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Manuscripts (785)

Printed works (175)

Note that manifest URLs for resources on the Internet Archive (archive.org) have not been included in the section below, but can be found separately on this page.

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Archaeologia Cambrensis (4th series)
Archaeologia Cambrensis (5th series)
Archaeologia Cambrensis (6th series)
Archaeologia Cambrensis (7th series)
Archaeologia Cambrensis (Third series)
Journal of the Welsh Bibliographical Society
Morgannwg: Journal of Glamorgan History
Radnorshire Society Transactions
The Cambrian Journal
The National Library of Wales Journal: Cylchgrawn Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
Trysorfa Gwybodaeth neu Eurgrawn Cymraeg
Y Cymmrodor: The Magazine of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
Y greal: sev cynnulliad o orchestion ein hynaviaid, a llofion o amryw van-govion y cyn-oesoedd

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