Ed. James Henthorn Todd, Leabhar Breathnach annso sis: the Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius (1848): 192–219, 220–221, from BB (Book of Ballymote) and TCD 1336 (MS D).
Ed. James Henthorn Todd, Leabhar Breathnach annso sis: the Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius (1848): 192–219, 220–221, from BB (Book of Ballymote) and TCD 1336 (MS D).
Ed. James Henthorn Todd, Leabhar Breathnach annso sis: the Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius (1848): 192–219, 220–221, from the Book of Ballymote (MS BB) and TCD 1336 (MS D).

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