Ríagol Ailbi Imlecha ‘The rule of Ailbe of Emly’
verse beg. Apair dam fri mac Saráin

  • Old Irish
  • verse
  • Irish religious texts
Old Irish monastic rule in metrical form.
Ríagol Ailbi Imlecha
‘The rule of Ailbe of Emly’
“In the three MSS which contain the beginning of our Rule, it is headed Riagol ailbi Imlecha oc tinchosc Eogain mic Sarain” (O Neill, p. 95).
First words (verse)
  • Apair dam fri mac Saráin
  • Old Irish
  • “The language of the Rule is Old Irish, though it contains a few Middle-Irish forms, such as gebes v. 1, geba v. 10, and the monosyllabic cóir v. 31 a, which are all fixed by the rhyme; the Middle-Irish plural mugada in 39 a is such a late form that it seems to point to some corruption in the text” (O Neill, p. 93).
verse (primary)
“7 + 72, with a disyllabic ending in the first part of the line [...]” (O Neill).
    Number of stanzas: 56
    Textual relationships
    (Possible) sources: Hymnum sancti Hilarii de ChristoHymnum sancti Hilarii de Christo

    An early metrical Latin hymn (35 qq) on the life of Christ, written in trochaic tetrameter and attributed to St Hilary (fl. 4th century). The text is attested in a 7th-century Irish manuscript, the Bangor antiphoner, and became one of the most popular hymns in medieval Ireland.


    Irish religious textsIrish religious texts


    Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

    [crit. ed.] [tr.] OʼNeill, Joseph, “The rule of Ailbe of Emly”, Ériu 3 (1907): 92–115.
    Internet Archive: <link>
    Critical edition, with English translation, introduction and notes.
    C. A., Dennis Groenewegen
    Page created
    May 2016, last updated: January 2024