Irish AchallIrish Duma nAichleIrish Duma FindIrish Duma na nDrúad

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Source:Dinnshenchas of Achall/2. The death of Achall/1
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textual items
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2. The death of Achall
Prose and verse on the death of Achall daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer. Achall, daughter of Cairpre Nia Fer [king of Tara] and Fedelm (daughter of Conchobar mac Nessa), learns of the death of her brother Erc, whose head lies at the mound known as Duma nEirc. She dies of grief and is given burial at Achall / Dumae nAichle ‘the mound of Achall’ (Skryne, Co. Meath), opposite her brother's mound.
Item serial number
00001 ASCII-based serial numbers are used to sort items in consecutive order.
Item description
Achall: variously named Achall; Duma nAichle; Duma Find; Duma na nDrúad. It is previously said to be named after the poet Mane maill (stanza 17). The reference in stanza 4 to Duma Find, Duma na nDrúad (to the north of Tara, stanza 8) and Duma Créidne may refer to the same location.

on Achall

# 00001 Dinnshenchas of Achall
Achall: variously named Achall; Duma nAichle; Duma Find; Duma na nDrúad. It is previously said to be named after the poet Mane maill (stanza 17). The reference in stanza 4 to Duma Find, Duma na nDrúad (to the north of Tara, stanza 8) and Duma Créidne may refer to the same location.
Mane maill ... poet No associated entry available from the subject index
Lexical items
Ir. Achall
Ir. Duma nAichle
Ir. Duma Find
Ir. Duma na nDrúad