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Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 486 Unit: section 4, ff. 23-75 = 1-53 (ink foliation)

  • Irish
  • s. xiv
  • Irish manuscripts
  • vellum
manuscript miscellanies Irish genealogies Irish poetry and verse (vernacular) Irish religious literature
Provenance and related aspects
s. xiv
A terminus post quem for at least the section written by Mac Craith is provided by the regnal list on f. 21rb, which concludes with Brian Mac Mathgamna, king of Thomond (r. 1369–1400).
Origin, provenance
Origin: Ireland
No short description available

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Ireland, midlandsIreland, midlands
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Lorrha, Augustinian priory
Lorrha, Augustinian priory
County Tipperary
Priory of Augustinian canons regular, located near the early monastery and thought to have been founded in the 12th century.

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ass. with Ó Macáin (Giolla Ruadháin)Ó Macáin (Giolla Ruadháin)
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Ó Cuív argues that Mac Craith Mac an Ghabhand was most probably active in the Lorrha area when he wrote his section of the manuscript. This is suggested, first, by the scribal signature at the end of the MS and second, by the prominence accorded to St Ruadán and other midland saints. Similarly Ó Cuív observes that the Múscraige Tíre are given special treatment in the secular genealogies written by the third main scribe (ff. 23r-36v), again suggesting the Lorrha area as a likely place of writing.
Provenance: Ireland
No short description available

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Cluain PlocáinCluain Plocáin
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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ass. with Ó Conmhaigh familyÓ Conmhaigh family
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Ó Connmaigh (Mathun)Ó Connmaigh (Mathun)
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Ó Cuív suggests that the entire manuscript (all sections) may have belonged to the Ó Conmhaigh family in Co. Tipperary before James Ware obtained it as a gift. A marginal note on f. 22vb states that the book was written for Mathun Ó Connmhaigh at Cluain Plocáin (Co. Roscommon), a place known as the seat of Ó Maoil Chonaire family. While it is suggested that “the value of this marginal note may be questioned”, Ware’s note on f. 53v (see below) indicates that the manuscript had been with the Ó Connmhaigh family.
Later provenance: Ireland
No short description available

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ass. with Conway (Carolus)Conway (Carolus)
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Ware (James)
Ware (James)
(d. 1666)
(Sir) James Ware, Irish scholar, historian and antiquarian

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Ex dono Caroli Conway xxiiijto Junij 1625. Ja: Ware. (f. 53v).
Hands, scribes
Hands indexed:
Hand (ff. 1r-9v) According to Ó Cuív, a single scribe is responsible for most of the writing on ff. 1r-9v. There is no signature.
Assistant hand(s)?

Ó Cuív: “Some variations in script which are to be seen in places may be due to change of pen, although some features, such as a change in the form of the letter g after f. 7rb9, may point to the intervention of another scribe using a hand quite similar to that of the first. There are several interlinear alterations and corrections, some being in the hand of the main scribe and others in a different hand.”

Mac Craith Mac an Ghabhand na Scél (ff. 10r-22v and ff. 37r–53v)

Ó Cuív suggests that one main hand was responsible for ff. 10r-22v and ff. 37r–53v and that it is the hand of the scribe who identifies himself in a colophon on f. 53v as Mac Craith Mac an Ghabhand na Scél. Ó Cuív’s transcription reads: Mac Raith mc. a Gabhand na scel do scribh in leabar so do Gilla Ruadhain .h. Macain .i. da companach fein .i. (. . . ) do comhrabha [sic] Lothra ó Ruadhain FINIT Amen. It appears from this that Mac Craith wrote for Giolla Ruadháin Ua Macáin, ‘coarb of Lothra and Ruadhán’, that is, prior of Lorrha, an Augustinian house in north Tipperary. 

Mac Craith Mac an Gabhann na ScélMac an Gabhann na Scél (Mac Craith)
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Specimens (IIIF):
International Image Interoperability Framework logo.png
Intervening hands (ff. 10-11, 17, 20-21, 44)

Ó Cuív: “What appear to be interventions by other hands have been noted as follows: ff. 10vb11–21, 11va21–29, 17r1–18, 17r19–22 (Latin in cursive hand), 20rb13–rc4, 20rc5–21vb25, 44rb23–30.”

Ua Mathgamna Fitheal (f. 21v)

Ó Cuív: “The name hUa Mathgamna Fitheal occurs as scribe of a marginal note on f. 21v”, which he transcribes as follows: A De nime ass olc sgribthar an leabarso. hUa Mathgamna Fitheal do graif le drochaidme.

Ua Mathgamna FithealUa Mathgamna Fitheal
Entry reserved for but not yet available from the subject index.

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Hand (ff. 23r-36v) A third “main scribe but with occasional intrusions” (Ó Cuív).
Codicological information
53 ff. (ff. 1-53 in 17th-century ink foliation = ff. 23-75 in pencil foliation)
The list below has been collated from the table of contents, if available on this page,Progress in this area is being made piecemeal. Full and partial tables of contents are available for a small number of manuscripts. and incoming annotations for individual texts (again, if available).Whenever catalogue entries about texts are annotated with information about particular manuscript witnesses, these manuscripts can be queried for the texts that are linked to them.


See also the parent manuscript for further references.

Primary sources This section typically includes references to diplomatic editions, facsimiles and photographic reproductions, notably digital image archives, of at least a major portion of the manuscript. For editions of individual texts, see their separate entries.

Digitisation wanted
[dig. img.] Digital Bodleian, Online: Oxford, Bodleian Library, ?–present. URL: <>.
Select page (f. 75v) only.
direct link

Secondary sources (select)

Ó Cuív, Brian, Catalogue of Irish language manuscripts in the Bodleian Library at Oxford and Oxford college libraries. Part 1: Descriptions, Dublin: School of Celtic Studies, DIAS, 2001.
Medieval manuscripts in Oxford Libraries: a catalogue of Western manuscripts at the Bodleian Libraries and selected Oxford colleges, Online: Bodleian Libraries, 2017–present. URL: <>.
McNeill, Charles, “Rawlinson manuscripts (Class B) [Report on manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, Oxford]”, Analecta Hibernica 1 (March, 1930): 118–178.
Macray, William D., Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecæ Bodleianæ, vol. 5: partis quintæ ... viri munificentissimi Ricardi Rawlinson, J.C.D., fasc. 1: [A-B], Oxford, 1862.
 : <link>
cols 705–706

External links

Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
February 2022, last updated: August 2024