Cath Maige Mucrama §§ 3–5

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An episode in Cath Maige Mucrama (§§ 3-5, ed. and tr. Máirín O'Daly, Cath Maige Mucrama: The battle of Mag Mucrama (1975)) which tells of Ailill Ólomm's hostility towards two inhabitants of the síd-mound Áne Chlíach and of the blemish and curse he incurred on account of this. It gives an explanation of Ailill's nickname as well as the name of the hill. The episode also occurs as an extract in a supplement to the Dinnshenchas Érenn.

Luid Ailill íarum aidchi shamna do [fh]recaire a ech i nÁne Chlíach.


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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
April 2014, last updated: July 2022
An episode in Cath Maige Mucrama An episode in <em>Cath Maige Mucrama</em> (§§ 3-5, ed. and tr. Máirín <span class="smallcaps" style="font-variant:small-caps;">O'Daly</span>, <i>Cath Maige Mucrama: The battle of Mag Mucrama</i> (1975)) which tells of Ailill Ólomm's hostility towards two inhabitants of the <em>síd</em>-mound Áne Chlíach and of the blemish and curse he incurred on account of this. It gives an explanation of Ailill's nickname as well as the name of the hill. The episode also occurs as an extract in a supplement to the <em>Dinnshenchas Érenn</em>.lement to the Dinnshenchas Érenn. +

Luid Ailill íarum aidchi shamna do [fh]recaire a ech i nÁne Chlíach.

§§ 3–5 +
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