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Ó Háinle, Cathal, “Dealg draighin, dealg airgid/óir”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 41–52.
Levin, Feliks, “Representation of the tales of the Ulster cycle in Foras feasa ar Éirinn: organisation of discourse and contexts”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 1–25.

This article examines the patterns of history-writing in Geoffrey Keating’s retellings of the tales from the Ulster cycle in Foras Feasa ar Éirinn. The study illustrates how Keating’s familiarity with Irish medieval sources, his clerical education, which placed considerable emphasis on rhetoric, and his awareness of the English and continental traditions of history-writing, influenced the composition of the fragment of Foras Feasa ar Éirinn dedicated to the tales from the Ulster cycle. The author shows that in this fragment Keating tended to apply native narrative strategies more. As regards authorial intentions, Keating used the selected tales from the Ulster cycle as exempla of sin and its drastic consequences, which may explain his particular interest in the death tales.

Murray, Kevin, “Córus bésgnai: a window on the medieval Irish church [Review artcle]”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 135–143.
Hoyne, Mícheál, “The assassination of Mág Raghnaill and the capture of his ship in 1502”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 53–66.

This article presents an edition and translation of a short memorandum found in RIA MS 23 N 29 (Cat. 467). The text records the assassination of Mág Raghnaill, chief of Muintear Eólais, by rival members of his family on Easter Sunday 1502, and describes the assassins’ journey from Lough Ree to Lough Key with the slain chief’s ship.

Walsh, Brendan, “Irish schools, republicanism and World War One: remembrance and memory making”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 67–87.
Pettit, Edward, “Corieltauvian ‘boar horse’ coin iconography as a precursor of medieval Celtic boar myths”, Studia Hibernica 46 (2020): 27–39.

This article suggests that an iconographic design found on early instances of a series of Iron Age British coins may foreshadow medieval Celtic myths about fantastic boar. Parallels are drawn with traditions about Balar’s boar, Cú Chulainn and Formáel’s boar, and with the Welsh episode of Menw and Twrch Trwyth.

Downey, Clodagh, “Rumann mac Colmáin, poeta optimus: life and work”, Studia Hibernica 45 (2019): 1–17.
Rumann mac Colmáin, whose death in 747 is recorded in the Annals of Ulster, was clearly a poet of great stature. He is called poeta optimus in his death notice, and if this is a Latin rendering of ollam filed (as suggested by F. J. Byrne), then this is the first reference to a secular poet’s office in the annals. Rumann’s fame and significance as a poet may also be inferred from the name of a metre, ollbairdne Rumainn recomarcach, which seems to have been named for him. Our sources connect Rumann with Trim, in present-day Co. Meath, and some poetry still survives that is ascribed to him. In this article, the available evidence relating to Rumann’s life will be gathered and relevant historical factors will be considered with a view to ascertaining what connections Rumann may have had to political affairs. All surviving verse ascribed to Rumann that I have been able to discover will be presented and the question of authorship of that verse will be examined, taking linguistic, metrical and historical factors into consideration.
Hayden, Deborah, “Attribution and authority in a medieval Irish medical compendium”, Studia Hibernica 45 (2019): 19–51.
This contribution will examine some aspects of an unpublished Irish medical compendium that consists mainly of herbal prescriptions for various ailments, broadly arranged in the a capite ad calcem order typical of medical treatises from both the early and later medieval periods. The collection in question is remarkable for the fact that it includes several recipes cast in verse form, as well as a number of charms, the latter of which have received the bulk of the very limited scholarly attention that has thus far been devoted to the text. An equally noteworthy aspect of this compendium is that it contains a relative paucity of references to the standard medical authorities of the university curriculum, a feature that sets it apart from many other medieval Irish translations of, or commentaries on, Latin medical texts. Particularly striking is the fact that, of the comparatively small number of references to medical authorities that do occur in the compendium, the majority invoke the Irish healer Dían Cécht and other figures of the mythological race known as the Túatha Dé Danann, whose activities are well attested in a range of other medieval Irish textual sources. The following discussion aims to shed light not only on the nature of this compendium as a whole but also on that of vernacular Irish medical writing more widely, by examining the use and context of authoritative citations within the work.
Scott, Brendan, “Bishop William Bedell and the ‘humble petition’ of the Protestant clergy and laity in Cavan, 1633”, Studia Hibernica 45 (2019): 53–67.
The purpose of this article is to discuss and make available two documents written in Cavan in 1633, which detail the complaints made by the Protestant laity and clergy against the imposition of taxation and their fears as to the relaxation of anti-recusancy laws. Whereas in 1629 a petition had been prepared by the people in Cavan in general, and signed both by Catholics and Protestants, the petition discussed and transcribed here (Appendix I) was explicitly one from the Protestant planter community in Cavan. The second document (Appendix II) is a letter by the Church of Ireland bishop, William Bedell. It describes in detail the circumstances which led to the writing of the 1633 petition. Together, both documents afford us a rare insight into the motivations and interests of the Protestant planter community in south Ulster at this time of stress.
Sharpe, Richard, “Further hidden manuscripts”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 129–134.
Levin, Feliks, “Representation of the tales of the Ulster Cycle in Foras feasa ar Éirinn: sources and features of the retellings”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 1–33.
This article deals with the representation of tales of the Ulster Cycle in Foras Feasa ar Éirinn, written by Geoffrey Keating in the seventeenth century. Among the sources of retellings of these stories, the article focuses on that copied in Cambridge McClean MS 187, which may have been the Black Book of Molaga, the hypothetical primary source of the death tales reproduced in Foras Feasa ar Éirinn, of which editors and students of the Ulster Cycle have not been aware. On closer examination it becomes evident that the tales as represented in Keating’s work and McClean 187, as well as other tales included in the Foras, were reworkings of earlier variants of the tales. Keating did not merely copy his primary sources but rather revised them: he either rearranged the plot of the original story or modified it in accordance with his own authorial intentions.
Breatnach, Pádraig A., “Kuno Meyer’s boyhood diaries and the letters to family and friends”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 135–148.
Pettit, Edward, “The bristle of Balar’s boar, Diarmaid’s misstep and the gae bolga: background and analogues”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 35–78.
This article, the third in a series focused on fantastic spears in medieval Irish narrative, aims to shed further light on traditions about, or more or less reminiscent of, Cú Chulainn’s most famous weapon, the gae bolga ‘spear of the bulge’. Its starting point is a tradition, first attested in Scotland in the sixteenth century, that the young hero Diarmaid ó Duibhne died after treading on a monstrous boar’s poisonous dorsal bristle, one compared with a late form of the gae bolga. This bizarre demise is contextualised through examination of a selection of medieval Celtic episodes with comparable elements, principally from the Irish Táin Bó Cúailnge, the Welsh Culhwch ac Olwen and the widespread story of the Cornish warrior Tristan. In the process, previously obscure aspects of these important comparanda are brought into focus.
Ó Cionaith, Finnian, “The anatomy of a map: John Brownrigg’s 1799 Dublin series”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 79–102.
This paper reviews a little-known map series of Dublin produced by surveyor John Brownrigg in 1799. Though frequently referenced and celebrated in modern historical literature of the period, the number of large-scale city plans of Dublin during the eighteenth century was very low. Infrequent levels of urban map revision in pre-Ordnance Survey Ireland meant that civic organisations regularly had to consult cartographic data that was potentially years old. The latter decades of the eighteenth century witnessed substantial changes to Dublin’s urban layout as the city grew. Extensive redevelopment of the streetscape resulted in existing city maps rapidly becoming out of date as new surveys were technically complicated and financially expensive to create. This paper examines Brownrigg’s 1799 map series and explores the reasons for its commission by the Dublin Paving Board, which was responsible for street maintenance in the city at that time. Brownrigg, a leading surveyor and disciple of Rocque’s ‘French School’ of surveying, applied his substantial knowledge of surveying techniques and cartographic style to create a comprehensive and comparatively inexpensive map series of Dublin, which captured the city in the midst of substantial physical change.
Hickey, Brideen, “Edward MacLysaght and the Irish Convention 1917–181”, Studia Hibernica 44 (2018): 103–128.
Edward MacLysaght was a government nominee to the Irish Convention, the body instituted by David Lloyd George in 1917 to bring Irishmen of various political hues together in an attempt to identify a political solution to the ‘Irish question’ in the aftermath of the 1916 Rising. Lysaght was an unexpected choice given his relative youth, lack of political experience and limited knowledge of Ireland. In addition, he was regarded as the unofficial representative of Sinn Féin, which refused to participate in the Convention. Viewed through the lens of Lysaght’s involvement, this article examines the Convention and considers the role played by this English-born exponent of radical nationalism.
Sharpe, Richard, “Destruction of Irish manuscripts and the National Board of Education”, Studia Hibernica 43 (2017): 95–116.
BL MS Add. 40767 is a nineteenth-century copy of Richard Plunket’s ‘Rugadh Pádraig’, thrown out with other manuscripts by its owner’s descendants in 1899 and rescued by a visitor from Liverpool, who showed four fragments to Kuno Meyer. Meyer wrote to Douglas Hyde, and Hyde wrote to the newspapers, using the episode to castigate the board of intermediate education, which he blamed for the ignorance of Irish language and literature that lay behind such destruction. He was much engaged in an argument over Irish in schools, but here he brings the preservation of modern vernacular manuscripts into the discussion. He shows himself well aware of the important collections in the Royal Irish Academy, but he is at the same time critical of the Academy, whether in line with external prejudice or in the hope of inducing greater effort. Saving manuscripts was not high on the agenda of the Gaelic League, and, though Hyde was himself a collector, he offered no remedy for the loss of manuscripts other than a revival of the use of Irish.
Harrison, Stephen H., “The Vikings in Ireland and beyond new research and new directions? [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 43 (2017): 127–136.
Wolf, Nicholas M., “Historical and linguistic research on the Irish language [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 43 (2017): 117–125.
Smith, Peter, “An historical tract in Irish relating to the confederate wars in Ireland”, Studia Hibernica 43 (2017): 25–52.
The hitherto unpublished historical tract which is presented here was written by a Fermanagh scholar called Conchabhar Ó Luinín during the period c. 1652–1700. It affords us a unique insight into Irish feelings about the Confederate Wars in Ireland. Ó Luinín shares with us his personal reflections on the campaign in the first section of the tract before proceeding to list in the subsequent sections the battles fought and the names of the eminent Irish soldiers killed in combat. The text has survived in fragmentary form among the O’Conor Papers and is preserved in Dublin, Royal Irish Academy B i 1a (Catalogue Number 1078).
Swift, Catherine, “An investigation of the word oireachtas in modern and medieval Ireland and its economic role in earlier periods”, Studia Hibernica 43 (2017): 1–24.
Oireachtas is a later medieval Irish word which seems to evolve from earlier terms such as airecht but which was chosen as the most appropriate word for the legislature of a newly independent Ireland at a time when Irish society was expressing a considerable interest in its ancestral roots and in an ethnic identity expressed by use of Irish terminology. This paper explores the evidence for the submission of agricultural renders to higher political authorities at such assemblies and their ultimate redistribution across both higher and lower levels in Irish society. It is argued that there is little or no evidence for the presence of large numbers of craftsmen engaged in creating goods for sale (as occurred, for example, in Norse market assemblies) at a medieval Irish oireachtas. It is, however, clear that political and legislative assemblies, concerned with political submission, judicial penalties and the material wealth generated by both, were a key element in encouraging the circulation of goods in the medieval Irish economy and that such assemblies could but did not necessarily take place in the immediate vicinity of fortified urban settlements. This has implications for our understanding of medieval Irish trade, of the organisation of manufacture and of the role of towns in Irish-speaking society from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries.
Ó Cróinín, Dáibhí, “Letters of Kuno Meyer to Douglas Hyde, 1896–1919”, Studia Hibernica 42 (2016): 1–64.

No single individual did more to ‘make Irish respectable’ in the decades before and after 1900 than the great German scholar Kuno Meyer. But while Meyer’s tireless activities as an editor and translator of Irish texts and as a populariser of ancient Irish literature has long been documented, less is known about his activities ‘behind the scenes’. A newly discovered cache of letters and postcards that Meyer sent to Douglas Hyde during the years 1898–1919 now reveals the full extent of that background activity and the extraordinary level of encouragement and support that he gave to the movement to establish a ‘native school’ of Irish scholars, culminating in the establishment (in 1903) of the School of Irish Learning in Dublin.

Pettit, Edward, “Three variations on the theme of the dog-headed spear in medieval Irish: Celtchar’s lúin, Conall Cernach’s Derg Drúchtach, Lugaid’s flesc”, Studia Hibernica 42 (2016): 65–96.

This article seeks to show that aspects of the late-attested myth of the origin of Cú Chulainn’s gae bolga ‘spear of the bulge’ illuminate medieval descriptions of another remarkable spear, an extraordinary horse that acts like a spear, and a divinatory rod wielded by a spearman: respectively, the lúin of Celtchar mac Uthechair, the Derg Drúchtach of Conall Cernach, and the flesc of a poet called Lugaid. This finding helps to demonstrate the essential integrity of what might otherwise seem arbitrarily fanciful passages in Mesca Ulad ‘The intoxication of the Ulstermen’, Brislech mór Maige Muirthemni ‘The great rout of Murthemne’ and Sanas Cormaic ‘Cormac’s glossary’. Also included in a footnote is a suggested solution to a crux in Lebor gabála Érenn ‘The book of invasions of Ireland’ concerning Lug’s gae Assail ‘spear of Assal’.

Titley, Alan, “The universal Irish [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 42 (2016): 141–148.
Poppe, Erich, “Lucan’s Bellum civile in Ireland: structure and sources”, Studia Hibernica 42 (2016): 97–120.

In Cath Catharda, the adaption of Lucan’s verse epic Bellum Civile, is a hitherto little explored example of a medieval Irish translation of a classical text. This paper explores some aspects of its structure and its employment of sources, in particular its bipartite narrative architecture and its teleology, its use of medieval explicative scholia on Lucan’s text, and the format and the sources of its historiographical introduction. It is suggested that this introduction’s section on Roman history and political organisation derives from a source that is also reflected in a similar passage in the Old Icelandic Rómverja saga.

Ó Cathaoir, Brendan, “The Fenian raids on Canada: a postscript to Irish involvement in the American Civil War”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 109–132.
Doyle, Aidan, “The ‘decline’ of the Irish language in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: a new interpretation [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 165–176.
Sharpe, Richard, “Medieval manuscripts found at Bonamargy friary and other hidden manuscripts”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 49–85.
The well-documented story that four manuscripts were found during building work in the ruins of Bonamargy friary in or before 1822 is tested and found not to fit the assumptions that have been brought to it. The books could not have been old Franciscan books, hidden by the friars, and it is not even apparent that they were deliberately hidden. Other manuscripts now known have stories about their hiding or their discovery, and some are patently false, others become doubtful when probed, such that the idea of deliberate hiding of manuscripts is scarcely credible. The Book of Lismore was found, neglected, it appears, in Lismore castle. The Domnach Airgid was, apparently hidden as a relic and retrieved soon afterwards at the time of the Williamite war. The Book of Dimma was never hidden, and the manuscripts at Cong may have been lost long before the story told about them. The finding of the Stowe Missal in an old wall is a story not attested before Eugene O’Curry (1841), who had shortly before worked on the Book of Lismore. The Bonamargy books remain unexplained.
Wooding, Jonathan M., “Irish manuscripts in facsimile: The Schaffhausen Adomnán [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 177–188.
Pettit, Edward, “Cú Chulainn’s gae bolga — from harpoon to stingray-spear?”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 9–48.
Rees, Gordon, “‘The most miserable scene of universal distress’: Irish pamphleteers and the subsistence crisis of the early 1740s”, Studia Hibernica 41 (2015): 87–108.
Gillespie, Raymond, “Scribes and manuscripts in Gaelic Ireland, 1400-1700”, Studia Hibernica 40 (2014): 9–34.
McInerney, Luke, “A fourteenth-century poem on the Meic Conmara lords of Clann Chuiléin”, Studia Hibernica 40 (2014): 35–70.
Caball, Marc, and Benjamin Hazard, “Dynamism and decline: translating Keating’s Foras Feasa ar Éirinn in the seventeenth century”, Studia Hibernica 39 (2013): 49–70.
Nic Mhathúna, Deirdre, “Convention and innovation in the poetry of Piaras Feiritéar”, Studia Hibernica 39 (2013): 71–86.
Hazard, Benjamin, “Luke Wadding and the breviary of Urban VIII: a study of the book trade between Rome, the Low Countries and the Spanish empire”, Studia Hibernica 39 (2013): 87–102.
Sayers, William, “The cult of the sacred centre [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 39 (2013): 155–170.
Boyle, Elizabeth, “Lay morality, clerical immorality, and pilgrimage in tenth-century Ireland: Cethrur macclérech and Epscop do Gáedelaib”, Studia Hibernica 39 (2013): 9–48.
Ó Coigligh, Ciarán, “Léargas ar logainmneacha Inis Meáin i gcomhthéacs logainmneacha na hÉireann”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 217–238.
Caball, Marc, “Culture, continuity and change in early seventeenth-century south-west Munster”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 37–56.
Mac Gearailt, Uáitéar, “Middle Irish archaisms in Early Modern Irish prose”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 57–116.
Smith, Peter, “An early eighteenth-century Ó Néill poem-book”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 117–140.
OʼShea, Sinead, and Ruth McManus, “Upper Buckingham Street: a microcosm of Dublin, 1788-2012”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 141–180.
Young, Simon, “Fairy impostors in County Longford in the Great Famine”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 181–200.
Nic Eoin, Máirín, “From childhood vulnerability to adolescent delinquency: literary sources for the history of childhood in medieval Ireland”, Studia Hibernica 38 (2012): 9–36.
Ó Macháin, Pádraig, “Fr Patrick Meany and the Dr Keating Society, 1860–1865”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 163–194.
Wooding, Jonathan M., “The date of Nauigatio S. Brendani abbatis”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 9–26.
Mac Eoin, Gearóid, “Mar a bunaíodh Studia Hibernica, 1959-1961”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 211–214.
Kelly, James, “‘Disappointing the boundless ambition of France’: Irish Protestants and the fear of invasion, 1661-1815”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 27–106.
Etchingham, Colmán, “The ‘reform’ of the Irish church in the eleventh and twelfth centuries [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 215–238.
Mac Mathúna, Liam, “Tadhg Ó Neachtain agus comhfhreagras cairdis, mí Feabhra 1726”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 107–120.
Ó Háinle, Cathal, “Keeping faith with the past: Philip O’Leary’s survey of Gaelic prose, 1940-1951 [Review article]”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 239–250.
Whelton, Marie, “Nature as listener and consoler in post-classical Irish poetry”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 121–132.
Smith, Peter, “A Dhísirt Uí Thuaithchill, mo chruadh-chréachtsa: an early eighteenth-century poem from Derry”, Studia Hibernica 37 (2011): 133–162.
McNamara, Conor, “A tenants’ league or a shopkeepers’ league? Urban protest and the town tenants’ association in the west of Ireland, 1909-1918”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 135–160.
Ó Murchú, Máirtín, “The Norwegian scholars I knew”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 161–178.
Stout, Matthew, “Medieval Dublin [review article]”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 179–196.
Herity, Michael, “Whitley Stokes’s correspondence with John O’Donovan, 1857-1861”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 9–89.
Mandle, W. F., “Writing sports history: the case of the GAA [review article]”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 197–204.
Hazard, Benjamin, “Flaithrí Ó Maol Chonaire agus an toradh ar na héilimh ar idirghabháil nua mhíleata in Éirinn, 1602-07”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 91–104.
Ní Mhunghaile, Meidhbhín, “An dearcadh a léirítear ar fheidhmiú an dlí in Éirinn i bhfoinsí Gaeilge ón 18ú agus 19ú haois”, Studia Hibernica 36 (2009–2010): 105–134.
Powell, Martin J., “[Review article:] Reporting the Irish House of Lords in the late eighteenth century”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 187–193.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “Muirgheas Ó Maoilchonaire of Cluain Plocáin: an early sixteenth-century Connacht scribe at work”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 17–43.
Maguire, Martin, “Harry Nicholls & Kathleen Emerson: Protestant rebels”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 147–165.
Ó Dálaigh, Brian, “The Uí Mhaoilchonaire of Thomond”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 45–68.
Ó Buachalla, Breandán, “Seachadadh na filíochta”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 69–97.
Kelly, James, “‘Drinking the waters’: balneotherapeutic medicine in Ireland, 1660-1850”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 99–146.
Crooks, Peter, “[Review article:] Medieval Ireland and the wider world”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 167–186.
Haggart, Craig, “Some comments on the date of compilation of the Apgitir chrábaid”, Studia Hibernica 35 (2008–2009): 9–15.
Mac Gearailt, Uáitéar, “The making of Fingal Rónáin”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 63–84.
Ó Crualaoich, Conchubhar, “Some evidence in Tudor Fiants, calendar of patent rolls and Inquisitions for Irish among families of Anglo-Norman descent in county Wexford between 1540 and 1640”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 85–110.
Woods, David, “St. Patrick and the ‘sun’ (Conf. 20)”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 9–16.
Haggart, Craig, “The céli Dé and the early medieval Irish church: a reassessment”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 17–62.
Ó Dálaigh, Brian, “Mícheál Coimín: jacobite, protestant and Gaelic poet 1676–1760”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 123–150.
Ó Dúshláine, Tadhg, “Fasciculus morum: foinse chomónta do phrós cráifeach na Gaeilge sa 17ú haois?”, Studia Hibernica 34 (2006–2007): 111–122.
Haggart, Craig, “Feidlimid mac Crimthainn and the óentu Maíle Ruain”, Studia Hibernica 33 (2004–2005): 29–59.
Cunningham, Bernadette, and Raymond Gillespie, “James Ussher and his Irish manuscripts”, Studia Hibernica 33 (2004): 81–99.
Keogh, Raymond M., “Patrick and the Prosper connection”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 7–34.
Moran, Gerard, “‘Near famine’: the Roman Catholic Church and the subsistence crisis of 1879–82”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 155–177.
Ryan, Salvador, “The persuasive power of a mother’s breast: the most desperate act of the Virgin Mary’s advocacy”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 59–74.
Ní Úrdail, Meidhbhín, “Seachadadh agus seachadóirí téacsaí san ochtú agus sa naoú céad déag”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 75–98.
Haggart, Craig, “Abbatial contention in Armagh in the eighth and ninth centuries: the Comarbada Pátraic as a source”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002–2003): 35–58.
Byrnes, Gregory, “The linguistic work of Michael Sheehan”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 179–185.
Ó Buachalla, Breandán, “Ceol na filíochta”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 99–132.
Bielenberg, Andy, “Late Victorian elite formation and philanthropy: the making of Edward Guinness”, Studia Hibernica 32 (2002, 2002–2003): 133–154.
Mac Gearailt, Uáitéar, “Togail Troí: an example of translating and editing in medieval Ireland”, Studia Hibernica 31 (2000–2001): 71–85.
Mac Cuarta, Brian, “A settler’s land disputes in a Gaelic lordship: Matthew De Renzy in Delvin Mac Coghlan, 1613-18”, Studia Hibernica 30 (1998–1999): 63–88.
Poppe, Erich, “A note on the jester in Fingal Rónáin”, Studia Hibernica 27 (1993): 145–154.
Ó Coileáin, Seán, “Place and placename in fianaigheacht”, Studia Hibernica 27 (1993): 45–60.
Ó Canann, Tomás G., “Aspects of an early Irish surname: Ua Canannáin”, Studia Hibernica 27 (1993): 113–144.
Smith, Brendan, “The De Pitchford family in thirteenth-century Ireland”, Studia Hibernica 27 (1993): 29–43.
de Barra, Séamas, “Pairlement Chloinne Tomáis: léirmhíniú, dátaí, agus údar”, Studia Hibernica 26 (1991–1992): 107–146.
Mac Gearailt, Uáitéar, “The language of some late Middle Irish texts in the Book of Leinster”, Studia Hibernica 26 (1991–1992): 167–216.
Ó Buachalla, Breandán, “Seacaibíteachas Thaidhg Uí Neachtain”, Studia Hibernica 26 (1991–1992): 31–64.
– scribal texts edited from multiple manuscripts: <link>
Ó Conchubhair, Micheál P. S., “Uisce beatha”, Studia Hibernica 25 (1990): 49–75.
Titley, Alan, “An breithiúnas ar Cúirt an nheán-oíche”, Studia Hibernica 25 (1990): 105–133.
Appleby, J. C., “Settlers and pirates in early seventeenth-century Ireland: a profile of Sir William Hill”, Studia Hibernica 25 (1990): 76–104.
Leerssen, Joep, “Archbishop Ussher and Gaelic culture”, Studia Hibernica 22–23 (1982–1983): 50–58.
Mac Mathúna, Liam, “Review: Études Celtiques. Volume XVI: 1979 [Review of: Études Celtiques 16 (1979).]”, Studia Hibernica 20 (1980): 191–197.
Currie, E. Austin, “Landscape development in South Derry in the eighteenth century”, Studia Hibernica 19 (1979): 78–101.
Mooney, Christopher A. M., “Donagh O'Daly, O.S.M., 1600c-1664: a forgotten Irish figure of the Counter-Reformation in Austria and Bohemia”, Studia Hibernica 19 (1979): 7–25.

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