
The bachelor programme Celtic Languages and Culture at Utrecht University is under threat.

De ingantaib Érenn ‘On the wonders of Ireland’

  • Middle Irish
  • prose
  • Medieval Irish literature, Irish religious texts
Middle Irish account of certain wonders associated with more than 30 places in Ireland.
p. 256a (line 46ff)
This copy is here said to derive from the ‘Book of Glen Da Locha’
pp. 410–411
Copy from the former manuscript
D =
col. 725ff
Todd's MS D; an inferior copy, according to the cataloguers (Abbott and Gwynn). It contains a number of additional wonders not found in BB.
  • Middle Irish
prose (primary)
Textual relationships

A metrical version (15 qq) on a number of the same wonders is the Middle Irish poem beg. Inganta Éirend uile. Some of the wonders are also recounted in an earlier compilation, Trecheng breth Féne, or Triads of Ireland.

Related: Ship seen in the air at Clonmacnoise (Edinburgh version)Ship seen in the air at Clonmacnoise (Edinburgh version)Narrative anecdote in prose based on one of the wonders in De ingantaib Érenn.


Medieval Irish literatureMedieval Irish literature

Irish religious textsIrish religious texts

Inis Gluair in Irrus Domnain (§ 1; D § 6)

Loch Léin (D § 1; not in BB)

» Manuscript details: TCD 1336 only » Places: Loch Léin

Loch nEchach (§ 2; D § 2)

» Places: Loch nEchach

Loch Riach (D § 3; not in BB)

» Manuscript details: TCD 1336 (D) only. » Places: Loch Riach

Dirna in Dagda don (D § 4; not in BB)

» Manuscript details: D no. 4

Tipra Locha Conn (§ 3; D § 7)

Tipra Gabla Liuin (§ 4; D § 8)

Tipra Sleibe Bladma (§ 5)

Tipra Ratha Both i Tir Conaill (§ 6)

Tipra uisce somblais i taeb in Corainn (§ 7)

Carn tráchta Eothaili (§ 8)

Cloch i Loch na nOnchon (§ 9)

Tri h-ingantai Temra (§ 10)

Linn muilind i Cluain Ferta Molua (§ 11)

Adnacul Mic Rustaing i Ruisech (§ 12)

Macradh o Chailli Fochlad (§ 13)

Tipra Sleibe Gamh (D § 13; not in BB)

Síl in Faelchon i nOsraigibh (§ 14)

» Comments: Some discussion is to be found in: John Carey, ‘Werewolves in medieval Ireland’, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 44 (2002); Phillip A. Bernhardt-House, Werewolves, magical hounds, and dog-headed men (2010); Leslie A. Sconduto, Metamorphoses of the werewolf: a literary study from antiquity through the Renaissance (2009).

Torann mor i n-aimsir Donnchaid mic Domnaill mic Murchaid (§ 15)

Tri h-inganta la Cluain Mic Nois (§ 16)

Loch Laigh (§ 17)

Loch Leibind (§ 18)

Fros fola i n-aimsir Aeda mic Neill (§ 19)

In mac becc do labraid i Craeb Laisre (§ 20)

On the swan discovered by the poet Mac Coise (§ 21)

Da thopur i nAirteraib o Ard Macha sair (§ 22)

On a ship in the air appearing during the Fair of Tailtiu (§ 23)

» Comments: Discussed in John Carey, ‘Aerial ships and underwater monasteries’, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium 12 (1992)

Araili ailitir do Gaidelaib... (§ 24)

In lanamain beo fri Cluain Iraird anais (§ 25)

Cloch i cill i nUltaib (§ 26)

Loch Suidi Odrain i Sleib Guaire (§ 27)

Cros cloichi mor for faicthi Slaine (§ 28)

Tipra Mailgobann i Laignib (§ 29)

Cloictheach teneadh do aicsin ic Rus Dela (§ 30)

Inis Locha Cre i crich Eili (§ 31)

Muilenn Cilli Cess i nOsraigib (§ 32)

Lachain lindi Senbotho Colmain (§ 33)

On the absence of toads and serpents from Ireland (§ 34)


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Todd, James Henthorn, Leabhar Breathnach annso sis: the Irish version of the Historia Britonum of Nennius, Dublin: Irish Archaeological Society, 1848.
CELT – edition: <link> CELT – translation: <link> Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link> <link> View in Mirador
192–219, 220–221 (footnotes) Readings from D are found in the footnotes. direct link
[ed.] [tr.] Ó Lochlainn, Colm [ed.], “Poets on the battle of Clontarf [part 2]”, Éigse 4:1 (1945): 33–47.
34 Text and English translation of the passage on Mac Coisi. The text is based the TCD version given by Todd, p. 209.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
February 2013, last updated: March 2024