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Scholia Bernensia in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica

  • Latin
  • prose
Latin commentary on Virgil’s Eclogues (al. Bucolics) and Georgics. It is regarded as a representative of the so-called Servius auctus or Servius Danielis (DS), an expansion and reworking of Servius’ commentaries along with other material incorporated into the text. The extant manuscript versions, different though each of them may be, represent an early medieval recension of material which probably originated in late antiquity and which may have been written by the commentator Philagyrius.
Scholia Bernensia in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica
The scholia are named after the present whereabouts of three of the manuscripts.
Cadili’s Recension A Note that Luca Cadili regards the scholia below as versions of a separate recension, which he calls recension B (ΣBB), while recension A (ΣBA) consists of related material in the form of the two Explanationes on the Eclogues and Brevis expositio on the Georgics. Both, he argues, derive from a collection (ΣB) compiled around the turn of the 5th century. Whatever the relationship between them may be,(1)n. 1 Cf. Zetzel (2018: 136): “Even cursory examination of these texts — the three commentaries on the Eclogues and two on the Georgics — makes it very clear that they overlap and are related to one another, but (as often seems the case with the Servian corpus too) it is not always possible to define the relationships precisely.” for the purpose of this catalogue, the present entry covers Cadili’s recension B only, while separate entries exist for the Explanationes and Brevis expositio.
Cadili’s Recension B Larger set of scholia.
A 9–12. The most complete version of the scholia, which are here written in the margins to the main text (Vergil).
ff. 6ra–53va
A 9–12.771. Scholia written in the outer column. This text lacks the scholia which in Bern MS 172 are found in the right margin, suggesting that the scholia were only incompletely copied. It has been argued that the text derives directly from Bern MS 172.
Leiden, University Library, MS VLF 79
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, MS lat. 1750 ff. 159-175
  • Latin
prose (primary)
Textual relationships
Authorities named in the scholia include Gaudentius, Gallus and Leonimus.
(Possible) sources: Georgica (Virgil)Georgica (Virgil)View incoming dataEclogae (Virgil)Eclogae (Virgil)View incoming data
Related: Brevis expositio Vergilii GeorgicorumBrevis expositio Vergilii GeorgicorumLatin commentary on Virgil’s Georgics, books I and II. The extant texts are comparable to parts of the so-called Scholia Bernensia and are thought to represent an early medieval recension of material that may have originated in late antiquity. The presence of two Old Irish glosses has been taken to speak in favour of Irish involvement in the compilation of this recension. This notion has been reinforced by more intricate arguments based on textual relationships with the Scholia and another Virgilian commentary, which precedes the Expositio in three out of four manuscripts.De epythetis VirgiliiDe epythetis Virgilii

Glossary on the works of Virgil (Eclogues, Georgics and most of the Aneid), preserved in one manuscript compiled under the direction of Martin of Laon (Laon MS 468). Many of the glosses are parallelled by a group of related Servian commentaries.

Explanationes in Bucolica VergiliiExplanationes in Bucolica VergiliiLatin commentary on Virgil’s Eclogae, al. Bucolica, attributed to one Iunius Philargyrius and dedicated to Valentinianus, possibly referring to Valentinian III (r. 425-455). Its transmission owes something to Irish scholarly interest of the seventh or eighth century. Two recensions (explanationes or expositiones) of the text are preserved, Explanatio I and the shorter Explanatio II (or Brevis expositio), which include Old Irish glosses, accounts of the life of Virgil and other material not originally part of the commentary. Recension I may have been compiled or at least written down by one Fatosus, if that much can be inferred from its colophon.




Cf. Zetzel (2018: 136): “Even cursory examination of these texts — the three commentaries on the Eclogues and two on the Georgics — makes it very clear that they overlap and are related to one another, but (as often seems the case with the Servian corpus too) it is not always possible to define the relationships precisely.”

Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] Cadili, Luca, Scholia Bernensia in Vergilii Bucolica et Georgica, vol. 2.1: In Georgia commentarii (Prooemium, liber I, 1–42), Amsterdam: A. Hakkert, 2003.
[ed.] Daintree, David, “Scholia Bernensia: an edition of the scholia on the Eclogues of Vergil in Bern Burgerbibliothek manuscript 172”, unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Tasmania, 1993.  
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. General survey of the Virgil scholia; 3. The Scholia Bernensis and related material; 4. The influence of surviving scholia of the lost commentary of Aeilus Donatus; 5. The Irish connection; 6. Introduction to the text and sigla; [Edition - Eclogues I-X]; Bibliography and indexes.
 : <link>
[ed.] Hagen, Hermann, Scholia Bernensia ad Vergili Bucolica atque Georgica, Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1867.
Internet Archive: <link>
749–838 (Bucolica); 839–983 (Georgica) Followed by: 984-987 (Appendix I: Figurae graecorum); 987-996 (Appendix II: scholia ex codice Bernensi 165 excerpta); 996-998 (Appendix III: ex codice Bernensi 167 = Periochae Bernenses II); 999-1006 (Epimetrum, from Leiden Voss. F 79).
[ed.] Müller, Karl-Wilhelm, Commentaria Iunilii Flagrii, T. Galli et Gaudentii in Virgilii, 4 vols, Rudolfstadt, 1847–1854.
Internet Archive: <link>
Vol. 4, 1–25 Edition based on Bern 172.

Secondary sources (select)

Digital library of late-antique latin texts, Online: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Vercelli, 2010–present. URL: <>. 
The 'Digital Library of Late-Antique Latin Texts' was officially established on March 1, 2010, thanks to funds granted by the 'Regione Piemonte' to support research in the area of Humanities and Social Sciences. The project, conceived by Raffaella Tabacco, was developed and substantiated by her and Maurizio Lana. It aims to produce a digital corpus of late-antique Latin literary texts (from the second to the fifth century AD), making it freely available to the scholarly community.
Useful summary. direct link
Zetzel, James E. G. (ed.), Critics, compilers, and commentators: an introduction to Roman philology, 200 BCE-800 CE, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.  
Table of contents
List of abbreviations
Part I: A short history of Roman scholarship
Chapter 1: The face of learning
Chapter 2: The origins of Roman grammar
Chapter 3: Word and world: Varro and his contemporaries
Chapter 4: Past and present: from Caecilius Epirota to Valerius Probus
Chapter 5: Finding the right word
Chapter 6: Dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias
Chapter 7: Commentary and exegesis
Chapter 8: Grammar and grammarians
Chapter 9: Author, audience, text
Chapter 10: Dictionaries and encyclopedias
Chapter 11: Commentaries
Chapter 12: Grammars and other forms of erudition
Chapter 13: Early medieval grammars
List of works cited
Cadili, Luca, “Scholia and authorial identity: the Scholia Bernensia on Vergil's Georgics as Servius auctus”, in: Sergio Casali, and Fabio Stok (eds), Servio: stratificazioni esegetiche e modelli culturali = Servius: exegetical stratifications and cultural models, 317, Brussels: Latomus, 2008. 194–206.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
November 2019, last updated: July 2023