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Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, MS NKS 261b

  • Irish
  • s. xvi
  • Irish manuscripts
Manuscript fragment (6 folios) which originally formed part of what is now BL, Egerton 88.
Collection: Den nye kongelige samling
NKS 261b
early Irish legal texts
Contains legal materials (Cáin Aicillne)
Provenance and related aspects
Belongs to historical MS:
s. xvi
16th century
Hands, scribes


Primary sources This section typically includes references to diplomatic editions, facsimiles and photographic reproductions, notably digital image archives, of at least a major portion of the manuscript. For editions of individual texts, see their separate entries.

[dipl. ed.] Binchy, D. A. [ed.], Corpus iuris Hibernici, 7 vols, vol. 6, Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1978.  

Numbered pp. 1926–2343; diplomatic edition of legal material from: Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1336 (continued) -- Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1387 -- Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1308 --  London, British Library, MS Additional 4783 --  London, British Library, MS Nero A 7 --  Copenhagen, Det Kongelige Bibliotek, MS NKS 261b --  Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 3 --  Dublin, National Library of Ireland, MS G 11 --  Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS C i 2 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS 1318/16 --  Dublin, Trinity College, MS E 3. 3.

2233–2254 Diplomatic edition of legal material.
[dig. img.] OʼBrien, Anne-Marie, and Pádraig Ó Macháin, Irish Script on Screen (ISOS) – Meamrám Páipéar Ríomhaire, Online: School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 1999–present. URL: <>.
[dig. img.] Det Kongelige Bibliotek website, Online: Det Kongelige Bibliotek, ...–present. URL: <>.
Digital images. direct link
[ed.] Stokes, Whitley, “On the Copenhagen fragments of the Brehon laws”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 4 (1903): 221–233.
Internet Archive: <link>
Legal material.

Secondary sources (select)

OʼSullivan, William, “The Book of Domhnall Ó Duibhdábhoireann: provenance and codicology”, Celtica 23 (1999): 276–299.
Smith, Roland M., “On the unidentified passages in the Copenhagen fragment”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 19 (1933): 111–116.
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
May 2011, last updated: December 2022