
The petition ‘Save the Bachelor Celtic’ has closed with as many as 7227 signatures!

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Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Peniarth MS 14 Unit: pp. 101-195

  • Welsh
  • s. xiv1
  • distinct manuscript
  • Welsh manuscripts
  • parchment
Welsh narrative literature religious literature
Provenance and related aspects
s. xiv1
Hands, scribes
Codicological information
UnitCodicological unit. Indicates whether the entry describes a single leaf, a distinct or composite manuscript, etc.
distinct manuscript
The list below has been collated from the table of contents, if available on this page,Progress in this area is being made piecemeal. Full and partial tables of contents are available for a small number of manuscripts. and incoming annotations for individual texts (again, if available).Whenever catalogue entries about texts are annotated with information about particular manuscript witnesses, these manuscripts can be queried for the texts that are linked to them.


See also the parent manuscript for further references.

Primary sources This section typically includes references to diplomatic editions, facsimiles and photographic reproductions, notably digital image archives, of at least a major portion of the manuscript. For editions of individual texts, see their separate entries.

[dig. img.] National Library of Wales, National Library of Wales: archives and manuscripts, Online: NLW, ?–present. URL: <>. 
Previously Digital Mirror / Drych Digidol (, later, the digital library of the National Library of Wales gives access to digitised manuscripts, printed works, archival materials and other media.
[dipl. ed.] Thomas, Peter Wynn [ed.], D. Mark Smith, and Diana Luft [transcribers and encoders], Welsh prose (Rhyddiaith Gymraeg) 1300–1425, Online: Cardiff University, 2007–present. URL: <>.

Secondary sources (select)

Evans, J. Gwenogvryn, Report on manuscripts in the Welsh language, vol. 1.2: Peniarth, Historical Manuscripts Commission, London, 1899.
Internet Archive: <link>
325, 332–334
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
March 2022, last updated: October 2022