The catalogue description singles out the following items:
No text identified: it may await identification in a dedicated catalogue entry, the entry may exist but no link has yet been made, or it was not felt to be sufficiently relevant.
“Notes on the number nine in folklore, etc.”
The Book of Lecan version of Synod of Saighir in Irish and English
from the Book of Lecan, f. 34
“Duald Mac Firbis on the wife of Eochaidh Muidhmedhon: Irish and English.”
“Extract from Leabhar na hUidhri on the death of Loegaire: Irish and English.”
“Extract from Mac Firbis’ Book of Pedigrees: Irish and English, by Hennessy.”
“Celebrated women of Ireland, from the Book of Lecan, 184-189.”
“Miscellaneous notes and letters (some by Hennessy), relating to Irish matters; notes on names, etc.”