p. 67a.1–p. 67a.48
The Nemed story (fragment).
p. 67a–p. 68b
Recension B. Begins imperfect.
p. 68b.12–p. 68b
Religious story about a soul released from hell.
p. 68b–p. 68b
[Danklied einer erlösten Seele] Incipit: ‘Bendacht fora n-irnaigthi’
Poem (9 stanzas) attributed to the spirit released from hell
p. 68b.40–p. 68b
“Account of the royal road of Alexander the Great” (source: Abbott)
p. 68b–p. 68b
A memorandum / colophon for which Macalister offers the following transcription: In geimread do gab Donnchad o Ceindead i(n)d airdeaspog Caisil a tige, do sgribad so a tig Meic an Gabann an uramaig: Ben(n)acht do.(1)n. 1 R. A. S. Macalister, Lebor gabála Érenn: The book of the taking of Ireland, vol. 3 (1937): 199. In other words, the note states that it (?) was written during a certain winter when Donnchad Ó Ceindead (O’Kennedy) became archbishop of Cashel, and that this occurred ‘in the house of Cian mac an Gabann in Ormond.’ (Gwynn). Following O'Donovan, Gwynn explains that Donnchad, bishop of Killaloe, was a candidate for the archbishopric of Cashel, but in 1237 was denied the honour in favour of David mac Cellaig (Gwynn).
scribal addition x
p. 69b.35–p. 70
Homily on Michael the Archangel. Ends imperfect.