note n="48" type="auth" place="bottom">This word is not clearly legible.</note> aisti fa essīd &ersir; uilc imda do dēnum isin bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex>si it<ex resp="LD">ir</ex> Gall<ex resp="LD">aib</ex> &ersir; Gaedelaib, plāig choitchenn f<ex resp="LD">or</ex> daīnib &ersir; ceathraib Ērenn isin <lb n="1000"/> bl<ex resp="LD">iadain</ex> <ex resp="LD">chēt</ex>na &ersir;c.</p> </div1> </div0> </body> </text> </TEI>
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