Cath Maige Mucrama §§ 39–43. Conception of Fiachu Muillethan

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§§ 39–43. The night before the battle of Mag Mucrama (part 1: the conception of Fiachu Muillethan), ed. and tr. Máirín O'Daly, Cath Maige Mucrama: The battle of Mag Mucrama (1975). Mirror story of §§ 44–47, on Cormac’s birth and conception.

Luid dano Éogan a lláá riasin [chath]



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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
April 2014, last updated: July 2022
§§ 39–43. The night before the battle of M§§ 39–43. The night before the battle of Mag Mucrama (part 1: the conception of Fiachu Muillethan), ed. and tr. Máirín <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">O'Daly</span>, <i>Cath Maige Mucrama: The battle of Mag Mucrama</i> (1975). Mirror story of §§ 44–47, on Cormac’s birth and conception.§ 44–47, on Cormac’s birth and conception. +

Luid dano Éogan a lláá riasin [chath]

§§ 39–43. Conception of Fiachu Muillethan +
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