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Source:Dinnshenchas of Achall/2. The death of Achall/3
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2. The death of Achall
Prose and verse on the death of Achall daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer. Achall, daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer [king of Tara] and Fedelm (daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa), learns of the death of her brother Erc, whose head lies at the mound known as Duma nEirc. She dies of grief and is given burial at Achall / Dumae nAichle ‘the mound of Achall’ (Skryne, Co. Meath), opposite her brother's mound.
Item serial number
00003 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
Achall is daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer [king of Tara] and Fedelm Noíchrothach, daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa. Achalls appears to be the wife of Glan mac Carbaid. While the poem merely mentions Glan mac Carbaid in passing (stanza 1), the prose says that he was her husband and that she was with him in the province of Ulster when she heard the tragic news.

Achall’s identity

# 00003 Dinnshenchas of Achall
Achall is daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer [king of Tara] and Fedelm Noíchrothach, daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa. Achalls appears to be the wife of Glan mac Carbaid. While the poem merely mentions Glan mac Carbaid in passing (stanza 1), the prose says that he was her husband and that she was with him in the province of Ulster when she heard the tragic news.
marital relationship; parent-daughter relationship;
Achall ingen Cairpri Niad Fer <strong>Achall ingen Cairpri Niad Fer</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Ulster Cycle,Id) <br>Eponym of Achall, given as a daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer, king of Tara, and Fedelm, daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa.
Fedelm ... daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa <strong>Fedelm Noíchrothach or Noíchride, daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa</strong> <br>(<i>time-frame ass. with</i> Ulster Cycle,Id) <br>daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa.
Cairpre Nia Fer <strong>Cairpre Nia Fer</strong> <br>Cairbre/Coirpre Nia Fer, king of Tara from the Laigin, whose reign is dated by Tírechán to the time of Mac Con and his sons, but which in later tales coincides with the time of the Ulster Cycle.
Glan mac Carbaid No associated entry available from the subject index